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Harvard University

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Since late August, CU Gloria upperclassmen and CU ministry faculty have been pouring themselves out to welcome first-years and their friends into the community. Picnics, a dorm drop, a scavenger hunt in Boston, and our weekly lecture series (pictured below)—not to mention countless caffeinated beverages consumed in one-on-one conversations in and around the Yard. Our collective efforts, thankfully, have led to a happy influx of people (and not just freshmen).

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. — Hebrews 1:14

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Cambridge,

I remember my first experience at pre-retreat in our first month on the job in the Fall of 2017. I was blown away as I witnessed dozens of Harvard students worshiping Jesus passionately and praying with an intensity I had rarely seen. I knew immediately this was a special community and that God was doing something spectacular here. I am grateful as I reflect on how the Lord has continued to sustain this love and zeal and spiritual fervor among the CU Gloria students.

“In Christi Gloriam”

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

God only knows how many people descended onto Harvard’s aged campus last week as the Classes of 2022, 2021 and 2020 were honored for their achievements. We thank God for the graduates who have aligned themselves with the original founders' intentions “for the glory of Christ.” Please join us in praying a blessing on these dear friends as they transition to the next chapter in their lives.

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

Greetings from Cambridge!

I have had the privilege of watching a lot of senior skits through the years, but the underclassmen who impersonated their beloved senior friends the other day were truly next level. In several scenes and for fifteen minutes their silly lines and exaggerated gestures wonderfully captured each person’s personalities and idiosyncrasies.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Cambridge!

The pace has quickened as we have crossed the marker into April and lean into the final lap. What an unusual and challenging race! When we gathered in the fall, only the senior class had logged more than one (normal) semester on campus. Student leaders, recognizing the need to gather and build a community, majored in hospitality and friendship. They prayed to reclaim what was lost. They believed God for growth – depth and breadth. They were determined to make the most of the time (Eph. 5:15-17).

“Today revealed to me even more that (this) is the community that I prayed and cried for when I first came to Christ. Getting to see it in full force today brought me so much joy. So thank you.” - Winter Retreat Evaluation

Gloria Winter Retreat 2022

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Cambridge!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” - Paul to the Church in Rome (Rom 15:13 ESV)

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Cambridge!

The middle watch is past! Another year Dawns on the human race with hope and fear: The last has gone with mingled sigh and song, To join for ever its ancestral throng; And time reveals, As past it steals, The potent hand of God, the Everlasting, Guiding the sun, with all his blazing peers, And filling up the measure of our years, Until Messiah, Prince, to judgment hasting, Shall roll the darkness from this world of sin, And bid a bright eternity begin. — Unknown

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

On behalf of all of the staff and students involved in CU Gloria, thank you for your partnership in 2021 and a blessed New Year.

“Everything from quarks to quasars, butterflies to brain cells, was created so that you and I might delight in the display of divine glory. We alone can glorify God by rejoicing in the beauty of His creative handiwork and relishing the splendor of His revelation in the Person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.” —Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Founder of The Veritas Forum; Editor/Co-Author of Finding God (at/Beyond) Harvard

Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

In the Apostle Paul’s closing exhortation in his letter to the church in Philippi, he shared a final imperative. He told them to focus on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise” [Phil. 4:8 ESV]. This is no small challenge in a society convulsed with hard news. This plea follows his equally challenging instruction to give thanks in all circumstances as we wrestle with anxiety and frame and express heartfelt prayers to God. I can't think of a more practical chapter in the scriptures to bolster our mental health. It has been a joy to compare notes with students who have had their young(er) worlds turned upside down for nearly two years. As I share this update and reflect on the quote I shared from KMK, I must confess that I feel the need to engage with this prescription once again!

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