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Christian Union
Dear CU Martus Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

It has been a pleasure connecting with some of you recently over the phone or in person to update you on the work of Christian Union's leadership development ministry at Penn. Thank you for your time and desire to learn more about CU Martus.

As we prepare for a new academic year, if you feel led, please consider joining in our efforts to support and develop Christian leaders at Penn by giving a one-time or recurring gift to help provide for some of the following student needs by using the secure link below:

  • $40 for community meals
  • $85 for leadership speakers and training
  • $200 to be used toward the cost of space for weekly Bible courses as well as prayer and worship events
  • $400 for fall or winter retreats

Your support changes the lives of students.

Thank you for your consideration in helping to develop Christian leaders to transform culture at Penn and beyond! And please pray for the incoming class of students to find CU Martus to be a supportive Christian community for them as soon as they arrive on campus this fall.

Grace and peace,

Cory Lotspeich
Ministry Director, Christian Union Martus
Give to the Ministry | CU Martus