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Christian Union


The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Five Crucial Aspects 

Christian Union was founded in 2002 to develop and connect transformative Christian leaders. There are five elements of the Christian Union mission, the fourth is cultural engagement.

Christian Union exists to develop men and women who are prepared and inclined to champion Christ in their positions of leadership. Our country, and the world, need Christians who are ready and able to embody the gospel and pursue cultural change that reflects biblical values. It is the call of all believers to pursue justice, to stand for the oppressed, to govern with humility, and to bring the good news to the ends of the earth. But students at these prestigious colleges are uniquely poised to engage our culture because they will find themselves in significant positions of power and influence. The goal of cultural engagement is nothing less than cultural renewal and national revival.

Inspiring Examples

Working with passionate and gifted students, Christian Union ministry faculty members have coached and developed students to lead in profound ways.

  • Courtney McEachon '15 organized what is now the annual Pro-Life Conference at Yale which aims to make the pro-life vision intelligible on college campuses that rarely hear this position.
  • At Harvard, students involved with Christian Union annually engage the atheist/humanist student group on the nature of God, goodness, and suffering, in debates that attract hundreds of students.
  • At Columbia, some required classes engage Scripture but teach it as mythology or a work of fiction. A ministry fellow was invited to teach from his doctoral thesis on Ecclesiastes in a class. This is a massive opportunity to meet non-Christian students on their turf and directly confront their biases.
  • Owing to the high level of student-athlete involvement in the ministry, Christian Union ministry faculty have served as chaplains to sports teams at Columbia, Cornell, and Stanford.
  • A student at Harvard Law School, Trenton Van Oss, penned an article for Harvard Law Review addressing religious liberty issues.

God is at work at these universities and major cities. Christian Union wants to be there as well, fervently seeking the Lord, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, sharing the gospel, and giving glory to God.


You Can Make a Difference

  1. Pray for the hearts of those poised to lead society would turn to the Lord.
  2. Connect others to the ministry of Christian Union.
  3. Give generously to develop more godly leaders to transform American culture.

To Change the World >

Seeing an Opportunity, Praying & Working to Bring Change

 In 2002, Christian Union launched its first leadership development ministry at Princeton, one of the nation's foremost universities. The ministry's founder and president, Matt Bennett, had long observed the influence that top secular universities possess when it comes to producing many of the nation’s most prominent leaders. He had a conviction that US culture could and would be changed as the Gospel influenced these schools.

As a student member of Cru in the 1980s and later as a staff member and director at Princeton for more than a decade, Bennett (’88, MBA ’89), a Cornell alumnus himself, saw firsthand the impact a campus ministry could have if it were tailored to the spiritual, intellectual, and relational needs of highly intelligent, goal-oriented students.

The ministry launched its first Bible course at Princeton University with just three students. Today, the ministry at Princeton engages more than 400 students in its weekly Bible courses. 

On each campus where it operates, Christian Union’s highly credentialed ministry and teaching fellows mentor students and lead challenging, academically oriented Bible courses designed to help students develop a robust understanding of Scripture and Christian worldview. The ministries also host conferences, leadership lecture series, and evangelistic outreach events as they seek to change the spiritual climate at very secular institutions.

Thanks to the early lessons learned at schools like Princeton, and God's gracious provision at every step, each campus launched in the years since 2002 has experienced steady, fairly predictable growth patterns.

The natural progression of supporting alumni of the ministry as they transitioned into careers in major cities such as New York and the strategic impact of such cities led to the launch of the Cities ministries, which serve alumni and professionals.

Christian Union's most recent ministry, Christian Union Day & Night, now called Christian Union America, was launched in 2016. Christian Union America's mission is to promote spiritual strengthening in Christians across America, helping them thrive and impact an increasingly secular culture by covenanting together for successive spiritual initiatives. Given the nation's spiritual state, nothing less than the full power and presence of God will enable Christians to glorify him in all his splendor.

To view our partnerships, you can click here.

Historic Timeline 

Christian Union Founded 2002
Princeton ministry launched 2002
Harvard College ministry launched 2008
Yale ministry launched 2010
Columbia ministry launched 2011
Dartmouth ministry launched 2011
Christian Union New York launched 2012
Cornell ministry launched 2012
Harvard Law ministry launched 2013
Penn ministry launched 2013
Brown ministry launched 2014
Stanford ministry launched 2016
Christian Union Day and Night launched 2016

Learn More

Visiting campus ministry or city ministry pages, signing up to receive campus or city-specific prayer requests, and supporting the ministry financially at a specific campus or in the city.

Learn More About Christian Union

nexus 3

We believe in an almighty, holy, and righteous God, who provided the complete atonement for sin through Jesus Christ in His divine mercy and love. What an awesome God! We are passionate about pursuing Christ and His kingdom. It is the heart of this ministry effort. We give Him all the glory, for He is worthy.

We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to transform the lives of men and women who lead American society. Every person, from the mightiest to “the least of these,” is blessed and more apt to flourish as human beings when leaders exhibit and promote biblically shaped, Kingdom-of-God values, here and now.

We believe that while one person can bring about significant change, systemic change occurs when leaders are connected to one another, coordinating efforts and challenging and inspiring each other to greater faithfulness and impact.

We believe that the time to develop Christian leaders to transform culture is now.  Will you help by praying or by becoming a ministry partner and donating?

Writer and Communications Associate

Must be willing and able to work from home


The Writer and Communications Associate (WCA) is part of the Communications Team, and reports to the Vice President of Communications. The Communications Team serves stakeholders throughout the ministry and is responsible for the production and maintenance of tools that help Christian Union accomplish its mission by communicating with excellence to all internal and external audience.

As part of the communications team, the WCA wears a wide range of hats, and must be good at juggling a variety of responsibilities. At the highest level, these responsibilities break down into two categories: writer and producer.


Travel requirements: Average of 2 - 3 days per month to attend Christian Union training and events and professional development conferences. This is a full-time position. 

To read a full job description, click here. Interested applicants should send a résumé and cover letter to Opportunities@ChristianUnion.org​.


Return to Employment Opportunities Home >

Development Writer

Anywhere in the US, but Northeast or Mid-Atlantic is preferred.

The Development Writer provides a wide variety of communication assets in support of the Strategic Gifts, Capital Campaign, Annual, and Mid-tier fundraising efforts. In addition to the writing function, this job is to include minimal but essential support to the senior development staff.

Interested applicants should send a résumé and cover letter to Opportunities@ChristianUnion.org. For a full job description click here.

Heading 2 (H2)

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  • Feugiat in commoveo vero abico commodo
  • Augue tincidunt, fatua nunc inhibeo utrum facilisis interdico usitas ex sed, ulciscor

Heading 3 (H3)

Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te. old stuff.

  1. Nostrud distineo veniam suscipere nutus defu
  2. Feugiat in commoveo vero abico commodo
  3. Augue tincidunt, fatua nunc inhibeo utrum facilisis interdico usitas ex sed, ulciscor

Heading 4 (h4)

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Heading 5 (H5)
Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te.

Heading 6 (H6)
Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te.

Field Reporter CU: The Magazine

Current Students Attending Schools Where Christian Union Operates 

We are interviewing for Field Reporters, current students attending Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. To find out which campuses currently have openings, please e-mail the Editor of Christian Union: The Magazine at TheMagazine@ChristianUnion.org.

Heading 2 (H2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, plaga blandit mara utrum mara comis ne, et lobortis exerci humo nisl praesent brevitas et. Aliquip qui verto pertineo eum jumentum sudo elit luptatum. Plaga consequat augue plaga in velit eu pagus enim euismod incassum esse. This is a link. Enim loquor autem vero te, in et saepius ventosus typicus. Minim, wisi consectetuer wisi adipiscing nimis dolor epulae defui, adsum defui venio in iaceo.

  • Nostrud distineo veniam suscipere nutus defu
  • Feugiat in commoveo vero abico commodo
  • Augue tincidunt, fatua nunc inhibeo utrum facilisis interdico usitas ex sed, ulciscor

Heading 3 (H3)

Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te. old stuff.

  1. Nostrud distineo veniam suscipere nutus defu
  2. Feugiat in commoveo vero abico commodo
  3. Augue tincidunt, fatua nunc inhibeo utrum facilisis interdico usitas ex sed, ulciscor

Heading 4 (h4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, plaga blandit mara utrum mara comis ne, et lobortis exerci humo nisl praesent brevitas et. Aliquip qui verto pertineo eum jumentum sudo elit luptatum. Plaga consequat augue plaga in velit eu pagus enim euismod incassum esse. This is a link. Enim loquor autem vero te, in et saepius ventosus typicus. Minim, wisi consectetuer wisi adipiscing nimis dolor epulae defui, adsum defui venio in iaceo.

Nostrud distineo veniam suscipere nutus defuFeugiat in commoveo vero abico commodoAugue tincidunt, fatua nunc inhibeo utrum facilisis interdico usitas ex sed, ulciscor

Heading 5 (H5)
Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te.

Heading 6 (H6)
Ad occuro, ibidem fere, caecus usitas patria. Velit cui et acsi os, antehabeo facilisi modo hendrerit consequat suscipere delenit feugait vicis te.

Bring A Godly Influence to Your Field

For virtue to guide a society, those in positions of influence must value and promote it themselves. When that happens, society tends to follow suit. Transformation will require that Christians in an array of culturally strategic fields develop a vision and commitment to leverage their God-given gifts, training, and positioning to bless society. 

Consider your circles of influence. Whether it is academia, arts and entertainment, education, finance, government, law, technology, media, or other field, you have the opportunity to bring your faith to bear in ways that can transform your industry and bless society.

Christian Union Cities helps professionals grow into a network of godly influencers in strategic cities. It is currently active in New York City.

Developing and Connecting Christian Leaders Across America

Grace Ann Arvey

Director, Christian Union America

Grace Ann brings a lifelong passion for seeing the good news of the gospel transforming people's lives in the community. This passion led her to spend her early career years as an elementary educator at an inner-city school. She received her B.A. in Elementary Education from Covenant College and her M.Ed. in English Language Learning from Western Governors University.  When the Lord opened the door for her to work alongside her husband's financial company as an executive assistant, she learned that she loved working with adults to transform culture from the top-down.  
Grace Ann resides in the scenic city of Chattanooga with her husband and their two toddlers--one who is biological and one who is adopted. During her free time, she loves to be outdoors exploring God's beautiful creation, hiking and boating with her family.

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