New York City Events
New York's Fall Young Professional Event

Christian Union New York hosted an evening of fellowship and fun for young professionals on Saturday, September 30, 2017.
Christian Union's campus ministries, as well as other young professionals and recent graduates (classes of 2011-2017) to sailed down the Hudson and into New York Harbor on the yacht Manhattan II.
Guests enjoyed snacks, beer, wine, and soft drinks as they got to know other Christians in the city and hear more about what Christian Union has to offer professionals to thrive in the city and engage redemptively in work and culture. This was an opportunity for professionals in New York City to build connections with other Christians while enjoying an evening together on the Hudson River.
For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email
Forum with Phyllis Crosby and Sam Lawson Johnston
Christian Union New York’s kick-off forum for 2018 featured two amazing speakers on the theology of space - what space means for flourishing, for understanding our need for community, and for revitalizing neighborhoods and cities.
New York City Salon with Jay Jakub
On January 23, 2018 Christian Union New York gathered for our second salon of 2018 to hear from Jay Jakub, published author and Director of External Research at Mars Catalyst.
Forum with Os Guinness
Thank you for joining us for the forum featuring Os Guinness, where he explored the topic "The Reformation at 500: The Forgotten Secret of American Freedom." (1:10:41)For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email
Salon with Ken Fish (Part 1)
Thank you for joining us on February 15th when CU New York was honored to host a salon with Ken Fish that explored why the Kingdom of God remains as relevant of a message in our day as it was in the time of Jesus.
Salon with Ken Fish (Part 2)
Christian Union New York was delighted to welcome Ken Fish for a second salon on February 20th titled, "Supernatural Christianity: What Is It? How Do I Live It?"
CU New York Salon with Paul Horrocks
Christian Union New York was delighted to welcome Paul Horrocks for a salon on March 6, 2018 titled, "Excellence in Technology: Leveraging Prayer and Biblical Examples to Build Great Products.
This salon explored how Christians working in technology can use the power of the Holy Spirit to help them excel in building great products. Paul discussed how his faith has impacted his ability to build software for a heavily regulated industry and highlight how Joseph and Nehemiah leveraged their faith to excel in difficult circumstances.
Faith in Giving: A Paradigm Shift for the City
Christian Union New York was delighted to welcome Jeff Smith for a salon on March 29, 2018 titled, "Faith in Giving: A Paradigm Shift for the City."
A Journey of Generosity
Christian Union New York was delighted to partner with Generous Giving to host a Journey of Generosity on April 7th, 2018.
Christian Union New York Prayer Gathering
A Call for Prayer Revival
On May 9, 2018, Christian Union New York gathered graduate students and professionals in New York City for an hour of prayer. The prayer time was led by Pastor Dimas Salaberrios, Bill Hwang, Matt Bennett and Eric Metaxas.
Tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Led by Dr. Stamenka Antonova
Christian Union New York hosted salon tours of the Met on May 25 and June 1, 2018 titled, "The Cradle of Early Christianity: Ancient Mediterranean Culture and Religious Art at the Met."
Dr. Stamenka Antonova shared rich insight into the museum's ancient exhibits. Professionals and graduate students in New York connected with fellow Christians during an evening of lively conversation and learning.
Christian Union New York’s Second Annual Fall Kick-Off Cruise
Saturday, September 29, 2018
New York City, New YorkOver fifty recent graduates and young professionals crowded onto the Manhattan II yacht for a wonderful night of fellowship facilitated by “CU Mingle Bingo” (both an icebreaker and tongue-twister in one), delicious appetizers, and perfect fall weather.

Habits of Purpose in an Age of Distraction
Salon with Justin Whitmel Earley
By Matt Allen
Christian Union New York was delighted to host Justin Whitmel Earley on November 13, 2018, for the first of two salons that he is leading this month. Salons can typically accomodate up to 20 participants. This event was hugely popular, with twenty-five in attendance and many more on the waitlist. Graduate students and professionals gathered to learn about the topic, "Habits of Purpose in an Age of Distraction."

To Change the World
Salon with James Davison Hunter
By Scott Crosby
The social analysis and theory of culture contained within James Davison Hunter’s book To Change The World comprises much of the academic foundation upon which Christian Union New York’s mission is built. Being so heavily informed by this work, CU New York was excited to host a breakfast discussion on To Change The World at the Union League Club on Friday, October 26, 2018. Over twenty of CU New York’s young professionals were in attendance.
The Fall of the Household
Salon with Aaron Renn
Christian Union New York hosted a salon titled, "The Fall of the Household" on December 4, 2018. Aaron Renn discussed the challenges posed to the family and the church by the changing nature and function of the household.
The New Frontier of Mission
Salon with Mark Reynolds
On Thursday January 17, Christian Union New York welcomed over thirty guests to hear Mark Reynolds (of Redeemer City to City) teach on church planting in global cities. Through a Salon entitled The New Frontier of Mission, Reynolds outlined effective ways for Church planters and Christian leaders to engage the city around them, along with advice on how to avoid common pitfalls.The central point of the discussion focused on what Reynolds described as the “Two-Cities” theory.

As outlined in a simple diagram Reynolds handed out at the start of his talk, the church can often be described as one smaller “second city” within the larger “first city.”
Fasting: Personal Torture or Connection with God?
Salon with Professor Amy Davis Abdallah
On Wednesday February 27, Christian Union New York hosted a salon on the important, though not overly popular, spiritual discipline of fasting. With Lent commencing on March 6, this discussion, led by Professor Amy Davis Abdallah of Nyack College, explored the biblical underpinnings of fasting, best practices, and its connection to Lent. Over thirty attendees were present.
Professor Davis suggested that one way of looking at the Fall is to see it as Adam and Eve breaking a partial fast, choosing a forbidden food over total reliance on God. Jesus then redeemed this wrong at the start of his ministry by successfully fasting, declaring before the tempter that “One does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
How (And How Not) to Watch a Movie
Salon with Caleb Brown
by Matt Allen
Christian Union New York adopted a new format for their latest salon on March 26, 2019, when they invited guest speaker Caleb Brown to speak on the topic How (And How Not) to Watch a Movie. Rather than the usual lecture followed by Q&A format, Brown led a room of nearly thirty attendees through the pilot episode of Downton Abbey, taking regular pauses to point to the expertly crafted use of camera-angles, iconography, and audio that casual viewers (i.e. the majority of us) rarely pick up on. A short but lively discussion followed.
Partial Audio Recording
Biblical Literacy in America
By Matt Allen
On Thursday 18 April, Christian Union New York invited Chuck Stetson to speak on Biblical Literacy. With George Barna’s research showing that only 7 percent of Americans have a biblical worldview (whereby the Bible is the primary resource through which one understands the world), Stetson took the evening to tell his audience what can be done to see that number increase and why this endeavor is so important.