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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 18, 2019
On Thursday 18 April, Christian Union New York invited Chuck Stetson to speak on Biblical Literacy. With George Barna’s research showing that only 7 percent of Americans have a biblical worldview (whereby the Bible is the primary resource through which one understands the world), Stetson took the evening to tell his audience what can be done to see that number increase and why this endeavor is so important.

April 17, 2019

Students Experience Personalized Prayer at Nexus 2019

In February, Christian Union hosted more than 200 undergraduates at Nexus 2019: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale converged for three days in New Brunswick, New Jersey, to meet one another, seek God together through worship and prayer, and explore how God could use their aspirations and influence for His glory and society’s good. Through plenary speakers, breakout sessions, and small groups, the conference offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career. A variety of vocational panels were led by  Christian professionals representing a variety of fields. Another highlight of the weekend was SpokenWord. Student teams presented Scripture dynamically, interweaving dramatic, poetic presentations.The plenary speakers anchored the conference with inspiring talks that unpacked the conference theme of being “Courageous in the Ways of the Lord”. A student from Yale explained, “The message to go forth in courage in the ways of the Lord has encouraged me to put down my fears … and step up, listening to what he calls me to do, and obeying it.”

April 10, 2019
Yale Law School Discriminates Against Students Who Won't Surrender to the Moral Revolution; Dartmouth Football Players Develop Spiritual Brotherhood; What is the Gospel?; A Book that Will Transform Your Evangelism; Medical Journal Publishes Study Showing Prayer Healed Teenager of a Chronic Illness and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;     his greatness no one can fathom.One generation commends your works to another;     they tell of your mighty acts.They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—     and I will meditate on your wonderful works.— Psalm 145:3-5

April 8, 2019
Jesus gives radical commands in the Bible, such as to “take up your own cross and follow me.” This is a call to kill our own desires and follow him in loving others sacrificially, even to the point of death. Often-times, these commands come alongside warnings.

April 1, 2019

Christian Union Events Examine Art and Philosophy

Christian Union at Brown helped organize two key events that made inroads and friendships in the arts and philosophy communities. In February, Christian Union co-hosted an art exhibit entitled “How Do We Live a Good Life?” The event, held at the Leung Family Gallery at Brown, was co-sponsored by the Veritas Forum, Ethical Inquiry, the Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life, and Cornerstone Magazine. 

March 29, 2019

Salon with Caleb Brown 

Christian Union New York adopted a new format for their latest salon on March 26, 2019, when they invited guest speaker Caleb Brown to speak on the topic How (And How Not) to Watch a Movie. Rather than the usual lecture followed by Q&A format, Brown led a room of nearly thirty attendees through the pilot episode of Downton Abbey, taking regular pauses to point to the expertly crafted use of camera-angles, iconography, and audio that casual viewers (i.e. the majority of us) rarely pick up on. A short but lively discussion followed.Partial Audio Recording

March 27, 2019
Courageous in the Ways of the Lord; He Died Early in the Smile of God; Yale Student Works to Build Pro-Life Future; How to Actually, Truly Focus on What You’re Doing; Five Signs of True Repentance ; Why Suffering? A Non-Identity Response and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  Therefore the LORD established the kingdom in his hand. And all Judah brought tribute to Jehoshaphat, and he had great riches and honor. His heart was courageous in the ways of the LORD.— 2 Chronicles 17:5-6a

March 25, 2019
Notice how our story starts. 1 Chronicles 21:1-2 says: “Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to count [the people of] Israel. So David said to Joab and the commanders of the troops, ‘Go and count Israel from Beer-sheba to Dan and bring [a report] to me so I can know their number.'” After God has caused David to become successful in the eyes of both his enemies as well as the nation of Israel, Satan then comes and tempts David to take ownership of something that is not rightfully his.

March 22, 2019

Harvard Students Deliver Answers to Tough Questions 

In the midst of the potent stresses of final exams, students involved with Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard College stepped forward to deliver nutrition and encouragement to their classmates.
In the midst of the potent stresses of final exams, students involved with Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard College stepped forward to deliver nutrition and encouragement to their classmates. About 30 students from the ministry helped serve 150-plus hot sandwiches as part of a Texts-4-Toasties event. The undergrads formed the backbone of an effort by The Harvard Ichthus to gather student believers to grill and distribute hot sandwiches to classmates texting spiritual queries in exchange for late-night fare. Before final exams, the Ichthus encouraged Crimson students across campus to submit questions about Christianity in exchange for replies plus sandwiches made from cheese, Nutella, or marshmallow fluff. The campus publication offers a Christian perspective on issues, literature, and culture.

March 19, 2019

“Stealing Past Watchful Dragons”

Max McLean is an award-winning actor and founder and artistic director of Fellowship for Performing Arts (FPA). Based in New York City, FPA produces theater from a Christian worldview to engage diverse audiences.
Max McLean is an award-winning actor and founder and artistic director of Fellowship for Performing Arts (FPA). Based in New York City, FPA produces theater from a Christian worldview to engage diverse audiences. Among his numerous credits, McLean adapted for the stage The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert, The Great Divorce, Mark’s Gospel, and Martin Luther on Trial. As an actor, he created the roles of Screwtape (London, New York, national tour) and C.S. Lewis in The Most Reluctant Convert (New York, national tour) and Mark in Mark’s Gospel, for which he received a Jeff Award—Chicago theater’s highest honor.

March 14, 2019
Fasting: Personal Torture or Connection with God?; Joy in Repentance; The Equality Act Accelerates Anti-Christian Bias; Words of Wisdom; Workism Is Making Americans Miserable; James K.A. Smith, Vince Vitale to Headline CU Cities Conference and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.  “Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.— Joel 2:12-13

March 14, 2019

Princeton Alumnus is Serving the City 

In September, Matt Allen ’18 became an intern for Christian Union Cities, which offers an enriching slate of leadership development opportunities and other resources to professionals in New York City and Washington, D.C.
Christian Union ministry intern has enjoyed a season of amazing celebrations, including a new position allowing the recent Princeton alumnus to combine his twin passions for ministry and cultural redemption. In September, Matt Allen ’18 became an intern for Christian Union Cities, which offers an enriching slate of leadership development opportunities and other resources to professionals in New York City and Washington, D.C.

March 14, 2019

Tokarz ’20 Is President of Choose Life at Yale 

Since those pivotal exchanges during his freshman year, Dan Tokarz has championed the pro-life cause at Yale and beyond. As president of Choose Life at Yale (chooselifeatyale.org), Tokarz ’20 actively encourages students to take practical steps to reflect their dedication to pro-life efforts, especially within their campus and home communities.
A Yale College upperclassman looks back with awe as he describes his early encounters with campus peers who challenged him to weigh the depth of his commitment to the pro-life movement. Since those pivotal exchanges during his freshman year, Dan Tokarz has championed the pro-life cause at Yale and beyond. As president of Choose Life at Yale (chooselifeatyale.org), Tokarz ’20 actively encourages students to take practical steps to reflect their dedication to pro-life efforts, especially within their campus and home communities. “There is value in the human person that’s worth protecting at every stage,” said Tokarz.

March 14, 2019

Arce ’19 Has a Heart for Public Service

A Cornell University senior is establishing the groundwork for a legal career centered around his passion for aiding refugees and immigrants.
A Cornell University senior is establishing the groundwork for a legal career centered around his passion for aiding refugees and immigrants. “As a Christian, I’m called to love my neighbor and the marginalized,” said Chris Arce ’19. Arce, who is actively involved with Christian Union at Cornell, plans to use his leadership talents and drive to pursue a career in the public sector. Arce serves as co-president of Cornell Interfaith Council, and has served as co-president of the Puerto Rican Students Association at Cornell and as vice president of Cornell Welcomes Refugees.

March 14, 2019

Ministries Enjoy Thanksgiving Meal 

 Christian Union at Columbia hosted an inter-ministry Thanksgiving dinner last year, and is now seeking to make it an annual tradition.
Three juniors with Christian Union at Columbia led a team that prepared and served a Thanksgiving meal in the fall semester, uniting several campus ministries for a memorable celebration.  The dinner, held on November 16 at Wein Hall, was organized by Shazzarda Davis, Barnard ’21, Anne-Marie Tehn-Addy, Columbia ’21, and Callum Kiser, Columbia ’21.

March 14, 2019

Christian Union Hosts Bible Course for ROTC Students 

The ministry is in its second year of hosting a Bible course that caters to the rigorous schedules and responsibilities of undergraduates who are enrolled in Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) to become military officers upon graduation. Each week, students receive robust biblical insights and Christian leadership coaching.
  Christian Union’s ministry at Princeton University is helping to bolster spiritual  readiness for a group of students who plan to serve in the U.S. Military.  The ministry is in its second year of hosting a Bible course that caters to the rigorous schedules and responsibilities of undergraduates who are enrolled in Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) to become military officers upon graduation. Each week, students receive robust biblical insights and Christian leadership coaching.

March 14, 2019

Seasoned Football Players Lead the Way

Dartmouth football players Brandon Hester, Andrew Hunnicutt, and Nathan Nunez are sharing a game plan for life with teammates via Christian Union’s ministry. The three upperclassmen are encouraging Big Green players to attend weekly Bible courses and receive Christian leadership development training.
Dartmouth football players Brandon Hester, Andrew Hunnicutt, and Nathan Nunez are sharing a game plan for life with teammates via Christian Union’s ministry. The three upperclassmen are encouraging Big Green players to attend weekly Bible courses and receive Christian leadership development training. “We’ve been adding to that group every year,” said Nunez ’19. “The football players have a tight-knit community.”

March 13, 2019

Christian Union Alumni Share Insights, Encouragement at Brown

Managing Editor Christian Union: The Magazine Being a leader with Christian Union at Brown helped Ayisha Jackson make a smooth transition to urban missionary when she graduated in May. Jackson, an engineering major, said the ministry’s emphasis on a seeking-God lifestyle and rigorous Bible study prepared her for her work with Renaissance Church in Providence, Rhode Island. Jackson returned to campus in the fall as a participant in Christian Union’s Life After Graduation panel discussion, which included three other members of the class of 2018 who are active in vocational ministry at Brown: Gianna Uson, an intern with Christian Union; Isaac Whitney, an intern with Athletes in Action; and Katie Hay, an intern with InterVarsity.

March 11, 2019
Christian Union Director of Ministry  Dartmouth College "Our Lord Jesus wants our joy to be full. Certainly, he has made abundant provision for our joy. And if we focus our minds on the facts from which joy flows, springs of joy will well up in our hearts every day of our lives; and this will turn our ongoing pilgrimage through this world into an experience of contentment and exaltation of which the world knows nothing" (J. I. Packer, God’s Plans for You, 125). J. I. Packer rightly asserts that we can have joy because Jesus has made abundant provision for our joy. Christians are called to have joy in the midst of trials, rough days, bad times—you name it.

March 4, 2019

Harvard Law Ministry Director Has a Passion for Revival 

Since his seminary days of two decades ago, Justin Yim has been fervently praying for revival to ignite across New England. Now, the longtime pastor will have a chance to mentor law students and encourage them to seek God fervently via his new position with Christian Union. This fall, Yim stepped into the role of the ministry director for the organization’s ministry at Harvard Law School. “I always had a heart for New England,” said Yim, who grew up in New York City and attended seminary in Massachusetts. “When this opportunity came up with Christian Union, my wife and I felt a pang in our hearts. God has always been faithful, and we felt like it was time.”