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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

The God of the Apps

Late in the twelfth century, Benedictine monks in England developed a sophisticated technology that allowed for greater regularity and precision of their daily work and prayers. The mechanical clock, a significant improvement over sundials and water-based clocks of the time, gave the Benedictines what they desired: synchronization and control over the brothers’ activities.[1]

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

As our students’ minds turn to prepare for finals, final papers and holidays, we ask for continued prayers for the gospel’s introduction and discipleship of Penn students to grow as followers of Christ in the world. As the semester is sunsetting, pray that students will persevere in both trust in Christ and studies. 

Columbia Ministry Center Update; Christians and Politics, Sexual Assault and the Scandal of Repentance, Thinking Through Faith at a Deeper Level, Christian Union Day & Night Invites You to Pray for Our Nation, Love the Life You Never Wanted and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
— 1 Peter 2:11-12


Thank you for your faithful partnership in the gospel ministry at HLS. Please know that every moment you seek the Lord on our behalf is precious to us. And we trust the Lord along with you for his abundant grace to accomplish all of his plans on the HLS campus and beyond.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank you for your continued prayers for our students, our staff, and Yale University as a whole.  As we’re wrapping up our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians this week and next, I’m reminded of Philippians 1:3-5 that we “thank God in all our remembrance of you … because of your partnership in the gospel”.  Both through your prayers and the help of Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19), we are confident in the Lord that He will continue to build his kingdom here at Yale.

Attending the Lake George Course on Christian Thought also helped Tejeda experience reflection and healing following the passing of her dad, Felix Tejeda, who died of lung cancer on June 18. She was thankful for conversations about grief and moving forward with Robert Muni, a Stanford University sophomore who lost his father in high school.

Christian Union Course Gives Tejeda '18 Comfort, Perspective


It was an incredibly hard summer for Julissa Tejeda, a civil engineering major at Columbia University. 

Her father passed away in June, and she spent most of her time helping to plan his funeral and taking care of the family’s financial affairs.

Strategic planning, prayer, and a huge order of Chipotle helped Christian Union at Brown pull off one of its most successful outreaches to date.

Christian Union at Brown Hosts Block Party


Strategic planning, prayer, and a huge order of Chipotle helped Christian Union at Brown pull off one of its most successful outreaches to date.

On Friday, September 7, the leadership development ministry hosted approximately 80 freshmen for a block party at the Judson Center. At the beginning of the semester, student leaders and Christian Union ministry fellows coordinated a wide range of freshmen welcoming events to let new students know about a vibrant Christian community on campus and its Bible courses, lecture series, and conferences.

Ed Meese, the U.S. Attorney General during the Reagan administration and a Yale alumnus of 1953, paused to reflect on the godly legacy of the United States – and warn of its ever-expanding secular drift – during an appearance at Christian Union’s Staff and Faculty Conference this summer

Meese, Yale '53, Remains Passionate About Religious Freedom


Ed Meese, the U.S. Attorney General during the Reagan administration and a Yale alumnus of 1953, paused to reflect on the godly legacy of the United States – and warn of its ever-expanding secular drift – during an appearance at Christian Union’s Staff and Faculty Conference this summer.

“We are in a time of great peril, both governmentally and culturally,” said Meese. “It’s very important that we recognize where the country is today.”

Christian Union develops Christian leaders to transform culture for God’s glory. We serve and resource student organizations at some of the most strategic universities in America.
Peter and Linda Cline are partners, advocates, and great friends of Christian Union. Most recently, the Clines have helped to facilitate a generous $700,000 matching gift through the BridgeHead Foundation, where Peter serves as a trustee. This gift is supporting the ministry’s campaign to acquire a permanent ministry center at Columbia University in the heart of New York City. The BridgeHead Foundation exists “to assist Christian organizations in fulfilling the redemptive mission of the Gospel in bringing restoration of life to people and their communities through the thoughtful and strategic application of Christian values.” 

Christian Union New York Hosts Welcoming Events


Christian Union New York extended a heartfelt welcome to recent graduates as they began new vocations and ventures in the city.

In late September, some alumni of Christian Union’s ministries at top universities and other young professionals boarded a yacht for a two-hour excursion in New York Harbor against the stunning backdrop of Manhattan’s illuminated skyline.

In addition to building connections with fellow believers, the young adults heard about Christian Union New York’s slate of leadership development opportunities and other resources to assist with adjustment to life in the world’s financial and cultural hub.

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