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Christian Union Universities

Dear friends,

It was over twenty-five years ago, but I still remember moving in my freshman year of college and wondering “now what?!”. We just witnessed thousands of first year Cornellians move in last week and by the looks on their faces they’re thinking much the same thing. We’re doing our best to answer their “now what?!” with “come and be a part of our Christ-centered community . . .”.

Dear friends,

As we turn the corner from summer into the fall, we have much to look forward to and, therefore, much to petition the Lord for! Please join us in lifting up these requests for Dartmouth.

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel . . . (Phil. 1:3-5)

I hope this finds you well, trusting in the Lord. I am grateful for our partnership of prayer in the gospel. As I remember you with thanksgiving, I want to give you a few updates to inform your prayers as the new academic year begins.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”  – John 15:5-11

Dear Friends and Family of HCFA,

This will be brief, but only because we stand on the threshold of what is arguably the most important week or two in the academic year. It’s an exciting time. Freshmen are moving in as we speak for orientation activities and forty students are returning to campus early to load a bus for Ottauquechee Farm in Bridgewater, VT. Our primary purpose? To prepare to welcome the class of 2022 with open arms.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I am writing you today, it is a beautiful day in Princeton. The weather is becoming cooler—a clear sign that that summer is coming to a close. Our staff recently returned from our annual “Christian Union Faculty and Staff Conference.” This was a conference for all Christian Union’s ministry faculty as well as our support staff. We had a wonderful, encouraging time of seeking God together through prayer, as well as a time of training and equipping.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Summer Break and our Freshman Campaign is off to an excellent start. We kicked the school year off with our Pre-retreat, for our returning leaders. I have to say it was one of our best retreats to date. The students reunited and had a wonderful time of teaching and training. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.

Dear Prayer Partners,

As I write this update, Clay and the Yale team are in the midst of their pre-retreat with student leaders!  Before classes start, the student leaders and the CU staff come together to reconnect with each other, the Lord, and the mission to reach Yale's campus with the gospel of Christ Jesus.  In particular, they'll be strategically focusing on hospitality and outreach to the first-year students.  Join me in praying that this time would be fruitful in terms of their relationships with each other, the Lord, and in stirring up these leaders to boldly proclaim the Lord and minister to their classmates.

Warm greetings from Palo Alto,

As a novice parent trying to figure out how to raise three young children (and making many more mistakes than I thought I would!), I often find myself saying inside my head, “What matters most in my relationship with my kids is that I love them, and that they know it.” Until recently, I found myself focusing on that first element: that I love my kids. After all, that’s the element in my control, right?

We hope that you are having a blessed summer. Our students are currently enjoying their summer vacation and/or working all over the globe on various projects, internships and summer jobs. Our staff continues to prepare for the fall semester.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I pray your summer has been full of fun, rest and, most of all, Christ. Campus here at Brown has been quiet since graduation back on Memorial Day weekend. Outside of a few students who have remained in Providence for internships, research and/or work, the majority of our students are dispersed around the globe. Matt Woodard, Ministry Director of Christian Union at Brown University, Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow, and I have been busy catching up on some professional development and preparing for the fall semester. Additionally, we have gathered the few remaining students for a study of the book of Revelation. Though we haven’t been able to gather as often as we had hoped, the times we’ve gotten together have been fun times of catching up and trying to wrap our minds and hearts around this crazy book of the Bible. We’d love your prayers as we meet a few more times between now and the beginning of August. Please pray that God would not only enlighten our minds but encourage our hearts and empower obedience as we finish up this final book of the Bible.

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