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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 30, 2016

March 2016 

Hello friends,

I write at the beginning of what the Christian calendar calls Holy Week. We have the privilege of commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His final supper with His disciples, His death on the cross, and His resurrection to new life on Easter Sunday. On campus, students have inherited a longstanding tradition maintained by previous Christian fellowships to label this week (appropriately) as Jesus Week. This is a week intentionally set apart both to foster unity between the various campus fellowships as well as to spread the message of hope to the campus at large—during a time when it seems people are more interested in spiritual things. Students are gathering for daily 8am prayer meetings and various other events will be held every day of the week. Please pray that this week would have a profound spiritual effect on the entire campus.

We are particularly excited for an upcoming event called Nexus. Nexus will be a conference hosted by Christian Union in New Haven, Connecticut, over the first weekend in April. Unlike the fall and winter conferences held by each Christian Union ministry, this conference brings together the various Faith & Action ministries at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton & Yale. That alone makes it an exciting time for several hundred students to connect with fellow Christians in the Ivy’s. But the focus of the conference makes it even better. The conference aims to help students integrate a strong Christian faith with their future vocation. To this end the conference hosts panel discussions in which Christian professionals from a great variety of fields share their experience as Christians in that particular field. The vocational areas represented include: arts, computer science & technology, education, entrepreneurship, finance, government, law, media & journalism, medicine, ministry, non-profit & ngo’s, science & engineering. For more information on the conference see www.nexusconference2016.org. Please be in prayer for the hundreds of students who will soon be gathering in New Haven!

Thank you for your support,

Jesse Peterson
Christian Union Ministry Fellow
Columbia University

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Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Columbia, please email prayer@christianunion.org.