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Christian Union: The Magazine
July 5, 2019

Bring Your Doubts

Christian Union provided Krya the space to ask the hard questions about Christianity, and she found that the Lord used her doubts, and the answers she found, to strengthen her faith. 

July 2, 2019

Studying Scripture On Campus

Brianna deeply values Christian Union Bible courses and she shares the impact of Christian Union in her life.

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Christian Union develops Christian leaders at some of America's most influential, and deeply secular, universities. Prayerfully consider supporting our ministry. Click here to donate today. To learn more about Christian Union, click here.
July 1, 2019

Theological and Practical Application of Biblical Rest

Alan shares the impact of Christian Union on his spiritual life. Alan's relationship with God is transformed by theological understanding of rest. Listen to his testimony: 

July 1, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019

In this breakout session, Wanda will discuss how easy it is to lead in the flesh, but how do we lead as Spirit-filled people? Looking at the life of Moses, we will study principles of leadership to help us at work, home and in our communities.

July 1, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019

What does it look like to thrive in prayer and intercession amidst a full schedule? Pastor and Christian Union Ministry Fellow Qwynn Gross will share her strategies and encouragement toward prioritizing seeking the Lord, and the fruit that comes from it, no matter how busy life gets.

July 1, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019

In this breakout session, we will look carefully at Paul's pastoral wisdom as he allows the gospel to reshape our moral and social imagination on topics such as wealth, power, conflict, sexuality, vocation, and personal giftedness. 1 Corinthians fleshes out what following Jesus in the real world (whether ancient or contemporary) entails, in light of the centering conviction that the story of Christ crucified reveals both the heart of God and the portrait of of what it looks like to be fully, genuinely human in a world of idolatry, greed, interpersonal conflict, perpetual heartbreak and structural injustice.

May 29, 2019

Ministry Fellow Christine Shin

How and when do you boast in weakness? The primary way in which God's power will be perfected in your weakness. Evangelize in weakness, so that Christ's power will be perfected in weakness. 

"How many of us ask God to show up in power so that we can look good? God does not grant you power for you to look good, He does it so others will see Jesus."
May 20, 2019

True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World

"The traditional strategies of apologetics — strategies associated with books we are all familiar with — are effective, but maybe not as effective as they were 30 to 70 years ago." This idea was posited in a thought-provoking lecture by David Skeel, S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, at Christian Union New York's Forum on Monday, May 20th in Manhattan. Professor Skeel addressed topics covered in his book, True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World. In his book and in this presentation, he makes the case that a more effective apologetics approach in seeking to get non-believers to consider Christianity must do at least two things: it must address what he calls the "myth of scientific progress," and it must address social justice.

There is, Professor Skeel notes, a "very common perception that the complexity of the contemporary world is an embarrassment for Christianity. There is a widespread perception in our current culture, that a 2000-year-old religion can't possibly have much to say about the complexities of the modern world..."

Listen now to hear Professor Skeel's response to these perceptions:


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If you would like to get involved with CU New York, please email: cunewyork@christianunion.com.

May 9, 2019

Vocation and the Kingdom of God

On Thursday, 9 May, Christian Union New York was delighted to host Professor N.T. Wright for a breakfast discussion on Vocation and the Kingdom of God. Drawing from his Gifford Lectures (delivered at the University of Aberdeen in 2018) and ideas penned in several of his books (primarily Surprised by Hope and Simply Christian), Professor Wright gave an insightful call to all Christians to advance the Kingdom of God through our vocations by enacting justice, creating beauty and “standing at the dangerous intersection of Heaven and Earth.”


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If you would like to get involved with CU New York, please email: cunewyork@christianunion.com.
May 7, 2019

God and the Newsroom

Twenty-four attendees gathered on Tuesday night to hear from Paul Glader at Christian Union New York’s latest salon. Glader, Associate Professor of Journalism, Media and Entrepreneurship at The King's College, spoke on God and the Newsroom, highlighting both the current tensions between the media and religion and the potential that exists for a mutually beneficial relationship.


Get Involved
If you would like to learn more or to get involved with CU New York, please email: cunewyork@christianunion.com.
April 24, 2019
Get a taste of what it was like to be at Nexus 2019: The Christian Union Conference on Faith in Action!

To learn more about Nexus 2019, click here
April 18, 2019

Salon with Chuck Stetson

On Thursday 18 April, Christian Union New York invited Chuck Stetson to speak on Biblical Literacy. With George Barna’s research showing that only 7 percent of Americans have a biblical worldview (whereby the Bible is the primary resource through which one understands the world), Stetson took the evening to tell his audience what can be done to see that number increase and why this endeavor is so important.


Get Involved
If you would like to learn more or to get involved with CU New York, please email: cunewyork@christianunion.com.
March 30, 2019

Standing Firm in Christ

Coming to Yale has allowed Daniel to engage in some deep and challenging questions about why he believes what he does. As a result, he has felt inspired in what it means to be a Christian leader and lead others towards Christ.

March 30, 2019

Teeto's Story

During a difficult sophomore year at Princeton, Teeto and her peers grew closer together as they truly walked alongside each other through their spiritual, academic, and professional journeys.

March 30, 2019

Audrey's Story

"I thought that God just didn't care about anything in my life, that He didn't care about me...I also thought that a lot of Christians use God to do really hypocritical things."

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To learn more or to get involved with Christian Union Gloria at Harvard, click here.

March 30, 2019

Allie's Story 

"My perspective on God has changed massively if I'm looking back. CU has been the force that changed that perspective...Coming in, I didn't really care about God to be honest. I thought He was an abstract concept...CU provided the community to delve into who God is."

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To learn more or to get involved with Christian Union Vox at Dartmouth, click here.

March 26, 2019

How (And How Not) to Watch a Movie

Christian Union New York adopted a new format for their latest salon on March 26, 2019, when they invited guest speaker Caleb Brown to speak on the topic How (And How Not) to Watch a Movie. Rather than the usual lecture followed by Q&A format, Brown led a room of nearly thirty attendees through the pilot episode of Downton Abbey, taking regular pauses to point to the expertly crafted use of camera-angles, iconography, and audio that casual viewers (i.e. the majority of us) rarely pick up on. A short but lively discussion followed.


Get Involved
If you would like to learn more or to get involved with CU New York, please email: cunewyork@christianunion.com.
March 11, 2019


The Cornell team won the SpokenWord competition at Nexus. In the video below, students from Cornell University deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic performance at the conference. (4:21)

March 11, 2019
Students from Yale University deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic SpokenWord performance at Christian Union's Nexus 2019 conference. (4:24)

March 11, 2019
Students from Princeton University deliver creatively combined portions of Scripture in a dramatic SpokenWord performance at Christian Union's Nexus 2019 conference. (5:59)