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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.
Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Since the last update, we have closed out our Freshman Welcoming Campaign. Throughout the campaign, we were blessed to have had 100+ meaningful interactions with freshmen, and 35+ of whom were interested in our Bible courses. To close out our Freshman Welcoming Campaign, we were able to host a Fall Retreat where 34 students came to build closer relationships, grow deeper in their faith, and be challenged to live for Christ in greater boldness.

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

God is at Yale. The Bible calls them signs; our students call them God sightings—everyday moments that remind us of God’s character. We think of them as events that cause us to give praise to God. Some are “wow” moments, and others are small in nature.

At CU Lux, we practice sharing God sightings during weekly gatherings in small and large groups or in one-on-one meetings. There’s never an awkward silence. God is seen in action all the time. Students testify that He is the I AM, the one who is present with his people at Yale:

Dear Christian Union New York Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Christian Union NY praises God for those who heeded the call to pray each day of the month of September specifically for Christian and secular leaders in New York!

Here is a testimony from a friend of the ministry, Candy Rice, describing some specific ways the Holy Spirit was leading her to pray! Hallelujah to the Great Shepherd who still speaks through His Spirit to those whom He knows, and whose sheep hear His voice and follow Him (John 10:27).

Harvard Alumna Thankful for Cornerstone Partners Bible Study

By Alexandra Tartaglia, Harvard ’17

It was January of 2021, and I had been living at my parents’ house in my hometown of Rye, New York. I was completing my final semester of law school virtually, as the Fordham University School of Law campus was closed because of the pandemic.

Repentance Was the Focus for Recent CU Day and Night Fast

By Dr. Chuck Hetzler

In the last two weeks of August, 3,884 believers from across the United States prayed, repented, and cried out to the Lord when they participated in CU Day and Night’s “Return to Me” fast.

Seeking God Lifestyle

Free Offer: Get the "Seeking God Lifestyle" Bible Course Manual. Download this 67-page, 5-lesson course in PDF format. Please email: Andy.Woodard@christianunion.org.

Hope for Restless Souls

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you. — Psalm 63:1

What does it mean to “earnestly” seek the Lord? According to Oxford Languages, the adverb earnestly means “with sincere and intense conviction; seriously.”

New Minsitry Fellow Excited About Fall Campaign

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

Sheri Casali, a new Christian Union ministry fellow, is especially passionate about discipleship. As the fall semester begins for CU Libertas, she is filled with hope and excitement when she considers the potential impact of mentoring students at such a prominent university like Brown.

'Our Nation Needs Leaders Who Follow the Example of Christ' 

By Hope Arbery

In the book of Mark, there is a story about a paralytic man. After hearing about the powerful works of Jesus, his friends literally carried him to Jesus because they wanted him to be healed. They overcame every obstacle so that they might bring their friend to the only one who could save him. 

A Christian Union Virtual Forum held on September 21, 2021

Social critic and author Os Guinness wove together Scripture, history, and a nuanced, thoughtful assessment of the crisis now facing our country. He began by detailing the history of revolutions and the lessons we can learn from that past. He tackled challenging questions from audience members on a huge range of topics about a world that so often seems to set on disobeying God. Os finished his commentary with a powerful call to all faithful Christians: "Let's make sure that we understand great biblical truths like human dignity and justice, and we are known to be the champions and defenders of the highest views of human justice and freedom that the current world knows."

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