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February 9, 2021

Christian Union New York

The challenges during this pandemic season have been significant — and at times even overwhelming — for healthcare providers. Christian Union invited three faithful doctors to share their experiences at a webinar on Christian Perspectives on Healthcare in a Pandemic on Thursday, February 9, 2021. 

Dr. Christopher Manasseh, the Associate Chief Medical Officer of Inpatient Operations at Boston Medical Center and a Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine, shared about being a senior administrator and doctor in a major medical center. Dr. Vincent Naman, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and owner of a solo practice, Chattahoochee Plastic Surgery in Georgia, - faced different challenges as his practice was shut down for a period at the start of the pandemic. Dr. Kathryn Walters works as a frontline emergency medicine physician with U.S. Acute Care Solutions in Charlotte, North Carolina, fulfilling the role that most sedative-meds.com healthcare workers to be doing during the pandemic.

The moderators and audience asked the three panelists questions about how their faith influences their practice. They spoke about praying with patients and turning to scripture. They shared powerful examples of miraculous outcomes and talked about challenges around misinformation— coming even from fellow Christians and how they deal with that. In the end, they shared powerfully about how in a culture that wants to claim that science is God, they value science but know that only our Almighty Creator is God. Christian Union is grateful for their service and witness and for the many thoughtful people who engaged in this important conversation.

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