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Christian Union

Dartmouth University

Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

Hello from Hanover and Christian Union Vox. September is always a month of transitions and changes, but this year our changes are more significant. The leaves are still turning red and gold and the Dartmouth Green is still green, but the pandemic has altered the ministry here at Dartmouth. Only half of the student body is on campus and there is a reduced staff presence. Despite being unable to do our large in-person outreach activities or attend sporting events, all those associated with CU Vox are deeply encouraged to be a part of God's work here in Hanover. The students and I are thankful that we are not fully remote and have reconnected with many of our returning students as well as many of the first-year students.

Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and other friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Hanover and Christian Union Vox. We just finished our summer term (virtually) and have a two-week break before the start of the fall term and the beginning of another academic year. It would be an understatement to say this year will be different here in Hanover. Only half of the student body will be on campus this fall with both freshmen and juniors returning to Hanover. There will not be any fall sports, clubs have been curtailed, and large-scale gatherings are on hold. Campus life will look vastly different and the traffic on the Dartmouth green will be diminished. In spite of these challenges there is much to rejoice over and much work to be done. Please be praying for us in these specific ways:

Hello from Hanover and Christian Union Vox at Dartmouth College.

We are in Week 4 of the summer term, albeit virtually.

Dear Prayer Partners,

It is finally summer here in Hanover. The spring term concluded on June 10th and commencement took place (virtually) on the 14th.

Greetings from Hanover!

Unlike most colleges we are still in session and finishing Week 8.

Please pray for our seniors as their last few weeks as Dartmouth students draw to a close. We are saddened that we won't be able to properly say goodbye. Pray for them as they leave "campus," that they would be bold and faithful witnesses for Christ in their new communities.

June 13, 2020

AN2 3276

Thanks for joining Christian Union Vox (Dartmouth) at 4:00 PM EST for a virtual reunion. Christian Union Vox invited participants from all classes, all denominations, and all Christian ministries to this annual event. We enjoyed connecting with other Christian alumni, visiting with current students, and meeting the Christian Union ministry faculty and staff.

It was a great time to connect and encourage one another during this unique time in our nation's history.

Learn More
For questions about the Christian Union Vox, contact Christian Union's VP of Alumni Engagement Christine Foster: christine.foster@christianunion.org.

As we conclude Week Four of the spring term here at Dartmouth we are thankful for the ways that God is working in spite of our students not being on campus. We are seeing strong Bible Course attendance, new students joining our BCs, students stepping up to lead worship, create devotions, and care for each other.

We, like all campuses, are in the midst of great uncertainty and transition. In spite of that we are encouraged by the excitement our new student executive team has for ministering to students during this time. Please pray for our, and their creativity as we find new and effective ways to connect with students who are spread over the country and the world.


As we close out Week 7 of the Winter Term, here are a few prayer needs from Dartmouth.

We are in the middle of Week Three of the current semester and have just concluded our Winter Retreat, held at Singing Hills, Plainfield, New Hampshire. We took 40 students away from campus for the weekend to connect, pray, worship, and relax.

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