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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Can A Christian Nurse Participate In Gender Reassignment?

By Anne Kerhoulas

It’s becoming a question more and more believers in healthcare will have to face: can a Christian doctor or nurse assist in gender reassignment surgery? 

In this article for Desiring God, John Piper addresses the question from a biblical perspective to help believers understand the gravity of their actions as well as their responsibility to God and his creation. 

Start Your Year Off With A Great Book

By Anne Kerhoulas

Our 2023 book recommendation list includes an array of Christian books. From classic theology to leadership development to biography, there is sure to be something that will encourage your spirit this new year.

God in the Dock is a collection of essays and speeches from C.S. Lewis. Its title implies "God on Trial" and the title is based on an analogy made by Lewis suggesting that modern human beings, rather than seeing themselves as standing before God in judgment, prefer to place God on trial while acting as his judge.
Recommended by Chris Coppernoll, Ministry Director, CU Nova 

Orthodoxy’s Commitment To Truth and Love

By Anne Kerhoulas

Truth and love often seem at odds in our culture today. Everyone has their own truth and wants the freedom to believe what they want. So to hold fast to the truth and conviction of orthodox Christian faith is challenging. All too often believers settle for bland acceptance of everyone’s truth as being valid in the name of loving them. But as Trevin Wax argues in this article for The Gospel Coalition, this radically opposes the pursuit of sound theology and doctrine as presented in the gospels and New Testament. 

Why the Practices Are Both Challenging and Invaluable

By Anne Kerhoulas

Silence and solitude are unpopular disciplines. In our fast-paced, technologically connected, over-worked world, who could possibly have the time and energy to prioritize being alone in silence? And if we had the time, who would choose it? 

A Jazz Musician Found His Way In CU Lumine

By Isabella Campolatarro

There’s a Christian aphorism, often attributed to St. Teresa of Avila, that “God draws straight with crooked lines.” Christian Union Lumine student Michael Manasseh ’23 has experienced this truth first-hand.

A Network Helping Alumni Connect and Flourish

By Anne Kerhoulas

Christian Union has served undergraduate and graduate students at some of the most influential universities in the country for decades. But what happens to these students after they graduate? The transition from college to the working world is not only challenging on a personal level, but it is also one of the times individuals are more likely to walk away from their faith. 

Author and Scholar Joseph Laconte Discusses C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien Projects

This article was originally published in the Tristate Voice. Blake Whitmer ’23 is a Dartmouth student.


Joseph Loconte, PhD., is an author, Senior Fellow in Christianity and Culture at The King’s College, and the Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at the Heritage Foundation. In 2015, he wrote the New York Times bestseller A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War. In 2016, he wrote the award-winning op-ed “How J.R.R. Tolkien Found Mordor on the Western Front.” His most recent project is a documentary on Lewis and Tolkien, with an emphasis on the way that war shaped their friendship and writings. Tri-State Voice writer Blake Whitmer recently sat down to interview him about his work.

Our Speech Is Part Of Our Witness


By Mike Vincent, Ministry Fellow at CU Nova

Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.  – James 5:9

The world loves to complain about the Church. There's an abundance of negative words from non-Christians aimed at our beliefs, our moral values, how we talk, and how we live. Such negative speech and attacks can be discouraging. How much more so when they come from within the Church! We who are supposed to be united in Christ are sometimes just as guilty of complaining against His Bride. Nothing destroys unity more quickly than complaining against those with whom we are supposed to be united.

A Princeton Junior Shares First-hand Experience

By Cynthia Makachi

It’s been a little over two years since I started my freshman year at Princeton in fall of 2020, and, though it was anything but normal, I smile back at what the Lord has done. 

My first year took place between the four walls of my childhood bedroom. If I wanted to get to know my classmates or become involved in extracurricular groups, I had to intentionally join a zoom meeting, unmute myself from time to time, and not run away from the awkwardness of silence as others decided if they felt brave enough to speak too. 

CU New York Hosts Dr. Ryan T. Anderson


Christian Union New York invited Christian Union Alumni, CU New York participants, and friends of Christian Union to gather on November 29, 2022, for a virtual forum with Dr. Ryan T. Anderson. Drawing on the best insights from biology, psychology, and philosophy, Dr. Anderson offered a nuanced view of human embodiment, a balanced approach to public policy on gender identity, and a sober assessment of the human costs of getting human nature wrong. 

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