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Christian Union: The Magazine
Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
April 8, 2024

This April 19-20th, Christians around the country are joining Christian Union America from the comfort of their own home for a weekend retreat to better understand the Christian view of fear: the fear of man and the fear of God. In light of this upcoming event, Christian Union desires to encourage all Christians to seek the Lord wholeheartedly to find freedom from the destructive forces of the fear of man and to find their security in God alone. The following excerpt on fear, originally published as part of a 2014 CU Fast, examines Jesus' words, as recorded in the Book of Matthew.

March 19, 2024

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2023 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download a PDF version of the
 Annual Report here.
February 2, 2023

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2022 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download a PDF version of the Annual Report here.

December 2, 2022

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2021 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download Christian Union's Annual Report for the 2021 fiscal year here.

October 13, 2022

The Heart of Christian Union's Mission

Learn more about how Christian Union is promoting national revival and reformation for a spiritually vibrant America through Christian leadership. That’s been the heart of Christian Union’s vision and mission all along through two strategic ministries: Christian Union Universities (CUU) and Christian Union America (CUA). The aim is not just to endure our current trials, but to recapture the Christ-centered spiritual vibrancy that blessed the world for generations.

December 2, 2021

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2020 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download Christian Union's Annual Report for the 2020 fiscal year here. 
December 2, 2021

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2019 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download the Annual Report in the PDF format here.  
December 8, 2020

Student Spotlight

The idea that faith and reason are opposing forces, enemies of one another that will never find common ground is a familiar concept in our increasingly secular society: faith is blind, reason is logical, faith isn’t academic, reason is scientific. Like many intellectually ambitious high schoolers, this was the thinking of Timothy Kinnamon, Columbia '20. But when Kinnamon entered Columbia and came across the CU Lumine community, he found these assumptions challenged and quickly overturned.

November 13, 2020

Doxa at Harvard 

Former Christian Union Teaching Fellow Nick Nowalk unpacks a talk regarding the hiddenness of God titled, "The God Who Hides: Reflections on the Central Dilemma of Faith" to Christian Union Gloria students at Harvard. 

December 19, 2019

In this special outreach Doxa talk, Vince Vitale from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries offers thoughts on origin, meaning, morality, and destiny as they relate to the person of Christ. He provides insight and exploration into each topic.

September 26, 2019
Scott Jones, a pastor and former Christian Union faculty member at Princeton, returned to the university and gave this outstanding talk at a Christian Union leadership lecture series event last spring. In this talk he takes a look at what it means to be distinctly Christian in the midst of one's vocational pursuit.

August 1, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019

How can we bridge the gap between the questions of culture and the invitation of Christ? By taking seriously the neglected spiritual discipline of conversation. Are you a better conversationalist than you were five years ago? Most people find this a difficult question to answer, but it is a critical question to be able to answer with a confident “Yes.” God finds his way into good conversations; so, practically and concretely, what would it look like to take day-to-day conversation seriously as an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, and to see those conversations consistently leading to others turning to Christ? That’s the question I want to explore together in this session.

July 27, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019


The goal is to have a simple plan for caring for your coworkers that leads to establishing God’s Kingdom where you work and live, all while not getting you fired. Join as they share practical tools from beginning a conversation all the way through to forming a new believer church in the workplace, tell current stories of what God is doing in these spheres, and practice in live simulation. 

July 27, 2019

CU Cities Conference 2019

What is the interface between physical and mental health and a spiritually full life? What is burnout? What is the spiritual perspective on grit? How do you move from being trapped in complacency or barely competent at work, into a life where your work becomes part of something extraordinary as you are supernaturally led through each day of your life?

July 18, 2019

Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2018 Annual Report in full screen mode. If you do not see an image, download a .pdf version of the 2018 annual report.
July 12, 2019
The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (45:50)

July 12, 2019
Standing on John 15:1-17, Adrian’s session is designed to encourage working Christians to value themselves and their work from Jesus' value system vs the world's value system.
The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (39:29)

Standing on John 15:1-17, Adrian’s session is designed to encourage working Christians to value themselves and their work from Jesus' value system vs the world's value system.

July 9, 2019
The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (58:08)

July 7, 2019
The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (35:17)