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Cornell University

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We are so encouraged by what God is doing through our freshmen outreach efforts this fall and by the way that our leaders are seeking the Lord and helping shepherd the incoming class by teaching them the Word of God, praying with them, and welcoming them to Cornell in practical ways.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We hope you are having a wonderful summer. Our students are enjoying all kinds of experiences all over the world during their summer break and it is a joy to know that they are shining the light of Christ and the glory of God wherever they are.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Ithaca and the CU Vita ministry. We are thankful for your partnership and prayers. As we enter the final stretch of the spring semester, we are looking back with gratitude for what God has been doing in our midst these recent weeks.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

This month I am writing to ask for your prayers — and your attendance — at a special event: “God at Work: Revival Then and Now” on April 23.

The Christian Union Vita Cornerstone Board, made up of Cornell alumni from the classes of 1972 through 2020, has planned a great morning featuring a robust panel of alumni and others who were part of the Jesus Movement here in the 1970s. The event will include teaching on revival, prayer, worship, and a chance for alumni and current students to connect. It should be a powerful morning to remember how God moved here during that time and to pray that revival might come again at Cornell and beyond.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Ithaca! The spring semester is getting underway this week. Our students are once again enduring the realities and restrictions of life with Covid. Group gatherings are currently discouraged and while students are on campus, all classes at Cornell are being taken remotely for the first two weeks of the semester. We are, however, hopeful that things will open up soon. We have been holding weekly CU Vita student leadership meetings via Zoom for the past two weeks, and we will meet again this coming Thursday night. We have been reconnecting and praying together, and fine-tuning our plans for the semester ahead, some of which I will describe in the following prayer requests.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

On behalf of the students and staff of Christian Union Vita, I wish you a happy New Year! We are looking forward to the spring semester at Cornell, trusting God for His continued faithfulness and grace to our ministry. God has richly blessed this group of students, fanned into flame gifts and talents, brought students to faith in Jesus Christ, and matured believers for the glory of His Name on this campus. We could not do this without you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God is working through you for the glory of His Son Jesus at Cornell. We praise God for this partnership in the gospel!

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

After having enjoyed Thanksgiving break, our students are in the final stretch of the semester. Year-end leadership meetings, Bible courses, and the CU Vita Christmas party are fast approaching and the students have loads of academic work to finish up during the coming weeks. As we look back on the semester, we are grateful for God’s gracious and powerful work in our midst. He has spoken through His Word, brought new believers to faith, and shined His light on the campus of Cornell through this amazing group of students. Thank you for praying for us for a strong finish to the semester!

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

We continue to be encouraged by the ways that our students are growing and maturing in Christ, and the ways that they are reaching out with the gospel of Christ at Cornell. Bible courses and prayer meetings have been well-attended, students are enjoying fellowship at the Mott Center and events like hockey games, pumpkin carving, and hikes. Through it all God is at work to build the community, advance His kingdom, and open doors for the gospel.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

While the weather is cooling down at Cornell, the academics are heating up, as our students have been taking prelim exams over recent weeks. Bible courses have been very well attended and weekly prayer meetings are getting underway. One of our sophomore leaders, an engineering major from Pennsylvania, decided to lead a new prayer meeting on Wednesday nights. We are encouraged that an increasing number of students are feeling led to seek the Lord for personal renewal and wider revival together with their friends.

Dear CU Vita Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

I hope you will be encouraged to know that your prayers for us for the start of the year at Cornell have been answered! During the first week of the semester that started last week, we were able to meaningfully welcome and serve over 40 new Cornell students. Many of them are finding Christian community with CU Vita and showing sincere interest in joining our Bible courses that start this week.

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