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Christian Union: The Magazine
October 7, 2021

Russell Moore: Young Adults See the Hypocrisy

We’ve seen the stats: young people are walking away from the church. From the Gen Z “nones” who indicate no religious affiliation to the ex-vangelical movement, the church seems to be hemorrhaging its people at a historically alarming rate.

October 6, 2021

CU Lux Reaches Out to First-Year Students

  Prior to the fall semester, Ben Pascut, Christian Union’s ministry director at Yale University, and Chitra Kovoor, a ministry fellow, challenged student leaders with CU Lux to put their faith into immediate action by living out specific biblical commands as they embarked on the Freshman Welcoming Campaign and another academic year.

October 4, 2021

Career "Calling" Takes on New Meaning for Some  

In the past fifty years, the number of hours logged at work has declined for some demographics, remained the same for those in the middle class, but surprisingly, for wealthy men, the number of hours spent working has increased enormously. For some in this high-income group, work has become a “kind of religion, promising identity, transcendence, and community.” It’s called workism.

October 1, 2021

Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand”

Editor’s note: The following article by Dr. Ben Pascut, Christian Union’s ministry director at Yale University, was part of a series of devotionals for Christian Union Day and Night’s recent two-week “Return to Me” national fast.

September 30, 2021

Harvard Alumna Thankful for Cornerstone Partners Bible Study

It was January of 2021, and I had been living at my parents’ house in my hometown of Rye, New York. I was completing my final semester of law school virtually, as the Fordham University School of Law campus was closed because of the pandemic.

September 28, 2021

Repentance Was the Focus for Recent CU Day and Night Fast

In the last two weeks of August, 3,884 believers from across the United States prayed, repented, and cried out to the Lord when they participated in CU Day and Night’s “Return to Me” fast.

September 24, 2021

Hope for Restless Souls

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you. — Psalm 63:1 What does it mean to “earnestly” seek the Lord? According to Oxford Languages, the adverb earnestly means “with sincere and intense conviction; seriously.”

September 23, 2021

New Minsitry Fellow Excited About Fall Campaign

Sheri Casali, a new Christian Union ministry fellow, is especially passionate about discipleship. As the fall semester begins for CU Libertas, she is filled with hope and excitement when she considers the potential impact of mentoring students at such a prominent university like Brown.

September 22, 2021

'Our Nation Needs Leaders Who Follow the Example of Christ' 

In the book of Mark, there is a story about a paralytic man. After hearing about the powerful works of Jesus, his friends literally carried him to Jesus because they wanted him to be healed. They overcame every obstacle so that they might bring their friend to the only one who could save him. 

September 21, 2021

Sadly, Many Americans Do Not

A 2021 survey indicates that sixty percent of Americans who regularly attend church believe there is no such thing as the Holy Spirit. According to the survey, these churchgoers believe that the Holy Spirit is merely a symbol of God’s presence or purity or power. As pastor and author Matt Chandler points out in this sermon, the survey indicates that a majority of American Christians do not have a trinitarian understanding of God; most of us don’t know the God we worship.

September 17, 2021

Tanaka ’23 Launches Online Apologetics Forum

At most of the nation’s leading universities, Christian scholarship is not taken seriously. Whether it is courses that teach the Bible from a strictly literary perspective and neglect available scholarship, or students passively believing that Christianity has no response to deep philosophical questions, the Gospel is often ignored completely or viewed with disdain as ignorant and unthoughtful. Jonathan Tanaka wants to change that.

September 16, 2021

Movement Must Be Concerted, United, and Sustained

Editor’s note: The following article, by the late scholar and preacher of revival Dr. J. Edwin Orr (1912-1987), was reprinted from www.jedwinorr.com.Dr. A. T. Pierson once said, “There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.” Let me recount what God has done through concerted, united, sustained prayer.   

September 14, 2021

CU Nova Leader Interns with Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs, a premier investment banking, securities, and investment management group, is known for offering a handful of remarkable college-aged students a grueling internship where they often log eighty hours per week. The intensity of these positions is notorious, allowing only a select bunch of top students to say, “I got Goldman” when they come through the recruiting season for finance positions. 

September 10, 2021

Greg Epstein Is 'Good Without God'

Harvard has appointed Greg Epstein as the new Chief Chaplain; he is an atheist. The hiring has elucidated ire from conservative institutions gawking at how someone who believes God does not exist could possibly be the president of such a spiritually-minded, albeit diverse, group of individuals. Meanwhile, others have congratulated Harvard for their willingness to represent their student body and acknowledge atheism as a valid spiritual pursuit. 

September 9, 2021

CU Lux at Yale Hosts Summer Seminars

Christian Union Lux at Yale University hosted a series of seminars this summer entitled: “The Science of Love: A Conversation with the Gospel of John.” The study explored the theme of love in the Gospel of John in dialogue with various religious, philosophical, and sociological notions of love. By hosting these conversations, CU Lux “aspired for nothing more than an increased love for God and neighbor at Yale.”

September 8, 2021

Junior Is Thankful for the Impact of CU Vox

When choosing which colleges to apply to, one of my requirements was the presence of a good, healthy, strong Christian community on campus. Through research of Christian Union Vox online and a conversation with a past Dartmouth professor, I clearly saw that the Vox community was exactly what I was searching for. And when I arrived at Dartmouth, all my assumptions were assured. I showed up to an ice cream social on the lawn of Tuck Drive, and quickly sensed a healthy environment that was part of the body of Christ.

September 3, 2021

Stephen Meyer's New Book Makes the Case for a Theistic Perspective

The idea that science and religion are diametrically opposed fields of thinking is a modern idea. It's an idea that Stephen Meyer addresses head-on in his new book The Return of the God Hypothesis.

September 2, 2021

Stutz ’21 Thankful for Remote Experience

Most college students experienced the last academic year staring into laptop screens, suffering through Zoom fatigue, and lamenting limited or no social interaction. Stanford student Rachel Stutz ’21 also took online classes, but was blessed to do it in some of the country’s most scenic locations, living in community, breaking bread with friends, and growing deeper in her faith.

August 31, 2021

CU Martus Leader Earns Prestigious Fellowship at Penn

Michael Hagan is one of eight undergraduates in the inaugural class of fellows for the University of Pennsylvania’s new Office of Social Equity and Community.

August 25, 2021

Grandson of Evangelist Recalls Defining Moment

Editor’s note: The following article was written by Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham and vice president and associate evangelist at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Article was first published in 2014, four years before the passing of Billy Graham; Reprinted with permission. On a daily basis I’m blessed with memories and stories of the many ways God chose to use my grandfather to reach people around the world over the course of many decades. Nearly everywhere I go people stop to tell me about how entire families and generations were impacted by his ministry. It’s humbling.