A Season of Growth
CU Nova Worship Team Goes Deep
By Cynthia Makachi
The end of the fall semester concluded an exciting season of learning and growth for CU Nova’s worship team. From joining the team as a freshman when activities were completely virtual in 2020 to becoming a co-team leader as Princeton’s campus transitioned back to normal, it has been an encouragement to see the team grow and thrive in new ways as it serves the CU Nova community. And I’m not alone—my co-leaders and members of the team agree: the worship team has been an invaluable part of their college experience.
A Powerful Pre-Retreat
A Princeton Junior Shares First-hand Experience
By Cynthia Makachi
It’s been a little over two years since I started my freshman year at Princeton in fall of 2020, and, though it was anything but normal, I smile back at what the Lord has done.
My first year took place between the four walls of my childhood bedroom. If I wanted to get to know my classmates or become involved in extracurricular groups, I had to intentionally join a zoom meeting, unmute myself from time to time, and not run away from the awkwardness of silence as others decided if they felt brave enough to speak too.
Transformation Through Leadership
The Heart of Christian Union's Mission
Learn more about how Christian Union is promoting national revival and reformation for a spiritually vibrant America through Christian leadership. That’s been the heart of Christian Union’s vision and mission all along through two strategic ministries: Christian Union Universities (CUU) and Christian Union America (CUA). The aim is not just to endure our current trials, but to recapture the Christ-centered spiritual vibrancy that blessed the world for generations.Busting Atheism’s Biggest Myths
Dr. Shenvi Discusses His Book on Apologetics
By Anne Kerhoulas
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. - 1 Peter 3:14-15.
CU Nova Welcomes New Ministry Director and Ministry Fellow
The CU Nova Ministry Team Begins the Semester Anticipating What the Lord Will Do
By Leah M. Smith, Princeton ’22
In the spring semester, Christian Union Nova welcomed the addition of two staff members, pastor Chris Coppernoll and Princeton alumnus Mike Vincent ’10. Coppernoll will serve as Christian Union’s ministry director at Princeton, while Vincent, a former CU Nova intern, is a ministry fellow. Both of these new staff leaders share common desires for increased discipleship, close-knit community, and revival on Princeton’s campus.
Surprised by the Gifts of the Spirit
Jack Deere Speaks at Several Christian Union Universities
By Anne Kerhoulas
Almost forty years ago, Jack Deere found himself in an unexpected position. An esteemed professor of Hebrew and the Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), Deere had signed a statement of beliefs for professors regarding the ongoing supernatural gifts of the Spirit. But through his teaching and study, he found his beliefs increasingly changing, becoming misaligned with the seminary’s stance.
‘The God Hypothesis’ - CU Nova Hosts Lecture by Dr. Stephen Meyer
Event Engages, Challenges Princeton Students
By Leah Smith, Princeton ’20
In the spring semester, Christian Union NOVA at Princeton University hosted a lecture with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. Meyer, who received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge, helped students—both Christians and seekers—understand particular attributes of God: His creation, His omniscience, and His centrality to the story of the natural world.
Seeking the Lord Fervently at Spiritus
Christian Union Hosts Impactful Student Conference
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
At the conclusion of the academic year, Christian Union hosted Spiritus, a two-week-long, invitation-only conference that introduced students to Daniel Spirituality and inspired them to be transformative Christian leaders. Spiritus, held at the D.L. Moody Center in Northfield, Massachusetts, featured doctrinal teaching with an emphasis on prayer, fasting, and repentance.
“Princeton Has Transformed Me"
Reflections from a Christian Union Nova Leader
By Leah Smith, Princeton ’22
As a recent alumna of Princeton University, I have a lot to reflect on. These past four years have been quite a ride, and I can confidently say that my identity in God has been strengthened so much. Through seeking Him, I’ve gained a stronger sense of purpose and grown a softer and kinder heart in loving others. CU Nova was the one organization on campus that I considered my family, complete with close brothers and sisters in Christ, adult leaders who’ve acted as mothers, and father figures whose wisdom I could glean from. These are the people whose weddings I hope to be in and who I will be visiting with during the classic Princeton University Reunions.
God’s Not Dead - He’s on the Move at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown and Beyond
Christian Union Celebrates 20th Anniversary
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
“They say Aslan is on the move—perhaps he has already landed.”
Virginia Secretary of State Encourages Princeton Students: 'Make Room for the Spirit'
Kay Coles James Speaks at TruThursday Lecture Series
By Leah Smith, Princeton ’22
During Black History Month, Christian Union Nova’s TruThursday Leadership Lecture Series hosted prominent Black Christian professionals via Zoom. Princeton students gathered in person and online for TruThursday, which seeks to “exemplify the gospel while celebrating African, African-American and Caribbean culture.” One of the highlights of the series was a lecture from Virginia Secretary of the Commonwealth Kay Coles James.
Why I Believe in the Life-Changing Potential and Power of CU Rise
Fondly Remembering An Evangelistic Blitz from 1985
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Christian Union is currently in the midst of an ambitious evangelistic initiative called CU Rise, which includes social media campaigns and outreaches at the nine universities where it hosts leadership development ministries. CU Rise will run for eight weeks.
The Social Network: Bold Testimonies Highlight CU Rise
Campaign Features Answers to Tough Questions
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
This spring, Christian Union is mobilizing students on its ten campuses to share the gospel more boldly, strategically, and frequently than ever.
Seeking God and Studying His Word at Princeton University
CU Nova Offers Two Weekly Leadership Lecture Series
By Leah M. Smith, Princeton ’22
In the fall semester, Christian Union Nova’s TruThursday leadership lecture series focused on various aspects of love. TruThursday, which meets on Thursdays evenings, “exists to exemplify the gospel while celebrating African, African-American and Caribbean culture.” The fall topics—Loving the World, Loving Your Friends, Loving Yourself, and Loving Your Family—featured virtual and live speakers.
CU Rise Campaign Is Good News for Influential Universities!
Christian Union Unveils Historic Evangelistic Outreach
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
You have one business on earth - to save souls. - John Wesley
Calling, Courage, and Christ
Students Challenged to Be Salt and Light at 2019 Nexus Conference
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Editor's note: This article, which features coverage of Christian Union's Nexus Conference, originally appeared in the Spring 2019 edition of Christian Union: The Magazine and is reprinted in conjuction with the publication's "Throwback Thursday" series.
Throwback Thursday: Pressing Toward the Mark at Princeton
Football Players Huddle Up for Christian Union Bible Course
Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in Fall 2019.
Christian Union Book Recommendations for 2022
From New Releases to Classics
Everyone needs a good book on hand. To help you decide where to start in the new year, Christian Union ministry faculty and staff have put together a recommended booklist for 2022. Ranging from new releases to old classics, there is sure to be something that will bless and challenge you this year. Take a look!
How to Not Be Afraid of Cancel Culture
Author of Irreversible DamageDelivers Poignant Message at Princeton
In our increasingly polarized society, university campuses have become a hotbed of cancel culture and diminished free speech. Though organizations like Academic Freedom Alliance have emerged from leading institutions with the sole purpose of defending professors' and students' constitutional right to freedom of speech, majority views tend to dominate public thinking and discourage dissent, even when dissent is grounded in research.
Seeking God at Stanford
CU Caritas Offers Discipleship, Spiritual Refreshment to Students
By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor
Justin Woyak, Christian Union’s ministry director at Stanford University, understands that even the most intellectually-gifted young people need something more than academic achievement, social activities, and camaraderie during their college careers.