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Dear CU Nova Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. - 1 Peter 2:2-3

In closing another school year, Christian Union remains committed to the spiritual development of students by creating opportunities to seek God through prayer and the study of Scripture. For this reason, eight Princeton students participated in a “Seeking God Lifestyle Seminar” because there is an earnest desire to grow in Christ, not just during the school year, but throughout the summer, and for that, we give thanks to God!

Hello CU Caritas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Warm greetings from Christian Union Caritas!

This Friday is the final day of classes for the Spring Quarter. We praise God that the students we serve have made it through this challenging year!

Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

We are blessed by the opportunity to update you on our ministry at Yale. Through God’s extraordinary grace, we concluded this academic year with a senior banquet, a celebratory event honoring the work of God in the lives of our graduates. We sent them into the world with gifts: a Yale mug, a book on Christian discipleship, congratulatory cards signed by beloved peers, and the charge to shine like stars in the universe by holding fast to the word of truth (Philippians 2:14-16). Our new mentorship program, which connects graduates with CU alumni and Christian professionals, will provide vocational support and keep graduates centered on Jesus, our bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16).

Dear Christian Union New York Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

How can you best pray for Christian Union NY this month? Pray with us!

As we intercede for New York, and because you are a committed follower of Jesus, I want to let you know of a group that has formed to seek the Lord passionately for the welfare of NYC and for this nation to cry out to God, repent together, and return to the Lord. This inner core group is the Christian Union New York Cornerstone Partners.

Grow Deeper in Your Faith

Many in New York wish they were stronger in their walks with God and want to be empowered to step out in faith to make a difference in their world. Christian Union New York exists to help. The ministry serves professionals in the city, Christian Union alumni, Christian Union Cornerstone Partners, and their peers.


The foundation for ministry is one's personal relationship with God, a relationship that requires an investment of time and constant cultivation. Christian Union has found that short, focused times of drawing near to God have an incredibly positive impact, providing Christian strength and renewed vision. As a result, it has developed a series of simulcast events designed to provide this sort of opportunity for believers (and their friends) nationwide. 

Introducing Christian Union Fire Retreats

nycu fr
Above: A small group that met in Manhattan as part of a recent national CU Fire Retreat.

A Christian Union Fire Retreat is a unique one-and-a-half-day simulcast gathering for the rejuvenation and inspiration of Christians. Typically, these retreats are offered several times per year.

Rather than convening in one large group in one location, CU Fire Retreats allow believers to invite friends over to enjoy the simulcast content — and small group interactions — in the comfort of their own homes or churches. During a CU Fire Retreat, these small groups will enjoy access to great teaching that will spur them to seek God, dig into (and discuss) God's word in an in-depth way, worship, and pray together for the duration of the 1.5 days.


A CU Fire Retreat is an investment in learning what God is like; spiritual rejuvenation, and receiving a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. Attendees experience an incredible spiritual strengthening to stand faithfully in Him and be used by Him to see their families, communities, and nation impacted for Christ. Relationships among attendees are profoundly deepened as they seek the Lord together for His purposes in their lives.  

What Participants Are Saying

“I’ve been enriched beyond words. I am now looking to God to do the extraordinary in the lives of those around me through earnest prayer. The weekend raised my spiritual temperature and sharpened my senses. I am ready for battle.” - Olga S.

“The event was enormously impactful. I was deeply convicted of my sin and the need to live wholeheartedly for God.” - Reid W.

“ I was very inspired by the prophetic words and the prayers I have received during the event. I believe they have a life changing impact on me.” - Maria W.

“All I want to do is tell all of my Christian friends about this weekend so that they can go deeper as well.” - Julia S.


  • CU Fire Retreats are held in a home, church, or other comfortable location. Participants sleep in their own homes and travel to the location each morning.  
  • The group fasts together for increased closeness to God and spiritual power. The discipline of fasting has aided Christians in their walks with God since the beginning of the church.  As a matter of fact, the common practice of Christians for the first five hundred years of the church was to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. If a particular CU Fire Retreat involves a meal, the small group will share the meal together. 
  • Because the group size is limited, the ministry asks that each participant commit to being present for the entire retreat from Friday evening through Saturday evening. 
  • There’s a minimal registration fee. Other expenses are paid by Christian Union and the host. 

Learn More!

To learn more or to get involved, please visit CUFire.org or contact Grace Ann Arvey at Graceann.Arvey@christianunion.org

Grow Deeper in Your Faith

What is the CU Fire Retreat? 
CU Fire Retreat is a simulcast spiritual retreat where small groups of Christians across America meet for 1.5 days to seek the Lord together for spiritual rejuvenation. All groups follow the same schedule and watch simulcast messages 4 times during the retreat. Some groups meet in person, usually at someone’s home, and other groups meet virtually via Zoom.  

How do I participate? 
Hosts invite their friends to join their CU Fire Retreat group, either in their home, at their church, or even via Zoom. A host guides his/her group to follow the CU Fire Retreat schedule and watch the simulcast portions of the retreat. Anyone can apply to host a CU Fire Retreat group. If hosts recruit at least four participants to their group, the hosts' registration fee is refunded.

How many people are in the small group? 
Ideally 4-12 people, but larger groups can still take part.

How can I host a CU Fire Retreat?
Anyone can become a CU Fire Retreat Host. Christian Union provides you with everything you need to host, including a schedule, the retreat curriculum and a host manual to guide you through each portion of the retreat. You can register as a host through the registration page.

If you have questions about hosting, please contact Grace Ann, at (646) 350-4123. She will support you throughout the entire retreat.

Can I attend without hosting?
Yes, you can attend a retreat as a participant! If you have not been invited by a host, you can register to join a virtual open CU Fire Retreat group, where CU staff will place you in a virtual group led by a trained host in your time zone. Past participants have loved getting to connect with fellow like-minded believers in this way!

What is the schedule for CU Fire Retreats?
Typical Schedule

Welcome and orientation
Teaching and Q&A (streamed) 
Group Prayer


Arrival and Welcome
Worship (streamed or on-site) and Group Prayer
Teaching and Q&A (streamed)
Two Hours of Reading the Bible
Discussion on the Reading
Group Prayer
Prayer for One Another
Teaching and Q&A (streamed)
Private Prayer
Listening to God
Meal: cooking, cleaning, and fellowship 
Worship (streamed or on-site) 
Teaching and Q&A (streamed)
Group Prayer

Can I come to CU Fire Retreat part of the time instead of the whole time?
What makes CU Fire Retreats so impactful is the amount of time spent seeking the Lord. If you are unable to attend the entire time, we encourage you to sign up for a future CU Fire Retreat when you can for the duration of the event. 

What does CU Fire Retreat believe? Are they part of a denomination?
CU Fire Retreats are a ministry of Christian Union. CU is a non-denominational Christian ministry which works with Christians from all traditions who have repented of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. CU’s mission is to support local churches, pastors, and Christians to seek the Lord for revival and reformation in our country. You can read our statement of faith and ethics here.

Who Teaches the Content at the CU Fire Retreats? 
The speaker lineup not always the same, but the upcoming retreat's speaker lineup will be posted here.


 Why is there a registration fee for CU Fire Retreats?
The registration fee helps cover the cost of the event. Even though the event can be joined online, there are still various costs associated with each CU Fire Retreat. These costs include external expenses such as website/platform/app fees, speakers’ honorarium, and marketing the retreat. The cost also includes internal expenses such as CU associates who organize CUFR and support hosts to make each group a success!

Where does the registration money go?
All registration fees go directly to the budget needed to produce each CUFR. If there are any funds raised that exceed covering the costs, direct and indirect, they will only go to furthering the ministry of CU and CU Fire Retreats, not to individual staff, ministers or groups.

. . .

Register for our upcoming CU Fire Retreat here.

Dear CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Libertas at Brown University! We are so very grateful for your many prayers and financial support that make this ministry possible. As is the case every spring, time flies by quickly. Just this past weekend, we had the privilege of celebrating our graduating seniors as Brown hosted commencement ceremonies. We’re very thankful to have shared life with these wonderful young women and men over the last four years. They’ve worked so hard during their time here on campus and have resiliently faced the challenges and difficulties presented by Covid. I’m sure none of them even imagined their senior year would look like this, but despite it all, they’ve remained encouraging and loving toward their peers, and a pleasure for us to serve as ministry faculty.

Dear CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Christian Union Lumine at Columbia! We praise God for partners like you in supporting the work He is doing through this ministry.

The Spring 2021 semester is officially over along with final exams. The last week of April was graduation and it was a beautiful sight to see seniors in the graduation gowns walking all around campus and Morningside Heights. Of course, graduation was not held normally this year, but I was encouraged to see our students make the most of this important moment.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are incredibly encouraged by what God is doing at Cornell and we thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. There is an unprecedented amount of fellowship and activity at the Mott Center. Students are praying together, studying together, sharing meals together, and spending time in God’s Word. There is a heart to seek the Lord that we are witnessing both within our group and across the campus.

Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are at the halfway point of the spring term and like it always does, time is moving fast. It’s hard to think that graduation is next month and that the special senior class we have will be departing. Campus life and ministry are full and busy and there is much to praise God for. The new student executive team is in place, the students are engaged in several prayer and Bible reading initiatives, new people are joining Bible courses, and there is a real sense of joy and community on display this term. God has provided abundantly during this unique and challenging academic year. Would you please thank God for His provision and kindness to CU Vox and also pray for these specific requests:

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