June 24, 2018
2018 Conference Highlights
The Christian Union Cities Conference convened graduate students and diverse professionals, from recent graduates to seasoned pros, from across industries, to explore compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to every facet of our lives. Graduates of Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton and Yale explored their role in becoming Christian leaders. (2:26)May 14, 2018
A Spiritually Vibrant Nation
A Blessing To The World
Since 2002, Christian Union has worked to help bring sweeping spiritual change to America. We want to see the United States become a spiritually vibrant nation that blesses the world. (5:07)Please consider giving a generous gift by June 30 to engage even more students with the gospel. Click here to donate today.
April 21, 2018
2018 Nexus Highlights
The Nexus 2018 theme of "Turn the World Upside Down" comes from Acts 17, when Christians were accused of turning the world upside down with the message of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to turn the world upside down with the Good News? In God’s "upside down" economy, Christ died so that we might live, the weak are strong, the poor are rich. How can we be a part of what God is doing today? These questions were at the heart of Nexus.For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.
March 12, 2018
SpokenWord Highlights from Nexus 2018

On Saturday night, a team from each school competed in the Christian Union SpokenWord competition that required teams to memorize and present any selection of scripture passages in a spoken word style. The presentations were powerful, creative, and inspiring. A highly energetic audience spurred each team on, and after jubilantly celebrating the top performances, performers and audience together broke into a playful dance party to cap off the joyous celebration of the power of God's Word!
Watch the top three finalists, below, as revealed at Nexus 2018:
February 23, 2018
Nexus 2018
The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action
Nexus 2018 gathered nearly 300 students from nine of the United States' most influential universities for a challenging and inspiring weekend. Undergraduate attendees represented Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale.For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.
July 5, 2017
God’s Design for Healthy Relationships
Princeton Ministries Host Women’s Wellness Event
By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer
God designed women to enjoy a profound sense of wholeness and peace as the fruit of yielding their hearts to a loving savior.That was one of the major themes from Ellen Dykas when the women’s ministry coordinator for Harvest USA appeared at Princeton University at the invitation of four campus ministries.
April 29, 2016
Faith and Vocation
Nexus Conference Networks, Inspires Students and Professionals
By Eileen Scott, Senior Writer
The Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut, just a couple blocks from Yale University, was home to a weekend of vibrant worship, continuous and intercessory prayer and engaging messages from powerful plenary speakers on April 1-3. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale attended the conference, which offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career.
December 23, 2015
Cultivate Friends You Disagree With

July 12, 2015
Graduating Seniors at Princeton
Students at Princeton explain the impact of Christian Union at Princeton. (10:43)December 30, 2014
Dave Kurz: Alumni Interview
Seeking God & Building Bridges
August 16, 2014
From Nepal, a Lesson in Trust
A Prayer and Fasting Devotional
I recently returned to Princeton, New Jersey, from a trip to Nepal where I spent one week serving in Kathmandu and one week sharing the Gospel in a region called Sarlahi with a team of native Christians. I returned home with tears in my eyes, as I had to say goodbye to a group of people that I came to love so deeply. Even now, I find tears running down my cheeks when I think about how long it might be until I get to visit that beautiful land once again. Regardless of the attachment I formed with the people and the nation, my experience there was marked far more by discomfort and unease than it was by enjoyment and excitement.
It didn’t take much more than a day for me to recognize my deep desire for familiarity and to be in a place where I could predict the cultural, social, political, and religious climate. Nepal definitely is not a place where safety is a guarantee or where Western norms are particularly welcome, and for these reasons, fear crept increasingly into my heart as the days progressed.
It didn’t take much more than a day for me to recognize my deep desire for familiarity and to be in a place where I could predict the cultural, social, political, and religious climate. Nepal definitely is not a place where safety is a guarantee or where Western norms are particularly welcome, and for these reasons, fear crept increasingly into my heart as the days progressed.
May 14, 2013
God is on the Move at Princeton
By 2013, in just over 10 years of ministry at Princeton, by God's grace, Christian Union went from engaging three students in Bible courses to more than 400 students. The student Christian leadership organization resourced by Christian Union is the largest student group, religious or secular, on campus. Encouraging signs point to how God is changing lives at influential schools like Princeton. (5:29)October 24, 2012
Princeton Students in Uganda
Students Spend Summer with Ministry in Uganda
Princeton students Blaire Bloxom '14 (below) and Amy Gonzalez '15 served with a humanitarian organization in Uganda this summer.
A pair of underclassmen who participate in Princeton Faith and Action, a Christian leadership development ministry resourced by Christian Union, spent part of their summer serving with a ministry that targets villages in the eastern region of Uganda.