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Dear Prayer Partners,

Our family just moved across town. To be sure, moving is a result of the fall (Adam and Eve had to move out of the Garden), and my back attests to that spiritual reality. However, there is something good about moving to a new(ish) home. Besides being bigger and cheaper, there is the clean house, the opportunities to purge (a lot of) unneeded stuff, and the new perspective that our new lodgings affords us.

As spring transitions into summer, and as we transition from (at least in Pennsylvania) Red Phase to Yellow Phase (both sound rather bleak), there is the hope of newness. And maybe we’ve jettisoned some of the junk in these past three months. I hope we don’t go back to normal - as pleasant as “normal” can sometimes be. I hope we are more focused on the Gospel, less spoiled in our materialism. I hope that we no longer take God for granted. I hope that for myself, my family, my new neighbors, my students, and this country.

As we continue this move from Red to Yellow to Green Phase, would you pray for the following:

  • Our summer Bible study. We are working through the wonderful little book of Ruth. It is the book that Johanne Goethe called “the loveliest short story in the world.” Pray that our students would hear and rejoice in the Gospel in Ruth’s story.
  • Revival in our Penn community and our church communities. O, that God would come in power to revive the hearts of a people waiting for Him! Pray that a fresh breeze of faith would fill the sails of God’s people to evangelize, disciple, and grow in obedience and faith in in-coming Freshmen (class of 2024). That we would reach them virtually and would not be hindered by so many uncertainties in the upcoming semester.
  • For our staff’s refreshment. Pray that this season of vacations and professional development would be encouraging and life-giving.
  • That God would raise up Cornerstone Partners to support this ministry. God will provide, so please join us in praying for a bountiful harvest of prayer and financial partners!

Thank you so much for your prayers! God is gracious and merciful and hears us in Christ Jesus our King!

Tucker Else

Ministry Director

Christian Union at Penn