Christian Union Lumine Enjoys Close-to-Campus Space
On October 13, 2018, ministry faculty, staff, and financial partners celebrated the debut of the Columbia Ministry Center with a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. The celebration came after the purchase of the facility in February.
Properties near Columbia are challenging to secure as the university owns much of the surrounding neighborhood. Given the competitive nature of Manhattan’s real estate market, Christian Union leadership lionized the extraordinary acquisition, just a block from Columbia University’s massive Butler Library.
Since then, the ideally located space has functioned as a hub for Bible courses, discipleship, and meetings, providing a secure, cozy hangout for students.
The center is a visible sign that God is alive and working in the heart of NYC!

The map above illustrates the rarity of finding a property adjacent to Columbia that is not already owned by the University.
“This new Ministry Center, located so unbelievably close to campus, will bless generations of students, faculty, and administrators. The precious word of God will go forth from the Center, powerfully transforming this great university and our nation.” -- Former Columbia Ministry Director Lane Young

The address is: 529 West 113th Street, just one block from Columbia University’s Butler Library.
The building is comprised of a basement and five floors, divided into three units. Christian Union will be using the first unit: the basement and the first floor.
The unit provides much needed room for Bible courses, prayer meetings, freshman outreach dinners, social events, and faculty preparation.
An Extraordinary Outpouring of Support
In October 2017, Christian Union urgently needed to raise a considerable sum to move forward with the purchase of a Christian Union Ministry Center at Columbia University. The Lord moved the hearts of 220 ministry partners to give a total of $503K for the Ministry Center, $11K more than was needed to move forward with the seller.Heartfelt thanks go out to all who gave in response to the ministry’s urgent request for help. The generosity shown by so many is deeply encouraging and will make a difference for generations to come at Columbia.
All praise goes to our wonderful God, a gracious provider, for this outcome.
A Ministry Center is a game changer for sharing the Gospel at Columbia. The challenge of meeting and office space has been acute for Christian Union’s team already working with more than 200 students at Columbia. This is an enormous provision.
Columbia Ministry Team Explains the Need (1:18)

Additional Gifts Move the Ministry Forward
In the near term, the ministry will rent units 2 and 3 to offset the mortgage. Christian Union plans to use the whole building in the future; the project requires another $3 million of investments from God’s people. You can support this effort here.Naming Opportunities are Available
Christian Union offers naming rights to the building and key rooms in the center.Gifts of Appreciated Securities Make a Difference
Gifts of appreciated securities can be made toward this campaign. Please contact the ministry by calling (609) 688-1700 Option 2 to alert us to the gift, so that it is counted toward the total today. Learn more here.Christian Union Ministry at Columbia
Christian Union's ministry at Columbia is engaging nearly 200 students, an extraordinary number for this secular institution. Meeting space has been exceedingly difficult to come by at Columbia. Christian Union urgently needed room to minister to students and office its faculty.Christian Union ministry fellows open their homes to students, but these are small spaces. It is not uncommon for the Columbia ministry director and his family to host an outreach in their very small apartment that is attended by more than 100 students over the course of the evening.
Additionally, a ministry center establishes a permanent Christian presence at Columbia. Crucially, in a time when Christian ministries can face discrimination on campus, ministry centers reduce Christian Union’s dependency on the universities’ administrations for securing space.