Dear CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,
Greetings from New York City!
The students are back on campus after a much-needed vacation to decompress from all the stress from the fall semester. We are back to ministering to their needs as they finish shopping for classes and settle in for the spring semester.
Dear CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,
Greetings and Happy New Year from New York City! We are excited about kicking off the spring semester. We just completed a several-day retreat with the Christian Union faculty at Camp of the Woods in NY. We had an opportunity to seek God, pray, participate in individual and group scripture reading, and come together in praise and worship to prepare for the upcoming spring semester.
I have loved sharing monthly updates with you this year about Christian Union Lumine at Columbia. And I would love your help to end 2024 strong!
Columbia University needs healthy Christian ministries, now more than ever, to provide for the needs of its students who are seeking to know or grow in Christ. In the last year, we've seen many lives transformed by God's grace and power.
Greetings from New York City!
I wanted to take a moment to share with you all the exciting events that have been happening during the months of August and September. We took 21 students on a retreat before the semester started in August. During the retreat we had an opportunity to seek God through prayer, encourage them in the Word, and also get reconnected with each other after being away all summer. We also spent time planning activities to engage the incoming class of freshmen for our Freshman Welcoming Campaign. There were 64 incoming students interested in participating in our Bible Courses.
Greetings from New York City!
We are off and running for the semester here at Christian Union Lumine. Columbia University's campus has come to life and the surrounding streets are buzzing with activity as usual. We have the opportunity to share the gospel with over 9,761 students, which includes a freshman class of 1,500.
The 2023-2024 academic year has come to an end at Columbia University, and Christian Union Lumine has been blessed by all that God has done on campus through the ministry. Most of our students have either gone home, traveled across the country for internships, or traveled abroad during the summer.
We have seen our student leaders do amazing work during the semester with weekly outreach initiatives to reach their peers with the gospel. They have encouraged the community of believers to fast, pray, and seek God for revival on their campus.
It’s been an amazing month of ministry here at Christian Union Lumine on the campus of Columbia University. To witness how the Lord has been working in the lives of our students and using them to impact the campus for the Kingdom has been a blessing.
We continue to see our students really be committed to being intentional and deliberate in seeking God in prayer and fasting. During the month, ten football players from our Bible course attended our Monday night seek prayer meeting. We’ve continued to see more students getting involved in our Bible course during the middle of the semester. We are continuing to hold leadership training, workshops, and events for our students during these tumultuous times.
Thank you for your continued support for Christian Union Lumine here at Columbia University. We would be unable to reach the community of students here without you. During the month of March, the Lord has been really stirring the hearts of our students.
We have seen continued growth in our Monday night prayer meeting “Seek,” which we launched in February from an average of 5 students in attendance to an average of 15-20 each week. The meetings are being held in a classroom on campus and students walking by the classroom and hearing the a cappella worship and prayer have been stopping by.
Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am excited about how God has been moving in the lives of our students here at Columbia University through Christian Union Lumine.
We kicked off the semester with our first weekly Leadership Lecture Series (Illumina) meeting on Thursday, 1/18 with 59 students attending. Over the past several meetings we’ve had Nathaniel Peters (Morningside Institute), Pastor James Roberson (Bridge Church) and Lydia Dugdale (Columbia University) as guest speakers.
God is using your prayers to help grow the ministry at CU Lumine and develop future Christian leaders to transform culture for God’s glory! Since the last update we have seen an increase in student participation in our CU Bible Courses and Thursday night Lumine meetings. We have also seen an increase of students coming in the Ministry Center during midterms who were invited by our current student leaders.
With the ongoing conflict in Israel, we have been engaging our Jewish and Palestinian students on campus to let them know that we are concerned about all those who are being impacted. We know that any loss of human life and acts of hate grieves the heart of God because we are all created in His image. Please continue to pray for our students as they navigate through these difficult times.
God is using your prayers to help grow the ministry at CU Lumine and develop future Christian leaders to transform culture for God’s glory!
CU Lumine’s first year campaign is producing great fruit! It was a hot day for the student activity fair, but we invited many first year students to join us. We held a powerful retreat for our freshman welcomers and have started Bible Courses and events, in which we are experiencing the growth and transformative power of God. In fact, we kicked off the term with 60+ students at our first Leadership Lecture Series event.
Soon our students will complete summer classes or internships and head home for a week or two before returning for the fall semester. On behalf of the students who are a part of the CU Lumine community, thank you for your continuous support and prayers for the ministry. Without you, we could not have done this past year.
I'm Craig Holliday, the new Ministry Director at CU Lumine. It's a pleasure to introduce myself and provide you with our prayer requests for the current semester.
By God's grace, we have gotten off to a great start for the spring 2023 semester during this season of transition. The students have returned with a deeper desire to seek God for a revival on the campus and a harvest of new converts at Columbia University.
On behalf of all the staff and students at Christian Union Lumine, let me wish you a Happy New Year. We pray you had a restful holiday season.
By the grace of God we were able to have a vibrant, impactful Fall 2022 semester.
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.” - Philippians 1:3
The familiar words above spoken by the Apostle Paul to the saints in Philippi ring true for my heart towards you as well. Your faithful support (financially and through prayers & encouragement) has made it possible to reach so many incoming freshmen this past month.
“The guys have been missing getting together...”
Those words were spoken by one of the football players after meeting up for a one-on-one in the summer describing our Bible course group from the spring. The students will be wrapping up summer classes or internships and heading home for a few weeks before the fall semester. On behalf of all the students who are a part of CU Lumine, thank you for your continued support and prayers for this ministry. We could not have done this past year without you. Your faithful prayers and financial giving have truly made an impact on the lives of students at Columbia University.
Greetings from Christian Union Lumine!
Students are presently back home, in summer internships, or taking classes, but I have the privilege of connecting with a few students who are still in the NYC area or on campus.
As a ministry, we will be spending the bulk of time this summer planning for our Pre-Retreat. Pre-Retreat is a time for our Freshman Welcomers and Ministry Leaders to get away, reconnect with God, rekindle friendships, and plan our freshmen welcoming events for incoming freshmen.
Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia!
This is a bittersweet time of year. I had the privilege of attending commencement and saying goodbye to many seniors and meeting family members for the first time because of the limits created by Covid-19 these past two years. There was a moment when my heart was filled with intense joy and gratefulness for all the Lord has done in the lives of these students. Many came to this campus with so many questions about faith and future. And Jesus lovingly met each of them in a personal way. Your support and prayers have made those moments possible.
Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia! We praise God for partners like you who support the work He is doing through this ministry.
The students are in finals week and seniors are preparing for graduation! It has been a beautiful sight to see seniors in the gowns walking all around campus and Morningside Heights, taking photos, and preparing for graduation in a few weeks.
Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia! We praise God for partners like you in supporting the work He is doing through this ministry.
We have about four weeks of the spring semester remaining before we enter finals time. Pray for the students as they come to the end of their semester and start mapping out their internships and summer plans.