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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 30, 2016

Dear Friends,

Reflecting on the winter term that is coming to a close, we truly have much to be thankful for. Our Thanksgiving dinner last weekend was a huge success, bringing in over 130 students, including several who have not been involved in Christian Union. Since then, we have had a few inquiries on how to get involved in a Bible Course for the winter. The freshmen (‘20s) did a fantastic job leading the event. They worked hard on the fall decorations and the program for the night, which consisted of music, worship songs, 2 testimonies and some delicious food. There was even entertainment during the meal, provided by one ’20 who is extremely talented at card tricks. Overall, it was a wonderful night of fellowship and thanksgiving. We so appreciate your prayers for this event!

It was a great first term with our new ‘20s. Please be praying for them as they return to their various hometowns for the long winter break. Many have grown tremendously in their faith and some are even still figuring out what they believe, so please pray that they would continue to seek the Lord while away from the close community they have grown used to. One ’20, Catherine, had never opened the Bible before joining a Bible Course. This was her first exposure to Christianity and she has jumped in head first! She is already serving on a ministry team and serving in her local church. Her best friends are in her Bible Course and she has said that it is changing her life. Please be praying for Catherine, that her excitement over Christianity would deepen and develop into a true relationship with Jesus and that the Lord would continue to pursue her even while she’s away from Dartmouth. I’m so excited to see what the Lord does in her life.

It has been a bittersweet couple of weeks here at Dartmouth as we’ve learned that Kristen will be moving to Birmingham this December, where she and her fiancé will be married and settle down. Kristen has been a wonderful presence on our team and has made an incredible impact on our students in the year and a half she’s been with us. She will be sorely missed, that is for sure! Please be praying for us as we search for a new ministry fellow to take her place, especially amidst the anticipation of the birth of Chase’s and my baby boy in April! There are clearly a lot of changes on the horizon here, so we ask for prayers for our students to be patient and flexible through them all. We trust the Lord to continue His good work, despite all of the unknowns ahead of us.
Thank you for persisting in prayer with us! We wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas!


Julia Carlisle
Christian Union Ministry Fellow
Dartmouth College

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Dartmouth, please email prayer@christianunion.org.