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Christian Union

Harvard Law

Hello prayer partners.

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a June update to inform your prayers.

Hello, prayer partners.

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you a May update to inform your prayers.

Hello, prayer partners.

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful for you all and want to give you an April update to inform your prayers.

Cambridge, MA

Harvard with borderClick here, to read our yearly financial update for Christian Union at Harvard Law.

The Lord is moving at Harvard Law. With your help, we believe God will do much more. The ministry needs to raise $96,467 for its ministry at Harvard Law by June 30. Your gift, of any amount, will help to make Christ known at this wonderful university. Please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner today.

If you have already made a gift, thank you! Would you consider a special, additional gift to help the ministry reach more students with the Gospel?

Make a Difference

1) Click here to give online
2) Charge by phone or give appreciated assets: 609-688-1700 X915
3) Pray to see God glorified at Yale
4) Join our prayer email list by emailing: prayer@christianunion.org
Hello prayer partners,

Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. We are grateful and want to update you for March to inform your prayers.


We are grateful for your support and want to give you an update through February of this spring semester to inform your continued prayers.


As we begin the spring semester, I want to encourage you to continue praying for the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS) and our student group, Coram Deo Law. This semester will bring its own share of possibilities and challenges. And we know that success in both requires the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and our faithful submission to him. So please join us in praying that the Lord's work continues to bear fruit in the lives of our students and on the HLS campus.


As always, thank you for your commitment to pray for the Christian Union ministry at HLS and our student group, Coram Deo Law. The Lord has provided according to his abundant wisdom and grace. And we rejoice with you that his work continues to bear fruit on the HLS campus and in the lives of our alumni.


Thank you for your faithful partnership in the gospel ministry at HLS. Please know that every moment you seek the Lord on our behalf is precious to us. And we trust the Lord along with you for his abundant grace to accomplish all of his plans on the HLS campus and beyond.


As always, thank you for your partnership in the gospel ministry at Harvard Law School (HLS). Your support continues to encourage us and our students as we press on to see the gospel advance throughout the HLS campus and beyond.

As I write to you, we are more than halfway through the fall semester. Our Bible Courses and mentor meetings continue to bear fruit each week as the word of Christ dwells more and more richly in our students. We are always looking for ways to bring specific encouragement to our students as they begin to think about integrating the Christian faith and the law, so we have started a series called “FAITH in Practice” that brings in lawyers to share how they have practiced law in a way that pleases the Lord. Also, we are planning another series called “FAITH Talks” that will address the core doctrines of the faith in ways that will help our students apply the biblical worldview to their studies and work.

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