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Christian Union: The Magazine
July 1, 2020
Life Chat: Roland Warren's Thoughts on Racial Reconciliation; CU New York Forum with Justin Earley: Spiritual Rhythms in Times of Crisis; Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms to Ourselves; 2020: The Gift Nobody Wanted; A Medical Missions Mindset; 4 Ways Not to Be a Jerk Online and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.— Psalm 103:8

June 22, 2020

Miss America Contestant’s Faith Journey Includes God-Inspired Dream 

“Hey babe, you should get baptized.” Synclair Gonzalez was ready to make her faith public. Her boyfriend’s voice, calm and reassuring, told her that now—the end of this church service—she should do it. So she went to the pool of shimmering water, letting the pastor guide her head under the rolling waves. But he kept her there…far too long. She felt herself flail, drowning.

June 21, 2020

Christian Union Lux Helps Produce National Event

Christian Union Lux was honored to host the Collegiate Day of Prayer at Yale University on the evening of February 27 in Dwight Chapel. The two-hour event assembled Yale ministries in united prayer, worship, and exhortation from Scripture, and also served as the national broadcast for over forty thousand online viewers.
Christian Union Lux was honored to host the Collegiate Day of Prayer at Yale University on the evening of February 27 in Dwight Chapel. The two-hour event assembled Yale ministries in united prayer, worship, and exhortation from Scripture, and also served as the national broadcast for over forty thousand online viewers. Over two hundred years ago, Yale, along with Williams College, Brown University, and Middlebury College, established the Collegiate Day of Prayer as a regular event on their campuses. By 1823, almost every major denomination and university in America “embraced the practice of a concerted day of prayer for colleges,” according to the Collegiate Day of Prayer Web site. The event lasted for about a hundred years and helped fan the flame of various revivals and awakenings on campus.

June 20, 2020
Shai Linne on the Gospel and Ethnic Unity; Happy are Those Who Mourn; The Voice in the Water; The Virtue and Necessity of Mentorship; Meditate on the Word of the Lord Day and Night and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."— Psalm 1:1-2

June 17, 2020

A Freshman’s Perspective 

This pandemic seems anything but light or momentary. It is difficult to see past our afflictions when we are in the midst of them, but when I take a moment to consider this pandemic in light of eternity, I have realized three things.
As one who has followed the growth of COVID-19 from its beginnings to its spread across the globe, I have been consumed with worry for relatives living in hot spots, disturbed by empty shelves in grocery stores and the impact on our economy, and grieved by people ridiculing the power of prayer on my social media feeds. This pandemic seems anything but light or momentary. It is difficult to see past our afflictions when we are in the midst of them, but when I take a moment to consider this pandemic in light of eternity, I have realized three things.

June 9, 2020

Former Toro CEO Was a Prominent Supporter of Christian Union

When Melrose retired from Toro, he was presented with a framed tribute which stated, “Jesus was his greatest model and became the filter for his leadership decisions,” followed by several quotes from Melrose about Christ-like leadership. This plaque now hangs in the Melrose Center at Princeton University, an ebenezer to God’s faithfulness and the beauty of a life lived in pursuit of Him.
Kendrick “Ken” B. Melrose once said, “The purpose of life is to serve God by serving others.” But Melrose did not only believe these words, he put them into action and lived a life of integrity as a servant leader.  Melrose passed away on May 3, 2020. The former chairman and CEO of The Toro Company, founder of Leading by Serving, LLC, and primary donor for Christian Union’s Melrose Center for Christian Leadership at Princeton, will be remembered for his deep love for Christ, his passion for leadership, and his profound generosity. 

June 8, 2020

Yee ’21 Is a Key Leader in Christian Union’s Ministry

Harvard College junior Ana Yee is pursuing a career centered around medical missionary service, hopefully in underserved communities in the Horn of Africa.   “We only get one chance on the earth,” said Yee ’21. “I want to do what I can to live a life that is faithful.”
Harvard College junior Ana Yee is pursuing a career centered around medical missionary service, hopefully in underserved communities in the Horn of Africa. “We only get one chance on the earth,” said Yee ’21. “I want to do what I can to live a life that is faithful.”

June 5, 2020
A Godly Sorrow; Special Statement from Christian Union; The Significant Beauty of Non-Essential Work; Surfing on God: Peter Kreeft on Surfing, Science, Sanctification, and C.S. Lewis; The Collegiate Day of Prayer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  "For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."— 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

June 5, 2020

Infectious Disease Specialist Talks COVID-19, Students, and Spiritual Warfare  

This is a hard, challenging time. Now where there are great challenges, there are also great opportunities.
Timothy Flanigan is a member of the Division of Infectious Diseases at The Miriam and Rhode Island Hospitals and Alpert Medical School of Brown University. At the Alpert Medical School, Flanigan mentors students who work side by side with staff in clinical medicine. For the last ten years, he has taught a popular course at Brown, Beyond Narnia: The Literature of C.S. Lewis.

June 5, 2020

‘Behold the Kindness and Severity of God’ 

It matters little what we think about the coronavirus. But it matters forever what God thinks. He is not silent about what He thinks. Scarcely a page in the Bible is irrelevant for this crisis.
It matters little what we think about the coronavirus. But it matters forever what God thinks. He is not silent about what He thinks. Scarcely a page in the Bible is irrelevant for this crisis. Our voice is grass. His is granite. “The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever” (1 Peter 1:24–25). His words in Scripture “cannot be broken” (John 10:35). What he says is “true, and righteous altogether” (Psalm 19:9). Listening to God, and believing him, is like building your house on a rock, not sand (Matthew 7:24).

June 5, 2020

Christian Union Faculty Transitions to Online Ministry During Pandemic 

In the blink of an eye, the collegiate academic year was relegated to online courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March. No campus life. No spring sports or activities. No May commencement. In the midst of the chaos, Christian Union Universities transitioned to an online ministry—Bible courses, Leadership Lecture Series, and mentoring sessions were hosted online via Zoom and other portals. Ministry Fellows were there to provide continuity by shepherding students and offering counsel to those grieving over what was lost.

June 5, 2020

Family is Thankful for Christian Union's Ministry at Columbia 

He went on to share, “Christian Union has greatly impacted and improved my faith. The community that I have keeps me accountable, and through my Bible course I have grown in my ability to study scripture and understand how it applies to my life. I’m also inspired by the faith that I see in my peers; it pushes me to dive deeper into my own faith and lean in more to God’s Word.”
At Columbia University, in the heart of one of the world’s most influential cities, academic rigor and the vibrant, rapid pace of life merge to form an exhilarating and often intimidating atmosphere for incoming freshmen. Establishing relationships and a sense of belonging are critical in the first weeks of college life. Michael was first introduced to Christian Union during freshman orientation when he was invited to a Christian Union jazz night. “From that point on, I’ve been involved in the ministry, helping out and volunteering in any capacity necessary,” Michael shared. 

June 5, 2020

Os Guinness Speaks at NYC Event

This winter, Christian Union New York hosted an appearance by Guinness, who shared insights from his new book, Carpe Diem Redeemed: Seizing the Day, Discerning the Times. About 110 people attended the event at the Union League Club.
In the midst of a fast-paced, often superficial world, believers are called to pause to reflect on the redemptive, purposeful nature of God. “Life is very short, fragile, and vulnerable,” said Os Guinness, prolific author and noted social scientist. “How do we live wisely and well and make the most of it?”

June 4, 2020

Semester Brings Joy, Challenges to Christian Union Gloria Law

Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law School celebrated a major milestone in December, just before a spring semester that would require students to maintain their faith and fellowship under difficult circumstances.
Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law School celebrated a major milestone in December 2019, just before a spring semester that would require students to maintain their faith and fellowship under difficult circumstances. After concentrated work from a group of student leaders, Harvard Law School recognized Christian Union Gloria Law as an official organization, six years after it was launched. With recognition status, the ministry can reserve space on campus and gain better access to students while providing strategic leadership training. “We are growing in community, reach, and impact,” said Justin Yim, Christian Union’s ministry director at Harvard Law School (HLS).

June 4, 2020

Jeon ’21 Led Daily Prayer Initiative in Winter 

The daily prayer initiative was started by Paul Jeon ’21, who serves on Christian Union Vox’s Student Executive Team. Christian Union Vox is the Christian Union ministry at Dartmouth. 
Students who steadfastly committed to daily corporate prayer experienced an abundance of spiritual growth during the winter quarter at Dartmouth. Meeting every morning, this student-led gathering was wholeheartedly devoted to each other, to prayer, and to God before the COVID-19 outbreak shut down the Dartmouth campus. They prayed fervently, shared news of answered prayer, and were committed to flourishing Christ-centered relationships. The daily prayer initiative was started by Paul Jeon ’21, who serves on Christian Union Vox’s Student Executive Team. Christian Union Vox is the Christian Union ministry at Dartmouth. 

June 4, 2020

Student-led Prayer Enhances Ski Safari 

Christian Union Nova’s annual Ski Safari in Upstate New York offered Princeton students a holy space where the Spirit moved and attendees bonded through fellowship and fervent prayer. In late January, approximately seventy students and Christian Union faculty attended the five-day event at Camp of the Woods in Speculator, New York.
Christian Union Nova’s annual Ski Safari in Upstate New York offered Princeton students a holy space where the Spirit moved and attendees bonded through fellowship and fervent prayer. In late January, approximately seventy students and Christian Union faculty attended the five-day event at Camp of the Woods in Speculator, New York. Nicole Williams ’22 discerned the palpable presence of God at Ski Safari. “Many of us, in our devotion time, felt God highlighting the importance of prayer,” said Williams. “As friends shared with one another, it seemed to affirm what God was speaking to us individually. Many of my peers had a hunger for prayer that they previously did not have.”

June 4, 2020

Wyatt ’20 Pursuing a Career in Media Arts 

A Columbia University senior dreams of reflecting his faith while unleashing his passion for acting, storytelling, and triggering laughter.  In the fall, Nathaniel Wyatt ’20 plans to relocate to Los Angeles to pursue a career in entertainment. “I want to communicate the beauty of God through art,” he said. “It’s part of being salt and light.” At Columbia, Wyatt served on the executive team for Christian Union’s ministry and as editor-in-chief for The Columbia Witness: A Journal of Christian Perspectives (columbiawitness.org). Wyatt also was active in Chowdah, Columbia’s sketch comedy troupe that performs original material from student members. 

June 4, 2020

Seniors Help Launch Program for Homeless

Becoming a follower of Christ during college was not part of the plan. But for Penn senior Steffen Cornwell, finding community in Christian Union Martas reoriented his vision for his future. Part of the prestigious Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology, Cornwell has taken a newfound interest in social entrepreneurship and spearheaded a program that allows individuals experiencing homelessness to store important personal identification documents in a secure website.

June 4, 2020

Bae and Payne among Ministry’s First Graduating Class

“Being a part of a community so strongly rooted in Christ helped point me to put my entire trust in Him, instead of in my achievements.” Furthermore, the training that she has received through Christian Union has helped her to become a better leader, in her role as the head of the Society of Women Engineers and with group projects in her management science and engineering classes.
Though commencement plans for Stanford’s Class of 2020 have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Caritas, Christian Union’s ministry at Stanford, will celebrate its first graduating class since its inception four years ago. Garrett Brown, Christian Union’s ministry director at Stanford, said it was “bittersweet” that those students could not finish the year on campus, but rejoiced at what this class had accomplished.