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Christian Union

Dartmouth University

Dear Prayer Partners,

We are three-quarters of the way through April and it is still cold and overcast here in the Upper Valley. We are all longing for spring with eager anticipation, to say the least! We have much to be thankful for, even amidst a very long winter, which has kept our spirits high.

Hello from Dartmouth,

We are happy to report a wonderful end to our winter term. A major highlight for our students (and staff) was a giant CU-wide game of Assassin, graciously renamed “Angel’s Arrows” by our fabulous socials team. The neat thing about the game is that it forced people to seek out those they have not met before or gotten to know yet, so new connections were made every day!

Hello from Dartmouth,

It’s hard to believe we’re already in week 4 of the winter term! It’s been a full one so far. Thank you for your prayers for our Winter Conference. It truly was a blessed weekend of fellowship, growth, and fun!

Praise the Lord for the closing of a wonderful fall term at Dartmouth. We ended the semester with our annual Thanksgiving dinner, which the freshmen (‘21s) did a fantastic job planning and putting on. We enjoyed delicious food and fellowship, but I have to say the highlight of the evening was hearing the testimonies of three ‘21s. They each opened up about a difficulty or sin struggle in their past and how the Lord used it to grow them in their faith. The final testimony included a very clear and powerful gospel presentation, which brought tears to my eyes and thanksgiving to my heart. Join me in praising God for His powerful and intricate work in the students’ lives and for the ways He is using hardship to mature them in the gospel.

We are over halfway through the term and have been enjoying a beautiful, mild fall in Hanover. Bible courses have been going very well and the new freshmen (‘21s) are quickly getting plugged into the community. Many have already joined a ministry team and are weekly showing up to our Friday Leadership Lecture Series (The Vine).

The past few weeks have been packed with events to welcome in the freshmen class of 2021. Our upperclassmen “freshmen gatherers” have done a fantastic job inviting and bringing freshmen (’21s) to our events and encouraging them to get involved in a Bible course. We are pleased with the number of '21s who are looking for Christian community and desire to be in a Bible course. We hit the ground running with Bible courses this week, jumping right into Philippians for our quick 8-week term. 

We are wrapping up another sophomore summer and have enjoyed getting to focus on just the ’19’s class for these past few months.

There are a few highlights from the summer, including a 4th of July picnic, which turned out to be a beautiful day for grilling out and playing volleyball, a welcome break from studying for the students. We also led a weekly book discussion on the book You Are What You Love, The Spiritual Power of Habit, by James K. A. Smith, which turned out to be a wonderful tool to discuss spiritual disciplines and how to train our hearts to love the right things.

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Help Christion Union Secure a Ministry Center at Dartmouth

Prayerfully consider giving toward securing a Ministry Center for Dartmouth. The Ministry Center will be used by campus Christian ministries for fellowship, meals, Bible studies, prayer, training, and administrative work.

The Need

Students at Dartmouth are in desperate need of Christian outreach and influence. These students, who will one day lead and shape culture, need to be developed and connected as transformative godly leaders. Christian Union intervenes in the lives of these young men and women to provide Christian leadership training to prepare them—by God’s grace—to lead for God’s glory. The ministry envisions a spiritually vibrant Columbia blessing the world for generations to come.

As Christian Union works to see this vision become reality, there is the urgent need to establish a ministry center adjacent to campus. A ministry centers establishes a permanent Christian presence and a visible welcoming space for the University’s students, staff, and faculty interested in learning about the Christian faith and experiencing a community of believers. It provides space for biblical teaching, leadership training and mentorship, and personal and intercessory prayer. Christian Union urgently needs room to minister to students and office its faculty. 

Christian Union ministry fellows open their homes to students, but these too are constrained. It is not uncommon for the Dartmouth ministry director and his family to host an outreach in their very small apartment that is attended by more than 100 students over the course of the evening.

Crucially, in a time when Christian ministries can face discrimination on campus, ministry centers reduce Christian Union’s dependency on the universities’ administrations for securing space.

Naming Opportunities and Giving Toward a Ministry Center at Dartmouth

If you would like to learn more about making a strategic impact through a ministry center at Dartmouth, contact Carol Fausnaught, Associate Vice President, Development, 570-326-3102 or Carol.Fausnaught@ChristianUnion.org.

Dear Prayer Partners,

It’s hard to believe we’re already in week 7 of the term, with only 3 more weeks to go. The time has flown by quickly, but much has happened to make this term a very memorable one. There have been some ups and downs within the ministry as well as at Dartmouth. Please join us in praying for these requests:

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