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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.
CU_Christian_Colleges_CaliforniaCalifornia SB 1146 threatens the existence of around 40 faith-based colleges that rely on the state government for funding. Christianity Today explains how the bill, which purports to advance equality by curtailing important exemptions for religious schools, disproportionately harms students who most depend on grants to attend faith-based schools, while forcing these schools to promote sexual ideology explicitly at odds with their mission:

Dear friends,

I hope that your summers are going well! Cambridge is quieter with less students around during these months, yet our summer Bible Course for Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA) is continuing and there are only two weeks left of studying through the book of Isaiah.

Dear Prayer Partner,

It's hard to believe that it's almost August and time to welcome another group of freshmen at Yale! Our summer Bible study on Genesis has gone well and engaged the students on campus with tools for studying God's Word, while engaging them on topics such as human origins and the problem of evil. Please pray that students here at Yale, and those far away, would be emboldened to live more fully for Christ and serve Him faithfully at Yale in the coming year.

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

Prayer: How to Do the Humanly Impossible

It’s hard to believe that the ministry at Harvard Law School has just completed its third year!  Time has passed so quickly from when we first arrived on the campus in August 2013.

Students who served in our campus ministry from its beginning were among the many students who received degrees at graduation exercises this past May.

CU-Today-Christianity-Cant-Endorse-HomosexualityStunningly, in the aftermath of the horrific Orlando nightclub massacre, some accused Christians of creating an environment conducive to acts of violence toward those who identify as LGBT. Despite the outpouring of aid and prayers offered by Christians for those harmed by the shootings, some argue that only way for Christians to prove their love is through a full acceptance of gay sexual practices.

CU-Today-TranshumanismTranshumanism, the belief that we can use technology to alter our lives in order to outlive our natural lifespans, shares its core beliefs with the ancient Christian heresy, Gnosticism, which rejects the body as evil. James Hoskins, writing for CAPC, explains the connection between the two erroneous beliefs.

CU-Nexus-Highlights-CU-TodayChristian Union’s 2016 Nexus conference brought together students from all eight of the nation’s leading universities for a life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and world-class speakers. The weekend challenged students to think deeply about their faith, to consider how they might put that faith into action right now on their campuses, to recognize how God can use them in the vocation they pursue to impact culture for Christ, and to grow closer in faith and devotion to Jesus Christ in fellowship with like-minded peers.
What-Jesus-Mean-Poor-Always-With-You-CU-TodayWhen Jesus tells His disciples “The poor you will always have with you,” it may seem like He is telling His disciples that caring for those in need is a secondary concern. Some may use this passage as justification for tight-fistedness, but Jesus’ message is actually the opposite.

Love-God-Most-Others-Best-CU-TodayIt may appear contradictory at first to say that to love our neighbor best we must love God the most, but it is actually the best way to fulfill Jesus’ two great commandments of love in the gospels. 

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