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Christian Union Universities

Dear Prayer Partners,

The fall air is noticeably "in the air" as mornings are cooler and the streets of New Haven are alive again. Christian Union's ministry here at Yale has kicked off the new semester with a pre-retreat of students leaders. We got away for three days together to hear from one another about all that God had done in each student's life this summer, as well as what we hope He will do at Yale this fall. There was great enthusiasm and energy for prayer and outreach--both critical aspects of a thriving ministry this year.

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

As the warm summer days give way to the approach of autumn, students are beginning to repopulate the Harvard Law School campus.

Greetings from Princeton!

We are under two weeks away from our annual Pre-Retreat, which will mark the official start of our fall season of ministry at the university.  This particular retreat is an opportunity for some of our core leaders to gather together before classes start.  We want them to be refreshed spiritually through biblical teaching and worship, connect relationally through the fellowship a retreat affords, and prepare to approach the fall season with outward-looking hearts and minds for the sake of inviting freshmen into Christian community.  We would ask for your prayers for a powerful and encouraging time away together!

Dear friends,

I hope that your summers are going well! Cambridge is quieter with less students around during these months, yet our summer Bible Course for Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA) is continuing and there are only two weeks left of studying through the book of Isaiah.

Dear Prayer Partner,

It's hard to believe that it's almost August and time to welcome another group of freshmen at Yale! Our summer Bible study on Genesis has gone well and engaged the students on campus with tools for studying God's Word, while engaging them on topics such as human origins and the problem of evil. Please pray that students here at Yale, and those far away, would be emboldened to live more fully for Christ and serve Him faithfully at Yale in the coming year.

It’s hard to believe that the ministry at Harvard Law School has just completed its third year!  Time has passed so quickly from when we first arrived on the campus in August 2013.

Students who served in our campus ministry from its beginning were among the many students who received degrees at graduation exercises this past May.

The Reunions 2016 Annual Brunch hosted by Princeton Faith and Action, the Christian student organization resourced by Christian Union, will be listed under the student organization name in the University's Reunions schedule.

Serving Students through Ten Strategic Ministries

God is stirring up the hearts of men and women at some of America's leading universities, where Christian Union is working to develop Christian leaders. Involved students enjoy rigorous Bible courses, personal mentoring, coaching, leadership lecture series, and other events, and engaging outreach.

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Christian Union's tailored approach serves in various ways that resonate with students at highly academic, deeply secular universities. Select a campus below to learn more.

The ministry provides biblical instruction and mentoring and resources for students to transform the culture of these campuses spiritually, intellectually, and socially. Christian Union's approach is designed specifically to connect with intellectually curious, highly motivated students and strongly emphasizes seeking God wholeheartedly.

The ministry currently serves students who attend the following institutions:

Christian Union emphasizes: a seeking-God lifestyle; high-caliber ministry fellows; engaged and networked leaders; and organizational excellence.
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