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Christian Union

Harvard University

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.

Dear Friends and Family of HCFA,

Thank you for your continued partnership in prayer for this ministry. As a staff team it is a huge encouragement to know that you all are invested in this ministry and lifting us up in prayer consistently.

Dear HCFA friends and family,

There has been a welcome stillness in Cambridge this past week as we have been covered by two snowstorms. My mind always runs to Isaiah, when God promises, “’Come now, let us settle the matter. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” What a provoking image of our good Father clothing us in the righteousness of his Son.

Dear HCFA friends and family,

Merry Christmas! I hope this season of Advent has been one of remembering and waiting upon our God who draws near to us in Christ. We are winding down here at Harvard, students are in finals and are beginning to disappear from campus. Since December is largely a quiet month in our activity with HCFA, I would love for you to join in prayer with us in these ways.

Dear HCFA friends and family,

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are all doing well. It’s hard to believe that the semester is wrapping up so quickly. We are in the final weeks of Bible Courses and DOXAs and students are beginning to eye their final exams in the first weeks of December.

Dear HCFA friends and family,

Fall is here in Cambridge and it has been beautiful! We had the joy of getting away with students into the Berkshire’s of western Massachusetts a couple of weekends ago for our fall retreat. We had a great turn out this year — about 90 students, many of whom were freshman.

Dear HCFA friends and family,

We are back in full swing here at Harvard! It is just a couple of weeks into the semester and we have already had a retreat, done four weeks of freshman outreach, started Bible courses, had a few Friday night DOXA’s and are planning our fall retreat for the end of the month! The fall is certainly a busy time for students and staff, so we would love your prayers for strength in the Lord and attentiveness to His spirit as we minister on campus.

Dear friends,

I hope that your summers are going well! Cambridge is quieter with less students around during these months, yet our summer Bible Course for Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA) is continuing and there are only two weeks left of studying through the book of Isaiah.

Christian Union develops Christian leaders to transform culture for God’s glory. We serve and resource student organizations at some of the most strategic universities in America.
cu gloria harvard
Since 2008 CU Gloria has worked to bring spiritual transformation and renewal to campus by seeking the Lord, growing in knowledge and love of His Word, and thoughtfully engaging Harvard with the gospel.

The high-caliber ministry faculty at CU Gloria teach intellectually rigorous Bible courses, disciple students one-on-one, and coach students to develop as Christian leaders.

CU Gloria also offers conferences and retreats each semester and a weekly leadership lecture series called DOXA, which features great worship, talks from compelling speakers, and space for students to grow together in fellowship.
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