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Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Ithaca! The spring semester is getting underway this week. Our students are once again enduring the realities and restrictions of life with Covid. Group gatherings are currently discouraged and while students are on campus, all classes at Cornell are being taken remotely for the first two weeks of the semester. We are, however, hopeful that things will open up soon. We have been holding weekly CU Vita student leadership meetings via Zoom for the past two weeks, and we will meet again this coming Thursday night. We have been reconnecting and praying together, and fine-tuning our plans for the semester ahead, some of which I will describe in the following prayer requests.

Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Hello from Hanover! As many of you know, the Dartmouth academic calendar is different than most schools. Winter term classes began on January 4th so we are well underway with life and ministry. The start of a new year and a new term always bring renewed energy and enthusiasm. It’s always a delight to have the campus filled with students and bursting with activity. The rhythms of Bible courses, daily prayer, social events, Leadership Lecture Series, and one-on-one mentorship are well established and are serving to challenge and encourage the students this term. Join me in praying for these items:

Robb ’70 Inspires CU Lux with Message of Revival

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer

When Isaiah sees the glory of the Lord, his magnitude and power as just the hem of his garment filled the temple, he fell to his knees saying, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips.” (Isaiah 6)

"Jesus Stood Up for Children"

The killing of babies has had a place in our world for centuries. From abandoning newborns with deformities to killing female babies, each culture has had its own reasons for ignoring their personhood and allowing for lives to be discarded. Even today, in nations like India and China, female babies are regularly aborted or killed in favor of males, leaving a drastic gender gap in the population. 

Participants Share Powerful Testimonies

By Chuck Hetzler, Director of CU Day & Night


God has a word for every nation. That’s why 4,500 American Christians joined Christian Union Day and Night’s fourteen-day fast on January 3-16, 2022. 

It is tradition for a group of Princeton football players to kneel in prayer prior to each game. The Tigers emerge from the tunnel and head to the end zone, where they reverently bow their heads.

Football Players Huddle Up for Christian Union Bible Course


Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in Fall 2019.   

“Don’t Stop Pressing In!”

By Jacob Hawkins, Harvard Kennedy School ’20

About a year ago, my mom asked me, “When did it all change for you?” Without thinking, the answer was clear. “When I started to read my Bible every day,” I responded. 

Matthew 22 Evangelism Walks Invigorate CU Libertas

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer

Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests. - Matthew 22:8-10

Institution Seeks to Foster 'Dynamic Conversations'

In November, a group of notable professors banded together to launch an ambitious project: the founding of a new university that would be built on the constitutional, American right to free speech. Citing academia’s growing problem with cancel culture for both professors and students who dare to voice unpopular opinions, the University of Austin aims to be an institution that fosters dynamic conversations around controversial topics, welcoming and creating a space for argument and dissent from cultural narratives in hopes of retrieving what much of American academia has lost: true freedom of speech. 

The Complicated Dynamics of Faith and Works

The relationship between one's faith and the works that flow from that faith has always been complex. Oftentimes, the two seem to create one of the many paradoxes of faith; we are saved by our faith alone, not our works, and yet our works demonstrate our faith and we must have them.

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