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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Christian Union Hosts Wintersession Lectures

by Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer


A group of students with Christian Union's ministry at Harvard College probed some of Christianity's toughest questions during the Wintersession break.

In collaboration with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, the students hosted three talks in January in Boylston Hall to examine questions that are core to the faith. The topics included the resurrection of Christ, the intersection of science and faith, and why God is sometimes perceived as hidden.

Book Study Empowers Students to Reach Out

by Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer

Student believers desiring to reflect Christ on college campuses often encounter barriers when it comes to sharing their faith with classmates who struggle with homosexual desires.

That issue can be especially magnified at Yale University, which has been dubbed for decades as the "Gay Ivy."

Given the issues evangelicals may face when interacting with peers who grapple with same-sex attractions, a Christian Union intern hosted a book study on the subject throughout the spring semester.

Scholar debunks modern conspiracies, explains history 

by Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer

canon-of-scriptureSome scholars argue politics, rather than divine guidance, determined the 27 books of the New Testament and the 39 texts of the Old Testament.

That is not so, according to theologian Craig Blomberg.

The New Testament scholar debunked such claims surrounding the canon of Scripture during an appearance at Cornell University.

It is simply untrue that the formation of either testament was "brought about because of ideological conniving, such that a winning party in a political process had the opportunity to suppress or rewrite or even chose unilaterally in a totalitarian fashion what should go in either the Old or New Testaments," said Blomberg.

Princeton University Fellow Examines Key Questions

by Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer

All humans possess a right to life, which forms the basis for the related principles of freedom and safety.

Philosophers seem uniformly to embrace that moral fundamental, but they continue to debate vigorously just when the right to life actually begins. Many ethical philosophers claim it begins during the later stages of pregnancy, while a minority point to conception.

During an appearance for Princeton Pro-Life, a visiting fellow at Princeton University did his part to probe some of the key questions in the ongoing debate over the timing and conditions that establish the right to life.

Global Trends Bring Major Shifts

by Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer

As the United States is growing increasingly secular, other corners of the globe are becoming distinctly more spiritual.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.
— Zephaniah 3:17

Old Saints

By Stephen G. Mackereth
From The Harvard Crimson

Stephen Mackereth

Harvard Crimson columnist Stephen G. Mackereth, a student heavily involved in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard, graduated last Thursday. In his final column in the Crimson, he reflects on his time at Harvard, on the future, and on the wisdom of old saints...
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Seek the LORD and his strength; Seek his face continually. — 1 Chronicles 16:11

Chosen for the Sake of the World

By Nick Nowalk
From Princeton Faith and Action YouTube Channel

Nick Nowalk

What does it mean to be a part of God's chosen people? Harvard Ministry Fellow Nick Nowalk challenges the common debate surrounding the doctrine of election.
Watch the Video Here >

Courtney McEachon '15 is a graduate of Yale University. Among her many courses and activities, she was a key student leader in the pro-life movement at Yale.

Courtney was involved with a Christian Union Lux at Yale. In this video, she shares about her pro-life convictions and how the ministry supported and encouraged her to find her voice as a much-needed leader. (4:33)

A Prayer and Fasting Devotional

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” - 2 Corinthians 4:7

It could be said that much of the Christian faith is rife with paradox, irony, and surprising plot twists.  The prostitute, Rahab, who was spared in the conquering of Jericho? She ends up in the lineage of the Christ, as did Tamar (of Genesis) and Bathsheba, two women notable for their sexual sin.  The disciple who said he would never deny that he knew Jesus -- and then did just that? He’s the rock that Jesus said He would build His church on, and He did.  Do you value your life above all things?  You’ll quickly lose it. If you lose your life for Jesus’ sake, you’ll save it. The list of surprising twists goes on, of course, considering that the very messiah-ruler Himself ended up crucified by those to whom He was sent. I would argue these all have in common the mind-blowing reality of how God chooses to work in this world: the weakest, simplest, most humble vessels are the one through which He works the mightiest; all so the glory might be His alone.

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
— Matthew 5:14-16

Christian Union Adds Hutz Hertzberg to its Senior Leadership Team

By Christian Union
From ChristianUnion.org

Dr. Hutz H. Hertzberg

Christian Union and its Board of Trustees today announce that Dr. Hutz H. Hertzberg has been named to the organization’s senior leadership team as president, and the ministry's founder, Matt Bennett, has been named CEO. Hertzberg brings a wealth of leadership experience, having spent the entirety of his career in church ministries, Christian agencies, and in higher education. Most recently, Hertzberg served...
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