Nexus 2018
The Nexus 2018 theme of "Turn the World Upside Down" comes from Acts 17, when Christians were accused of turning the world upside down with the message of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to turn the world upside down with the Good News? In God’s "upside down" economy, Christ died so that we might live, the weak are strong, the poor are rich. How can we be a part of what God is doing today? These questions were at the heart of Nexus.
For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.
For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.
The first plenary speaker of Nexus 2018 was Christian Union Founder and CEO Matt Bennett. Friday night, Bennett introduced nearly 300 students to the conference theme "Turn the World Upside Down," drawn from Acts 17. If those who promoted the Gospel of Jesus Christ were said to be turning the world upside down, how we will define being a "success" in this life? (34:38)
David Bryant discusses the conference topic “Turning the World Upside Down." He challenged students with his charge, "So, you want to change the world for Jesus Christ? First, your life, your own world, must be radically turned upside down by a vision of "the greatness and glory, the majesty and supremacy, and the wonders of the love and saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ"!
He continues to highlight the importance of preaching a message in proportion of the greatness and supremacy of Christ. Through his speech, he compels students to grasp the majesty of Jesus Christ as our resurrected King. When Christian lean into the person of Jesus Christ, our world is turned upside down and we are then, equiped to share the same Good News with others on campus. (37:46)
He continues to highlight the importance of preaching a message in proportion of the greatness and supremacy of Christ. Through his speech, he compels students to grasp the majesty of Jesus Christ as our resurrected King. When Christian lean into the person of Jesus Christ, our world is turned upside down and we are then, equiped to share the same Good News with others on campus. (37:46)
Nancy Ortberg, CEO of Transforming the Bay with Christ addressed nearly 300 students at the Christian Union conference. She highlights the difference between worldly success and spiritual success. She explains the powerful impact of giving practical items to people in need. A church choosing to give used cars to people in the community became a way to share the gospel through living the call to love our neighbors.
Through this type of giving, she provides a powerful testimony of how the reciepents feel the love of God through these provisions, and it is through this action that people are led to faith in God. Nancy also explains the leaders in our society should be able to own their personal growth, ensure no topic are off limits, solve problems at a systems level and to refuse to allow comparision to enter their thought-life. (33:20)
Through this type of giving, she provides a powerful testimony of how the reciepents feel the love of God through these provisions, and it is through this action that people are led to faith in God. Nancy also explains the leaders in our society should be able to own their personal growth, ensure no topic are off limits, solve problems at a systems level and to refuse to allow comparision to enter their thought-life. (33:20)