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July 2, 2021

A Spirited Send Off

CU Libertas Celebrates Seniors

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer

In an exciting and encouraging end to their time in college, seniors of CU Libertas gathered in person to be celebrated and recognized by underclassmen and to get off campus for a seniors-only day retreat. Though these kinds of events are typical for the graduation season, Ministry Fellow Laurel Copp says that these were the only two in-person events the ministry formally hosted all year due to COVID-19 restrictions.

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June 29, 2021

Repent America!

Revival, Reformation Are Preceded by a Return to God 

By Chuck Hetzler

“We need to admit that there’s a problem,” said Matt Bennett as he addressed the need for widespread repentance to Christian Union Cornerstone Partners in a Zoom meeting, Monday evening, June 7, 2021.

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June 8, 2021

Q and A with George Otis

Prayer, Revival, and Societal Transformations

At Christian Union’s Cities Conference in Manhattan in 2018, George Otis, Jr. talked about the first Great Awakenings in the United States and the ensuing socioeconomical impact that followed in various cities and communities that were “overwhelmed by the grace and presence of God.”

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June 3, 2021

The Fading of Forgiveness

Tim Keller: We Need a Gospel Perspective 

In the past several years, the new racial justice movement has begun. But unlike the previous racial justice movements of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, whose actions and methodology were marked by Christian beliefs and “the ethics of love, forgiveness and reconciliation,” this new battle for justice is leaving the concept of forgiveness behind. 

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June 2, 2021

Double Duty

CU Gloria Law Leader Pursues Dual Degree

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer


After serving in the Marines for seven years, Joel Malkin made a major career change and enrolled in the joint degree program at Harvard Law and Business Schools in 2020. One year into pursuing his Juris Doctorate and Masters of Business Administration, Malkin has been an active participant in Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law, CU Gloria Law. 

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May 18, 2021

Praying for Another Revival at Cornell

Santavicca ’73 Serves with Other Alumni on CU Vita Board

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer


The year of 1969 might call to mind images of anti-war protests, Woodstock, or landing on the moon, but for Ed Santavicca it was the year he experienced a revival on Cornell’s campus. Arriving as a freshman in Ithaca, New York, Santavicca’s world was saturated with the cultural upheaval of the Vietnam war, rigorous academics, and a very limited understanding of God.

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May 17, 2021

Astronaut Monastery

Christian Union Alumnus Founds NYC Design Studio

By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer

Strategy is the name of the game for Cody Min, the founder of Astronaut Monastery, a creative studio operating out of New York City. 

With the tagline of “Making work that thinks and thinking that works,” Min, the company’s head of new business and strategy, has created a sleek and successful firm serving clients like Hyundai, the popstar Kesha, Cole Haan, Rowing Blazers, Disney-ABC, Samsung, and Uniqlo. Min’s creative work today is deeply rooted in his faith, which was cultivated through the ministry of CU Martus (formerly called Penn Faith and Action or PennFA).

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April 23, 2021

A Weekend of Fire

CU New York Hosts Retreat for Young Professionals

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

A group of ten young professionals recently attended a Christian Union Fire retreat in New York City. Based on their feedback and ensuing testimonies, the event fueled a greater depth of seeking God and a passion for seeking revival.

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March 19, 2021

Has Religious Freedom Had Its Day?

Cultural Changes Are Reshaping the Landscape 

Religious freedom is an expectation and reality in our country, but with radical legislative changes and a major shift in the cultural understanding of identity, religious freedom may be evaporating before our eyes. In this article from Gospel Coalition Australia, Akos Balogh examines the cultural changes that are quickly reshaping the freedom of the church in the west. 

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March 12, 2021

Asking the Wrong Questions about Ravi Zacharias…

Missing the Most Important One

By Dr. Chuck Hetzler

The revelations of Ravi Zacharias’ failures have invited a host of questions to discern how such destructive  sins could have occurred. Seeking answers, Christians have primarily probed RZIM from an organizational perspective.

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March 8, 2021

The Loneliest Generation

How Can We Engage Them with the Good News? 

Who is Generation Z? Yes, they are the individuals who were born between the early ’90s and mid-2010s, but for Christian Union, they represent one of our primary mission fields.

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February 26, 2021

Christian Union: The Magazine Launches New Online Version

Digital Publication Continues Ministry's Long History of Reporting

Welcome to The Magazine, Christian Union's online publication of feature stories, ministry updates, commentary, and news.

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February 19, 2021

Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross

Three Biblical Reasons to Fast 

By Dr. Chuck Hetzler, vice president of biblical theology

Twenty-first century American Christianity is not known for self-denial. Most of the American church’s marketing mirrors the world’s. The church sells good-looks, fashion, and personal happiness. No doubt, following Jesus makes your life better, but true discipleship promises hardship and absolute surrender along the way. 

And He said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” – Luke 9:23

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February 17, 2021

Christian Union Introduced Me to Fasting

Yale Alumna Recalls Seeking God Lifestyle Course    

By Alisha Reginal, Yale ’15

Christian Union whet my appetite for fasting. Nine years ago, I participated in Christian Union’s Seeking God Lifestyle Bible course at Yale. The course discussed seven principles to intentionally draw near to God. The first was “humility with fasting.”

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February 12, 2021

Law and Justice

Adewuyi ’20 Thankful for Christian Union’s Influence

By Catherine Elvy

A recent Harvard Law School alumnus plans to use his skills and talents to advocate for housing access and affordability. Yemi Adewuyi ’20 wants to play a role in initiatives that empower the disadvantaged to become self-sufficient.

“Justice is making sure that a person experiencing homelessness can escape poverty,” said Adewuyi.

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December 23, 2020

The Life of the Mind

Christian Union Gloria Hosts Lecture with Ryan Gregg 

By Kelly Parks, Staff Writer

This fall, CU Gloria, Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard, virtually hosted Ryan Gregg as a speaker for their Leadership Lecture Series, Doxa. As former co-president at the Harvard Graduate Christian Fellowship, Gregg discussed how to approach Christianity from an intellectual perspective.

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September 16, 2020

The Mission Continues

Reaching out to Young Professionals

by catherine elvy, staff writer

The COVID-19 pandemic did not prevent Christian Union’s ministry to professionals from sharing its core mission with recent college graduates.

In May, Christian Union New York coordinated virtual introductory meetings with graduating seniors at top universities. During the spring, the ministry typically reaches out to seniors involved in Christian Union Universities to help facilitate connections for graduates within certain professional and geographic networks in various cities. In New York City, the ministry offers emerging and established leaders an array of community groups, mentoring and networking opportunities, as well as enriching events including forums, lectures, and conferences.

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September 16, 2020

A Legacy of Faith

HCFA Undergrads Give Seniors a ‘Commencement’ 

by anne kerhoulas, staff writer

The chaos of the developing pandemic and learning that the spring semester would conclude remotely could not deter students with Christian Union at Harvard (HCFA) from celebrating and honoring their graduating seniors.

While the campus shifted toward scenes of frantic packing, hastily thrown parties, and seniors clinging to last moments of their college experience, HCFA underclassmen mobilized to create a commencement ceremony for the departing graduates. They devised cardboard caps and personalized pseudo diplomas, a commencement speech delivered by an impersonated Barack Obama, and a real charge for those leaving campus to seek the Lord. 

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September 16, 2020

‘Above All These, Put on Love’

Being Home When Home Is Hard 

by daniel chabeda, yale ’20 

Editor’s note: The following devotional was written by Daniel Chabeda, who served as a student president of Christian Union Lux at Yale University before graduating in May. This devotional was part of a series entitled “On Our Hearts, On Our Minds,” that encouraged the Christian Union community in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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June 9, 2020

Remembering Ken Melrose

Former Toro CEO Was a Prominent Supporter of Christian Union

Kendrick “Ken” B. Melrose once said, “The purpose of life is to serve God by serving others.” But Melrose did not only believe these words, he put them into action and lived a life of integrity as a servant leader. 

Melrose passed away on May 3, 2020. The former chairman and CEO of The Toro Company, founder of Leading by Serving, LLC, and primary donor for Christian Union’s Melrose Center for Christian Leadership at Princeton, will be remembered for his deep love for Christ, his passion for leadership, and his profound generosity. 

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