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November 1, 2017
Until Midnight Nov. 1, Your Gift to a Columbia Ministry Center Will Be Tripled; Advice That’s Better Than ‘Follow Your Passion’; C.S. Lewis’s Famous Mud Pies: How Imagination Opens the Heart to Truth; A Reformation Day for American Christianity and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
— Philippians 1:3-6


Until Midnight Nov. 1, Your Gift to a Columbia Ministry Center Will Be Tripled

From Christian Union
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As of 10:00 am ET: Christian Union now has 97% of the funding ($6.01M) raised to secure the facility. The remaining amount needed by midnight: $178 K. A generous couple will match gifts to the Columbia Ministry Center, up to $100,000. The BridgeHead Foundation is also offering a matching grant. Right now, for every dollar you give to the Columbia Ministry Center, Christian Union will receive three dollars to help secure the building.

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Advice That’s Better Than ‘Follow Your Passion’

By  Bethany Jenkins

From Christian Union

Bethany Jenkins, Vice President of Forums and Content for the Veritas Forum, recently spoke at Harvard at a Christian Union leadership lecture series event called Doxa. Jenkins has worked in the Federal government, on Wall Street, in Big Law, and in various faith-based nonprofits, including The King’s College, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and The Gospel Coalition. The main rubric, she suggests, by which most of us measure what job or vocation we should pursue is passion. But the passion hypothesis is flawed. In this talk, Bethany explains a better way to discover our calling.   

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C.S. Lewis’s Famous Mud Pies: How Imagination Opens the Heart to Truth

By Dr. Art Lindsley
From The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics

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Art Lindsley, Vice President of Theological Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, and the author of C.S. Lewis’s Case for Christ, writes about Lewis's extraordinary "ability to combine reason and imagination." 

Read now > 

A Reformation Day for American Christianity

By Russell Moore

In an article posted yesterday, Russell Moore asks the question, "whatever one thinks of the Reformation, shouldn’t it be clear that the problems in our current context are just as bad or maybe even worse?" He argues that "what drove Luther to protest is everywhere present in the 21st century American church."  

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Human Dignity Was a Rarity Before Christianity

By David Bentley Hart
From Church Life Journal

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We speak today very easily, if not always sincerely, of the intrinsic dignity of every human person. For us, this is merely a received piety, and one of immemorial authority. And yet, if we take the time to wonder just how old a moral intuition it is, there is a good chance that our historical imagination will carry us only as far... 

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The Great Experiment

From Christian Union Day & Night

Seek God with men and women across America for a new national awakening. We are challenging Christians across the nation to seek God in unprecedented ways in November through the Great Experiment. 

Visit DayandNight.org to learn more >


Prayer Requests

Please take a moment — right now, if you would — to pray that God would enable Christian Union to raise the remaining funds necessary to secure the facility in New York that would become Christian Union's newest ministry center, at Columbia University. The ministry is facing a deadline of end of day, today. We have seen God provide in remarkable ways, closing the gap rapidly in just the last few days. We give Him all the praise and glory. Please join us in thanking Him for the generosity of all who have given to date, even as we pray that more financial partners would respond today.

As the ministry continues to build networks of faithful professionals in key industries, please pray for these men and women to have the discernment to identify opportunities they can step into in redemptive ways. Additionally, please pray for their personal pursuit of holiness and faithfulness. New York can be a distracting place.

As hundreds of Christians embark on The Great Experiment today, pray that God would pour out His Spirit from coast to coast in response to the extraordinary efforts to seek Him through prayer, Bible reading, repentance, and obedience to His Spirit.


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