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October 18, 2017
The Great Experiment; Serious Dating That Works; Hundreds Attend Christian Union Sponsored Open Forum with Ravi Zacharias at Yale; Please Give Today to Open the Columbia Ministry Center and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!
— Psalm 150:2


The Great Experiment

By CU Day & Night 
From Christian Union Day & Night
1 great experiment

It’s time to seek God for a new national awakening! For the month of November we are challenging Christians across America to gather with friends to seek God in unprecedented ways through the Great Experiment. Visit DayandNight.org to learn more, to watch a video invitation from Matt Bennett, or to sign up to help friends seek God for His Spirit to be poured out.

Visit DayandNight.org >


Serious Dating That Works

By  Titus Willis

From Columbia Crown & Cross

Titus Willis, a student involved in Christian Union's ministry at Columbia University, is also editor-in-chief of Columbia Crown & Cross, a publication this ministry is pleased to support. This article, written by Titus, was published on the journal's website in October and focuses on the dating model he is pursuing with his fiancée.  

Read Now >


Hundreds Attend Christian Union Sponsored Open Forum with Ravi Zacharias at Yale

From Christian Union

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On Tuesday, October 10, Christian Union's ministry at Yale hosted world-renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias and his colleague, the North American director of Ravi Zacharias Ministries, Abdu Murray, who spoke to an audience of approximately 650 at Yale's historic Battell Chapel. They addressed the topic, "Finding Meaning in a Post-Truth Culture," and took students' questions afterward. The event was live streamed by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries on Facebook and YouTube. During the event there were more than 80,000 video views on Facebook, and nearly 8,000 views on YouTube. Thousands more have watched the event since then.

Read quotes from the event we shared via Twitter, here (and please consider following us: @ChristianUnion) >

Read an article about the event from the Yale Daily News here >

Watch the video of Ravi and Abdu's presentation, and the question and answer time, here >


Please Give Today to Open the Columbia Ministry Center

From Christian Union

Your support is needed to make the Columbia Ministry Center a reality. Please consider making a generous gift now to secure the facility. For the first time since Christian Union launched at Columbia in 2011 a building has come on the market ideally situated, just one block from campus, for Christian Union to own and operate a ministry center. This is a rare opportunity to transform Columbia with the Gospel. All donations to this campaign, up to $700,000, will be generously matched by a foundation. 

Read more about how to glorify God at and through Columbia with your gift >


You are Invited to Christian Union's 2018 Summer Getaway

From Christian Union

5 summer getaway

You are invited to the 2018 CU Summer Getaway in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. If you are looking for a summer vacation, adventure, and beautiful place to get away, in an environment that will encourage you and your family spiritually, please join us. The window for registration closes on October 25, so act now. 

Learn more about the Summer Getaway here >


Prayer Requests

Praise God that more than 550 freshmen are now studying Philippians each week in Christian Union Bible courses. Some are studying Scripture for the first time ever. Others have come with Christian backgrounds but must make their faith their own as they grapple with God’s Word and its implications for their lives. Pray for physical and spiritual strength for Christian Union faculty as they are pouring into students’ lives individually through mentoring appointments while also leading multiple Bible courses.

Movement Day New York takes place Oct 20 & 21. This catalytic gathering is designed to address today’s urban issues through the transformative power of the Gospel and collaborative partnerships seeking the peace and prosperity of the city. Please pray for the fruit of this time as hundreds of Christian leaders attend – that resulting partnerships will bring about spiritual transformation in this city. Christian Union New York is a partner with Movement Day.

Ask God to energize Day and Night groups as hundreds undertake the Great Experiment. Pray that the power of God will be displayed in extraordinary ways in ordinary believers’ lives and become an initial wave of Christian revival in America.


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