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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Self-Denial Is At The Heart of Christian Faith


By Matt Bennett, Founder and CEO

Thus says the LORD of hosts: Peoples shall yet come, even the inhabitants of many cities. The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, ‘Let us go at once to entreat the favor of the LORD and to seek the LORD of hosts; I myself am going.’ Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD. Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ – Zechariah 8:20-23 

Christian Union Board Member Explores A Life of Signs and Wonders in New Book

By Anne Kerhoulas

Ken Fish wants believers to know that God is not in theory. So often in the western church, Christians read the stories of the Bible and assume that signs and wonders were events that occurred in biblical times and simply don’t happen today. Fish is here to tell you otherwise in his upcoming book, On the Road with The Holy Spirit: A Modern Day Diary of Signs and Wonders

Judge Heckled and Insulted For Unpopular Views

By Anne Kerhoulas

On March 9, 2023, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan was invited to speak at Standford Law School. Duncan, a conservative judge who has opposed the right to same-sex marriage, ruled to restrict abortion, and held other views deemed unacceptable by Stanford students, was the recipient of heckling, threats, and insults during his talk. When Duncan asked for the moderator to intervene, the Stanford administrator took the side of the students, stating that his work had caused many of them harm. 

Harvard Law School Students and Professor Host Powerful Time of Prayer

By Anne Kerhoulas

It’s not every day that a deliverance event is hosted at Harvard Law School. But that’s just what happened in the fall of 2022 when Marianna and Jacob Hawkins contacted a Harvard Law School professor with the idea of hosting a spiritual freedom event for Christian students at Harvard. 

CU Lux Will Host Carter Conlon of Times Square Church

By Anne Kerhoulas

Christian Union Lux will host the Worldwide Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. The Worldwide Prayer Meeting began in 2015 as a prayer ministry of The Times Square Church in NYC. For the past eight years, the gathering has challenged believers to seek the Lord in prayer, crying out to Him on behalf of their churches, families, and nation. 

Downplaying Sexual Sin Won’t Win the Next Generation

By Anne Kerhoulas

Sexuality and sexual ethics have been at the forefront of our culture for the past few decades. Since the sexual revolution in the 60s, the way our nation thinks about what sex is for, how we use our bodies, and what it means to be male or female has rapidly changed.

CU Lumine Alumna Experiences Inner Healing and Transformation

By Feven Negussie, CU Lumine '22 

But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 15:57

I found Christian Union when I was in a desperate position as a sophomore in college. I spent (or rather wasted) my freshman year of college in the most ungodly lifestyle—I will not even venture to describe it here. That year, I also experienced the biggest onslaught on my mental health. I experienced frequent panic attacks and severe insomnia. I lost weight dramatically and I found myself not being able to eat or sleep properly. Even when faced with these attacks on my mind and body, I continued on in my wayward ways. 

Beloved brothers and sisters,

As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, may the body of Christ in NYC and across all humanity, cast one giant net of gospel proclamation. The Lord has graciously raised us from death to life and it is our high privilege and responsibility to be fishers of men.

New Ministry Faculty Excited to Grow the Kingdom At Dartmouth

By Anne Kerhoulas

The season is turning in Hanover. Winter is slowly thawing, students are returning for the spring term, and CU Vox is beginning afresh with new ministry faculty. Ministry Director Tim Pillsbury is thrilled to join the Christian Union family and continue to grow God’s kingdom at Dartmouth.

Christian Union Embarks On Second Massive Evangelism Initiative 

By Anne Kerhoulas

Last spring, Christian Union launched CU Rise, an evangelism campaign designed to share the gospel with students at ten of the nation’s most influential universities more boldly, strategically, and frequently than ever before. This week, Christian Union is at it again as CU Rise takes form for its second iteration.

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