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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

October is now upon us and the autumn leaves drape the Harvard campus in the bright colors for which New England is renowned. Hundreds of thousands of spectators and athletes will soon overflow the Charles River with the annual regatta races for which the city of Cambridge is famous.

CU-Christian-response-relativism-TodayThe idea of the university has long been that of a community dedicated to discovering truth and its application to life. Guided by this mission, students and teachers were enabled to find the noble and beautiful things in the world, discover their relationship to one another, as well as establish a concrete structure from which all thoughts, words and actions flowed in their proper order.

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise — in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
— Psalm 56:3-4

CU-words-wisdom-tolkien-TodayTolkien dearly loved his children, and he left a literary legacy in the form of letters. Many of these letters were written to his sons, and these letters represent, not only a hallmark of literary quality, but a treasure of Christian teaching on matters of manhood, marriage, and sex. Taken together, these letters constitute a priceless legacy, not only to the Tolkien boys, but to all those with whom the letters have been shared.


Freshmen Welcoming Campaign may be over, but God’s work in and through Christian Union at Brown University is in full swing! Since last I wrote to you, we — the Christian Union faculty at Brown (Matt Woodard, Ministry Director; Laurel Copp, Ministry Fellow; Justin Doyle, Ministry Fellow) and student leaders — have concluded our month-long Freshmen Welcoming Campaign with our annual Fall Retreat.

CU-Lawayers-Forbidden-Paractice-Religion-TodayIn an era that celebrates certain forms of diversity under the banner of acceptance, it is ironic that large swathes of American society—those who affirm traditional sexual ethics—are increasingly unwelcome. Now, there is a movement to exclude those holding such beliefs from the legal profession, or force them into conformity to secular sexual ethics. Recently, the American Bar Association initiated a horrifying change to their ethics rules. Under the new rules, any speech or activity that could be traced to organizations that endorse traditional sexual ethics, is punishable.

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
— Titus 3:4-7

CU-Undertanding-Generation-Snowflake-TodayIn a thoughtful article entitled ‘Understanding Generation Snowflake’, writer Carl Trueman reviews and dissects a book entitled I Find That Offensive. In the book, Claire Fox covers in-depth the present plight of many Western universities. She points out the weakness of modern day students and their need for “safe spaces,” while also identifying the significant changes in Western culture itself in the last few decades that have produced such a sensitive generation:

Van Oss Writes about Wheaton Case for Harvard Law Review

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer 

trenton-van-ossReligious liberties are woven into the fabric of the United States.

With deep admiration for that principle, a Harvard Law School student addressed concerns over the status of such freedoms when he penned an article for the Harvard Law Review exploring some of the key issues in the recent Wheaton College v. Burwell case.

Given his concerns for government interference in the operations of faith-based entities, Trenton Van Oss took on the complex topic for an article that appeared in January.

The Wheaton alumnus of 2013 is an active participant in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard Law School.

Ministry Hosts Lecture by Christian Counseling Professional

by Eileen Scott, Senior Writer

Depression is an unwanted intruder into the lives of millions of Americans, including students at top universities. Many of these young people attempt to hide their pain while coping with competing demands and lofty expectations.

A recent lecture sponsored by Christian Union's ministry at Dartmouth took aim at this often-misunderstood malady, creating awareness and empowering one student to take a life-altering step.