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September is a funny month; while working professionals no longer have summer breaks we nevertheless continue to lean toward the academic calendar. For those older with children, the September ritual of school starting remains a family focal point. For those just out of college, well, old habits die hard and September remains the month of new beginnings. This is true as well of Christian Union New York.

The past summer months were spent (by me, at least) connecting with the 2017 graduates moving to the city. They came from all over – the universities on which Christian Union ministers, and quite a few where we don’t. The common denominators, however, are their faith, their call to a profession in this city, and the desire to live redemptively in the world – and to figure out what that means.

In the coming week a few of us will attend a conference dealing with global geopolitical and economic issues and trends. These few days will include plenary sessions and seminars assessing key trends in the world – and what they likely mean. Why, you might ask. The answer is longer than this, but essentially because it is important that the church be able to speak into and engage with the defining issues of our world; that we as individuals called to various professions and places be able to understand and respond through the lens of faith – in all the areas of the world God created.

The community groups, speaker series, mentoring program, and the Nexus: Professional conference (in February) are all oriented to this issue of a thoughtful engagement by Christians. But not just “engagement” – engagement that leads to long-term, systemic change of the nature of Christ’s redeeming work in our lives and in the world. Which of course is why our mission is to develop networks of Christian leaders to transform culture in New York (and in time, other leading cities). If you spend much time thinking about or praying for CU New York, please think and pray in light of these things.

Let me know if you have ideas on how you’d like to be involved. It’s a big city and a big opportunity to do this together (and certainly with others in the body of Christ). Young or old there are ways to be involved – leading a community group, joining a community group, mentoring someone new to the workplace, concerted prayer, building or joining a network of like-minded people around a corel cause, giving financially to make these things happen, and many many more. Just let me know if you have ideas because we’d love to involve you more.

I’m looking forward to the months and year ahead – doing much more with all of you, and seeing God’s Spirit work in amazing ways in an amazing city.


Scott Crosby
Ministry Director
Christian Union New York

For more information on New York City Christian Union Bible Courses and activities, or resources available to you please contact Scott Crosby.

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates, via email, on how to pray for City Christian Union, please email prayer@christianunion.org.