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Christian Union Universities


I pray this Advent season has been full of Christ’s presence, joy and peace!

It’s hard to believe, but this semester has already come and gone! It’s been a semester full of God’s goodness and faithfulness meeting students in their everyday lives – the highs and lows and every place in between. I could share many stories of God’s work on campus over the course of the Fall Semester, but I’d like to tell you about a large outreach event we organized earlier this month.

Dear Partners in Prayer,

We are deeply grateful for your partnership in prayer!

Our Lord has been faithful, good, and gracious to our community here at Cornell this past semester. We have much to be thankful for.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

As our students’ minds turn to prepare for finals, final papers and holidays, we ask for continued prayers for the gospel’s introduction and discipleship of Penn students to grow as followers of Christ in the world. As the semester is sunsetting, pray that students will persevere in both trust in Christ and studies. 


Thank you for your faithful partnership in the gospel ministry at HLS. Please know that every moment you seek the Lord on our behalf is precious to us. And we trust the Lord along with you for his abundant grace to accomplish all of his plans on the HLS campus and beyond.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank you for your continued prayers for our students, our staff, and Yale University as a whole.  As we’re wrapping up our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians this week and next, I’m reminded of Philippians 1:3-5 that we “thank God in all our remembrance of you … because of your partnership in the gospel”.  Both through your prayers and the help of Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19), we are confident in the Lord that He will continue to build his kingdom here at Yale.

We are over halfway through the term and have been enjoying a beautiful, mild fall in Hanover. Bible courses have been going very well and the new freshmen (‘21s) are quickly getting plugged into the community. Many have already joined a ministry team and are weekly showing up to our Friday Leadership Lecture Series (The Vine).

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

It has been a great start to the school year at Penn. Thank you for your continued prayers for this ministry as we continue to proclaim the Gospel and develop our students to transform the culture of Penn for the glory of Jesus Christ.


I pray this email finds you well. The Lord continues to show himself faithful to us here at Brown University, where our ministry has begun its fourth year on campus. For the first time ever, we have a graduating class, which means there are, also for the first time, four classes of students – freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors; four classes of Brown students that we have the incredible privilege of walking alongside as we all follow after Jesus. Praise the Lord for his goodness!


Christian Union at Columbia continues to experience God’s grace as we minister to the students on campus. We recently wrapped up a successful Freshman Campaign, in which we attained all our goals for the new freshman class. These students are enthusiastic new members of our family here at Columbia. We also had an impactful Fall Conference. For the conference, the staff chose to focus on the topic of wisdom, giving a series of talks from the book of Proverbs. Feedback from those in attendance was that it was one of our best Fall conferences yet. The students loved the talks we gave, and we were privileged to see one Freshman give her life to Christ during student prayer after one of the main sessions. We were also told that the conference was successful at causing friendships to form among students who usually don’t have much interaction with each other.

Dear friends and family of HCFA,

First, my name is Tyler Parker and I'm the Harvard College Faith & Action (HCFA) intern for this year! Some of you may know that Anne Kerhoulas usually writes these messages, but this month, we're trying out a little bit of a fresh perspective on things. As an HCFA alum, I'm truly honored and excited to be serving the organization that transformed my college experience and gave me my first true experience of spiritual family. With that said, here is the update for the month of October:

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