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I have a confession. I hesitate to even share it, because, depending on where your loyalties land, you will probably react one way or another. But react, most probably, you will.

I’m a Patriots fan. (Insert reaction here.)

All kidding aside. I love watching Patriots football, not only because of blind loyalty to the home team, but more so because I find it fascinating that when (and if) we win, the credit goes to the whole team, and not one player. My opinion is that the success of any organization is largely based upon the quality of the vision and the quality of the TEAM executing that vision.

Greetings from Harvard,

It feels like the new year has sprung upon us all too quickly, with students already returning to campus over the past few days and continuing into this weekend. While it has been mostly quiet, God has certainly been at work. Over Winter break many of our students were reading ‘Making Sense of God’ by Tim Keller, which we gave out at the end of last semester at our book giveaway outreach event. A group of our students even met over video chat during the break to discuss the book. In addition, our Seeking God ministry team lead “SkyPrayer Calls” during the break, where students were gathered virtually for times of devotion and prayer. We praise God for the stirring of his Spirit in our midst and for the initiative in prayer seen in our students and our student leaders.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing to you on a cold January day here in Princeton. The students here are just finishing their exams, which they have been completing, along with final papers, over the last three weeks. In this letter, I want to update you on the ministry that has been happening here, as well as alert you to several specific ways you can pray for us. 

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Winter Break and our Bible Courses have had an excellent start. We currently have 13 Bible Courses meeting, with the possibility of adding an additional course for those who are serving in Penn’s Gospel choir. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Blessings to you in the name of Jesus! Thanks for praying for us regularly.  I’ll maintain that our primary strategy in ministry here is what Paul spells out as the “communications equipment” of God’s armor, saying in Ephesians 1:18 “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints”.

2019 brings a new year and a list of new resolutions. For CU New York it isn’t so much resolutions as our plans and initiatives for the year. We will, of course, continue our salons and forums that explore various aspects and implications of our faith in our vocations and the broader city. Additionally, there are other activities coming that will serve to build the kind of redemptive engagement we seek.

Greetings from Palo Alto!

“Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them” (Hebrews 13:9).

Students in our Bible courses meditated on this verse recently as we concluded our Bible course on the book of Hebrews. The author’s teaching certainly includes the temple sacrifices which, after the sacrifice of Christ, had become obsolete.


We’ve finished another semester here at Brown University. Students are finishing up final exams and heading home to be with family during the holidays. Just this last week, we celebrated the end of our semester studying Hebrews with a large, family-style dinner at the Judson Center (the ministry center here at Brown University) with students from our Bible Courses. The Judson Center was abuzz with chatter and laughter as we sat around the large dining room table enjoying one another and the God that has so graciously provided for us over the course of the semester, in these Bible Courses and so much more. It struck me, as we sat there eating and talking, how necessary it is to have Christian Union ministries at these universities. It is because of the love and generosity of so many folks, including you, that these students have a place to belong, a community in which to study God’s Word, to pray, and to witness to the larger Brown community. So, thank you for being a part of what God is doing here at Brown in transforming students’ lives for the sake of Christ’s name!


Our semester is coming to a close, and we thank God for all the ways we saw him move. This semester marked the opening of our ministry center and our community was invigorated because of the brand-new space. The center has been serving the needs of students in a variety of ways. For finals reading week, we implemented study hours for our students, and many students had an accommodating space to prepare for finals. Most of our Bible courses, many one on one discipleship meetings, and seeking God prayer hours have already been held in the two months that it has been open. We continue to be grateful for everything that went in to securing a center one block from campus.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is hard to believe that this semester is at an end. Our students are finishing up their last finals this weekend, and many have already made their trips back home. This last month was a busy one with a number of important events happening. The annual Christmas party we hosted after the end of classes was a great time of fun and fellowship for our students. The following day, we hosted Grill Me for Grilled Cheese. Students were invited to text in their questions about Christianity and in return would receive a free grilled cheese. We had around 350 students text in questions, and had a number of volunteers help to answer those questions. Students reported several encouraging conversations they had with unbelieving students, as well as some Christian students not connected with Christian Union.

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