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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
January 23, 2018
On January 23, 2018 Christian Union New York gathered for our second salon of 2018 to hear from Jay Jakub, published author and Director of External Research at Mars Catalyst.


Jakub spoke to how for the past fifty years, business leaders have believed their sole responsibility is to maximize profit for shareholders alone, and that for business to do ‘good’ for society or the environment, there must always be a costly tradeoff of profit, thereby limiting scale of impact.

From a Christian perspective, he offered a more complete form of capitalism called the ‘Economics of Mutuality,’ which focuses business on the needs of others (the means) rather than on maximizing shareholder value (the ends). Put forth in his recently released book Completing Capitalism, Dr. Jakub and Mars Catalyst have developed a field-tested entrepreneurial model, currently in live business pilots in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere, which is transformational for both business and the world. The CU New York community enjoyed learning about Jakub’s research and shared in a powerful moment of fellowship. 

For questions regarding upcoming events or the Christian Union New York City ministry, please email CUNewYork@christianunion.org.