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November 16, 2017
Columbia Ministry Center Update; Faithful to Christ in Hollywood: An Oscar-Nominated Director Shares; Sit with Me': Currents of Grief in Wind River; Balancing Rhythms of Rest and Work; Are You Hearing God's Voice? Five Ways You Can Hear God Speak Directly to You and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. 
— Psalm 9:1


Columbia Ministry Center Update 

From Christian Union 
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By God's amazing grace, the money necessary to move forward with the purchase of a Christian Union Ministry Center at Columbia University has come in! We praise God for His remarkable provision, and are profoundly grateful to all who gave so generously to make this possible. Please continue to pray with us as we work through the complicated details of the purchase.

Read the full update, here >


Faithful to Christ in Hollywood: An Oscar-Nominated Director Shares

By  Christian Union

From Christian Union at Harvard

Christian Union hosted animation director Timothy Reckart at his alma mater, Harvard, in early November, to talk to students at the ministry's leadership lecture series about his career and working in Hollywood as a faithful Christian. His debut feature film, The Star, is an animated retelling of the story of the first Christmas, and it is set to be released in cinemas this Friday, November 17. This video (which ends a bit abruptly, as he transitioned into more personal topics that were not filmed). Part two contains questions and answers.   

Watch his lecture >
Watch the Q&A >


Sit with Me: Currents of Grief in Wind River

By Abby Perry
From Christ & Pop Culture

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This "story — the story of the God made man and bearing our sorrows is the only story that makes sense of the emptiness of godless vengeance, for justice was never achievable by human means. It’s the only story that explains why we long for another person to sit next to us when our world is falling apart, because when the universe was shrieking beneath the pain of sin, Jesus drew near to us." Thoughtful reflections on the film Wind River — and on grieving.  

Read now >

Balancing Rhythms of Rest and Work

By Theology of Work Project
From TheologyofWork.org

Human beings need a rhythm of work and rest in order to live up to their God-given potential." Thus begins a thoughtful and thought-provoking article by the Theology of Work project on having a healthy view of both rest and work. 

Read now >


Are You Hearing God's Voice? Five Ways You Can Hear God Speak Directly to You

By Ali Kennedy
From Fuel for the Journey

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Ali Kennedy, former Christian Union faculty member, is now living in Manila and serving together at Union Church of Manila. She is a writer, speaker, and loves discipling a small group of women at her church. In this article on her blog, she tackles a question that many ask: how can we hear God speak to us?

Read now >


Prayer Requests

In our previous issue, we asked you to pray that God would move in people's hearts to give generously so we could secure the Ministry Center at Columbia. Please join us in thanking and praising God for His incredible answer to those prayers, and for the generosity of all who gave. Please pray that the final details that are part of a real estate transaction like this would get ironed out with no obstacles.

The message of 1 Peter encourages us to understand what it means to live as ‘elect exiles’ in the world – rejoicing and living in the knowledge that we are God’s children, yet responding well to the adversities that come with being in exile. Pray for those in our community groups that this understanding will take root in our lives and shape the way we live and work.

Please pray that God would work in life-changing ways for all those participating in this month’s Great Experiment. Join us as we seek God for the supernatural work of His Spirit and a new national revival.


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