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Christian Union: The Magazine
July 29, 2022

A Nationwide Fast from August 1-14 Calls Believers to Concerted Prayer

Christian Union’s next extended period of prayer and fasting begins Monday, August 1, and runs for two weeks through Sunday, August 14, 2022. The spiritual condition of our day demands a serious and wholehearted response from the Church; The nation and the people of God in America need a fresh work of the Spirit of God. Please sign up today for our fourteen-day fast and join thousands of other Christians as we draw near to God for ourselves, for the Body of Christ, and for the lost.  

July 28, 2022

Dr. Michael Brown and Pastor Doug Wilson explain the rationale behind the two views

The charismatic church is the fastest-growing movement of Christianity today. It seems clear that people are drawn to the power of God at work today through the Holy Spirit. But for many Christians and evangelical denominations, the gifts of the Spirit that mark the charismatic church—prophecy, tongues, and healing—are believed to no longer exist, having ended with the apostolic age.

July 22, 2022

Event Engages, Challenges Princeton Students

In the spring semester, Christian Union NOVA at Princeton University hosted a lecture with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. Meyer, who received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge, helped students—both Christians and seekers—understand particular attributes of God: His creation, His omniscience, and His centrality to the story of the natural world.

July 21, 2022

'Knowledge of God and Self Go Hand in Hand'

“Transformation is the gift of the Christian life,” says Jen Wilkin in a recent talk for The Gospel Coalition.

July 20, 2022

Psalms Part One Is First Release 

After twenty years of teaching and equipping university students through Bible courses, Christian Union will release its first publicly available Bible study this summer. Published through Tyndale, Christian Union’s study on the Book of Psalms is broken into three parts; The first part (Psalms 1-41) will be released in early August, with parts two and three being offered later this fall. 

July 18, 2022

“Welcome One Another as Christ Has Welcomed Us"

Welcoming people into your home may not seem like a supernatural act, but as Marshall Segal posits in his article for Desiring God, “There’s a spiritual power that pulses through the floors and walls and furniture of a Christian home — a strong, even overpowering aroma, a wild and compelling story unfolding for anyone who comes close enough to hear. Beneath the dirty clothes, behind the unwashed dishes, just below the dusty surfaces, a glory hums and unsettles and woos. A 1,500-square-foot sermon.”

July 8, 2022

CU Gloria Members Produce DaVinci Play

“The arts are a powerful tool,” reflects Harvard rising junior LyLena Estabine. They have the power to cross boundary lines, reach into the emotional and spiritual core of a person and leave them changed.

July 1, 2022

Roe was an "Indefensible Decision"

Despite being reinforced and even expanded by the Casey decision of 1992, Roe was a bad ruling by the Supreme Court that simply had to go. It had no legal ground on which to stand and no Constitutional logic behind it. That’s why few, if any, pundits are challenging Justice Alito’s legal reasoning in dismantling Roe. That’s also why late last year, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch openly targeted Roe in conjunction with the Court agreeing to hear the Dobbs case.

June 29, 2022

David French: Humility, Absence of Malice Are Paramount

The overturning of Roe v. Wade was momentous. But as David French argues in this article for The Atlantic, what happens next is just as important. 

June 29, 2022

Christian Union Hosts Impactful Student Conference

  At the conclusion of the academic year, Christian Union hosted Spiritus, a two-week-long, invitation-only conference that introduced students to Daniel Spirituality and inspired them to be transformative Christian leaders. Spiritus, held at the D.L. Moody Center in Northfield, Massachusetts, featured doctrinal teaching with an emphasis on prayer, fasting, and repentance.

June 27, 2022

The Power of Persevering Prayer

Friday, June 24, 2022, will go down in history as a momentous day—the day Roe v. Wade was overturned. Though much of America roils at the decision, for Christians, the ruling is not only a giant step toward saving the lives of thousands of children every year, it is an answer to decades of prayer for the Lord to intervene. 

June 24, 2022

Recent Alumni - In Their Own Words

Editor’s Note: The following article contains first-person accounts from alumni who were actively involved in CU Lux, Christian Union’s ministry at Yale University. 

June 22, 2022

Report Details ‘Pivotal Moment’ for Gen Z and Millennials

Editor's note: This Throwback Thursday article originally appeared in January of 2021.   With its report, The Great Opportunity: The American Church in 2050, the Pinetops Foundation examines the fruitfulness, or lack thereof, when it comes to the engagement of today’s teens and young adults. According to its 2018 report, approximately one million young people are leaving the church each year—but a “great opportunity” exists if we can reverse the current trends assigned to Generation Z and younger Millennials. 

June 21, 2022

Christian Union Is Offering Hosting Opportunities

  Christian Union will host its next CU Fire Retreat on October 14-15 in living rooms across America—it’s a small group experience designed for the rejuvenation and inspiration of Christians.

June 15, 2022

Reflections from a Christian Union Nova Leader

  As a recent alumna of Princeton University, I have a lot to reflect on. These past four years have been quite a ride, and I can confidently say that my identity in God has been strengthened so much. Through seeking Him, I’ve gained a stronger sense of purpose and grown a softer and kinder heart in loving others. CU Nova was the one organization on campus that I considered my family, complete with close brothers and sisters in Christ, adult leaders who’ve acted as mothers, and father figures whose wisdom I could glean from. These are the people whose weddings I hope to be in and who I will be visiting with during the classic Princeton University Reunions.

June 13, 2022

Maturity in Christ Is Never Formulaic

The church exists to make disciples of all men and women, sending them out to love and transform the world as ambassadors of Christ. But how exactly do churches make disciples? 

June 13, 2022

Cornell Veritas Forum Examines Timely Question

The past few years have demonstrated what happens when humans grow more deeply entrenched in religious, political, and social views while losing the ability to listen to opposing views with love. More and more, friends are ending relationships, families are split apart, and individuals are surrounding themselves exclusively with those who support their vision of truth and the good life. But is this cultural shift a positive one? 

June 9, 2022

Rest, Solitude, and Holding Fast to God's Promises

The semester winds down, celebrations, endings, farewells, and fatigue sweep us into the early summer days. June always felt like a surprise. The summer had arrived. But the flash flood of the semester left me cleaned out, leaves and branches in my hair, and trying to reorient myself to where I had landed. 

June 6, 2022

CU Gloria Director: ‘We Want to See Christ Lifted High’

Christian Union Gloria and other ministries at Harvard Law School were recently featured on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The report, seen on major television stations and online, highlighted a strong Christian presence there and a unified desire to see God move mightily.

May 31, 2022

Young Professionals Reflect on CU Gloria, Post-College Life 

  On Good Friday, six Harvard College alumni gathered for "Community at the Cross," a panel discussion hosted by Christian Union Gloria.