Forums and Salons Develop Thoughtful Christian Engagement in Wide-Ranging Topics Throughout Year

Forums on Christian Leadership
Forums occur quarterly, in venues suitable for 100-150 participants. Topics address broad themes of Christian leadership, and keynote speakers will include inspiring Christians who are leaders in their respective fields. These events are excellent networking opportunities among Christian professionals who are growing in their vision, strategy and effectiveness to change New York City and Washington, DC culture for Christ.Recent forum speakers include:
- Dr. Robert Louis Wilken, Professor Emeritus of the University of Virginia (pictured, above)
- Dr. Os Guinness, Author and Social Critic
- Mako Fujimura, Artist and Director
- Abbie Killeen, Producer Babette's Feast
- Cherie Harder, President The Trinity Forum
- Dr. David R. Young, Founder and Chairman of Oxford Analytica
- Dr. Anthony Bradley, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at The King's College in New York City
- Matthew Bishop, US Business Editor and New York Bureau Chief for The Economist
- Fernando Cabrera, NYC Council Member and senior pastor of New Life Outreach International
Salons provide an intimate gathering for around 20 Christian leaders at a time to develop strong ties, and interact on a more narrowly defined topic that strengthens either the intellectual or supernatural dimensions of your Christian faith. Expert speakers will go in-depth, but the setting affords participants opportunities for question and answer, and interaction with the speaker, as well as one another. If you are interested in hosting a salon, please contact: salons are announced in Christian Union New York Events.
- Jeff Smith, President Generosity NY
- Jay Jakub, Director of Eternal Research at Mars Catalyst
- Paul Horrocks, President Rocksurance Solutions
- Ken Fish, Founder Kingdom Fire Ministries
- Dr. Seth Ward, Music Director at Central Presbyterian Church in Manhattan
- Michael Rowntree, Senior Pastor of Wellspring Church in Fort Worth, Texas
- Joseph Loconte, PhD, Associate Professor of History, The King's College, New York City
- Dr. Gordon Isaac, Berkshire Associate Professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary
- Prof. Paul Lim, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, Vanderbilt University, Divinity School
Past Events
Click here to view past events and correlating video and audio recordings. Questions
For more information on Christian Union New York please email and for more information on Christian Union.Christian Union New York highlight thoughtful leaders in various fields speaking on leading and engaging the world with faith. These forums provide an opportunity for Christian leaders to discuss and debate the role and implications of faith in the public square.