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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

America Is Becoming Less Christian, But Not Less Religious

By Anne Kerhoulas

The stats are in; America is becoming less and less Christian. But that doesn’t mean we are becoming less religious. 

Christians Are Called to Pursue the Wholistic Flourishing of a Community

By Anne Kerhoulas

In her new book, Agents of Flourishing: Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society, Amy Sherman explores what it means for Christians to be a people of peace in their communities and spheres of influence. 

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are so encouraged by what God is doing through our freshmen outreach efforts this fall and by the way that our leaders are seeking the Lord and helping shepherd the incoming class by teaching them the Word of God, praying with them, and welcoming them to Cornell in practical ways.

Dear CU Nova Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

I recently sat down over coffee with a freshman who’s asking tough questions and questioning his faith. He wants to know if Christianity is different than any other world religion. Over another lunch this week, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with a different freshman. This student is struggling with LGBTQ issues and wants to know where he stands with God. Another new student is looking for a community to help him grow in Christ, yet another is seeking accountability and hopes to build his worldview around biblical principles.

The Unity of The Triune God Is Our Hope

By Chris Coppernoll

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  – Romans 15:5-7

The temperature dropped in Eden when the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord walking in the cool of the day, and hid among the trees. By taking a bite of the forbidden fruit, they'd torn the bond with their Creator apart and hid because they knew what they'd done was wrong. The couple's act of hiding brought their sin out into plain sight. Now, there would be no more walking with God in the cool of the day, only the cold reminiscence of their innocence lost. 

Jack Deere Speaks at Several Christian Union Universities

By Anne Kerhoulas

Almost forty years ago, Jack Deere found himself in an unexpected position. An esteemed professor of Hebrew and the Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), Deere had signed a statement of beliefs for professors regarding the ongoing supernatural gifts of the Spirit. But through his teaching and study, he found his beliefs increasingly changing, becoming misaligned with the seminary’s stance.

How a Struggle with Addiction Led a Princeton Alum to Rediscover Faith and Launch Multiple Enterprises

By Chris Lumry 

Chris Lumry

New experiences of God and my own creativity arrived unexpectedly in a season of hopelessness and dissatisfaction shortly after finishing my MBA at Harvard. The day after the 2016 Super Bowl, I blacked out after drinking by myself and woke up around midnight on a street corner in San Francisco. 

Life took a sudden, undeserved turn for the better. 

A Letter from Founder and President Matt Bennett

Christian Union is entering its third decade of ministry; praise God and thanks to you! I thank God for the lives that have been changed and the honor the Lord has received over the past twenty years. 

Connect with Like-Minded Alumni from your School

CU Society is a collection of Christian alumni and spouses from Christian Union’s targeted universities and Cornerstone Partners of these ministries. CU Society connects these Christian leaders with a heart for Christian strengthening and societal impact through a mentoring program, alumni boards, university events during reunions and homecomings, and forthcoming CU Connect Groups.

How to Get Involved

All Christian alumni and spouses from Christian Union’s targeted universities and Cornerstone Partners of those ministries are considered part of CU Society, having access to the benefits of the community.

Alumni Boards and University Events

To learn more about CU Society’s alumni boards and university events (e.g., reunions and homecoming), contact Andy Woodard via e-mail: andy.woodard@christianunion.org.

Mentoring Program

Leaving the university context upon graduation can be a tumultuous time for Christians. In the university setting, many students involved with Christian Union saw the ministry, along with their local church, as a home away from home, and a family with whom they grew in faith and sought God together. Upon graduation, Christian Union graduates are in a precarious situation of needing to find a new faith family in the form of a local church. Secular workplaces and graduate school environments can also challenge graduates. During this transition, alumni lose their regular connection to a significant source of spiritual encouragement and leadership. For this reason, Christian Union believes it is vital to come alongside recent graduates and support them in this key transition season.

This is where the CU Society mentoring program comes into play. The vision for the mentoring program is that every Christian Union graduate who wants to have an older alumnus or valued friend of the ministry come alongside them during this transition season can do so. Mentorship relationships focus on spiritual and professional capacities. Each pair is introduced around the time of graduation. Mentors take the lead and set up regular online or in-person connection times for at least the next ten months. The pair works together to help the mentee achieve specific goals that set them up well for a faithful future. These include attending church regularly, making local Christian friends, committing to stewardship, participating in times of fasting and seeking God, and setting and meeting spiritual and professional goals. Both mentees and mentors say that their lives are better and their faith is encouraged because of these relationships.

If you want to learn more about involvement with the mentoring program, you can contact Christine Foster.

Connect Groups

Launched in the fall of 2022, CU Society members can lead, form, and join online connecting groups with other members. These groups will include sponsored groups and interest groups.

Groups sponsored by Christian Union will curate specialized content to develop and connect Christian leaders in areas of spiritual growth, intersection of faith and work, intellectual questions related to the faith, exploration of supernatural elements, and more. Christian Union sponsored groups will be led by CU leadership and well-known Christian experts in various fields and run for a specified time throughout the year.

Member-initiated interest groups can be formed with a general or limited audience, such as university-specific or location-centric. They can center around any topic that does not conflict with CU’s Statement of Faith and Ethics. Interest groups may range from devotional groups to film-making groups to Christian entrepreneurs groups to mothers of CU Universities students. The possibilities of interest groups are almost endless and can last for as long as the group leader(s) chooses. CU Connect Groups will be an incredible blessing to expand and deepen a network Christian leaders across the nation.

An Opportunity to Seek the Lord...Together

Christian Union America hosts regular national fasts ranging from week-long to 40-day fasts to deepen our relationship with the Lord and intercede for our nation to return to Him. Fasting is an essential part of Christian life. It is modeled for us throughout the Scriptures and has a unique capacity to draw us closer to the Lord through humble dependence upon Him.

Each signed-up participant receives a daily Bible-based devotional by email during the fasting period.

Each participant decides how to abstain from food and/or drink during the fast. The Bible provides different examples of fasting, from eating only one meal per day to forgoing all foods for multiple days in a row. Only occasionally and in very exceptional circumstances does someone abstain from food and drink. Ask God how you should fast, and please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about fasting. If you have never fasted for days in a row, join for as long as possible. The most essential part of fasting is the humbling of our hearts to seek after God.

Learn more about the next fast and how to join other Christians in seeking God through fasting and prayer here.

More on Fasting:
The Life-Changing Power of Fasting
Christian Union Introduced Me to Fasting
Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross
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