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Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You...
— Jeremiah 32:17

Leadership: Think Different

By John Cunningham
From YouTube

John Cunningham

A leader can be characterized as capable and competent. They are the one "making things happen." But these are not the only distinguishing characteristics of a Christian leader. Using Matthew 20, John Cunningham, Christian Union ministry fellow at Penn, addresses students at Dartmouth to unpack the mode, motivation and model of distinctively "Christian" leadership...
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Many athletes find a religious community on campus in one of the 37 recognized faith-based student groups on campus. Getting involved with these groups has given spiritual student-athletes a way to connect with their faiths and find another Columbia community outside of athletics. For religious athletes, faith can help them find the strength to excel on the field—and survive the agony of loss. - Catie Pellerin, Columbia Spectator

ThinkstockPhotos-78738837A recent article in the Columbia Spectator, the university’s newspaper, explores spirituality in the lives of athletes at Columbia. Christian Union’s ministry at Columbia is highlighted:     

Senior Joshua Foster, a wide receiver on the football team, grew up in the Methodist church as the son of a pastor. For him, that meant finding time for church every Sunday in between his practices and games. At Columbia he continued to attend church on his own.

Soon thereafter, he was introduced to Jim Black, the director of undergraduate ministry for Columbia Faith and Action.

Since its inception, CFA has been tightly linked to Columbia’s athletic community. Black estimates that 30-40 student-athletes are involved with CFA today—and the ministry now offers athlete specific Bible studies to fit their demanding schedules.

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb."
— Revelation 7:9-10

What Happened to Harvard?

By Peter Greer and Chris Horst
From Q Ideas


"Harvard was founded to prepare ministers of upright character," Derek Bok, president at Harvard University (1971–1991), penned these words in his annual letter to the Harvard Board in 1987. Candidly, he examined the storied history of America’s most prestigious university...
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To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World

By James Davison Hunter

How does real culture change happen? Dr. James Davison Hunter, a sociologist who is the LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory at the University of Virginia and a Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum, addresses Christian assumptions about power, culture, culture change, and public engagement in a 30-minute lecture followed by 30 minutes of Q&A...

This link will take you to the website of the Trinity Forum, which hosted this fascinating lecture:

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Jim Black is now Christian Union's Athletic Director for its ministry at Stanford. He gave this address an event in Phoenix as a featured Bible teacher when he was Christian Union Ministry Director at Columbia. This tremendously encouraging talk, on a little-known Old Testament person named Mephibosheth, was given at a conference for Christian Union ministry partners.


“We need to be reminded of God’s provision. God’s grace. God’s goodness. Not always in eliminating the difficulties that we’re in. Rather in meeting us and sustaining us in the middle of situations. Growing us in those situations that are places of affliction, frustration and need and brokenness.”

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
— Psalm 73:25-26

To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World

By James Davison Hunter
From The Trinity Forum

James Davison Hunter

How does real culture change happen? Dr. James Davison Hunter, a sociologist who is the LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory at the University of Virginia and a Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum, addresses Christian assumptions about power, culture, culture change, and public engagement in a 30-minute lecture followed by 30 minutes of Q&A...
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ThinkstockPhotos-92832325Christian leaders have been influencing the world for millennia. While the full impact of their work can never be truly measured, many leaders have already made their mark in history, bequeathing the ensuing generations with wisdom and examples to inspire and guide them. One such figure is 18th century British abolitionist William Wilberforce.

Known and noted for his devout Christian faith, William Wilberforce led the anti-slave trade movement in Britain during the 18th century. Just three days before his death on July 29, 1833, Wilberforce learned that the Slavery Abolition Act – which would free almost all the slaves in the British Empire – would pass through parliament.  

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." — Matthew 5:14-16

Effective Prayer

By Qwynn Gross
From YouTube

Qwynn Gross

What can we do to ensure that our prayers are effective? Christian Union Ministry Fellow at Princeton Qwynn Gross uses the Bible to show that by praying God's will, our prayers will always be heard...
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by Wayne Grudem

I believe that Christians should seek to influence civil government according to God's moral standards and God's purposes for government as revealed in the Bible (when rightly understood). But while Christians exercise this influence, they must simultaneously insist on protecting freedom of religion for all citizens, a right that is rightfully embedded in our First Amendment.

Three Historical Developments Explain How We Got Here

by Ryan T. Anderson

In recent political memory, religious liberty was a value that brought together conservatives, libertarians, and progressives. As recently as 1993, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed by a nearly unanimous Congress and signed by a Democratic president. Today, the same value is a political liability. Bakers, photographers, and florists are being ruined, adoption agencies shuttered, and schools threatened with loss of accreditation and nonprofit status. So what happened? Why is religious liberty now losing so much ground?

As I explain in my just-released book, Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, three historical developments explain our current predicament: a change in the scope of our government, a change in our sexual values, and a change in our political leaders' vision of religious liberty. An adequate response will need to address each of these changes.

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