As we enter the month of December, the students at CU Martus on the campus of Penn have been earnestly engaged in growing more in their gratitude of the gospel and focusing their intentions on flourishing Christ-centered friendships. Our weekly gatherings and outreach efforts have produced many good fruits in wisdom, devotion, kinship, and the transition of their hearts to mimic that of our Savior’s, Christ Jesus.
Why should a Yale student read the Bible? As someone who teaches the Bible in both university and church contexts, I am intrigued that people read the Bible for various reasons. Some are fascinated by its ethical imperatives, spiritual claims, literary achievement, or influence on Western culture. Whatever the reason, the Bible is being read, and that’s a good thing. But when is doing something good ever good enough?
Simoni '23 Has a Passion for Evangelism
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Many Christians get nervous when they think about evangelism. Thoughts of difficult questions they cannot answer well or the possibility of offending another often lead believers to say less than they ought, and often to say nothing at all of the riches of Christ.
After having enjoyed Thanksgiving break, our students are in the final stretch of the semester. Year-end leadership meetings, Bible courses, and the CU Vita Christmas party are fast approaching and the students have loads of academic work to finish up during the coming weeks. As we look back on the semester, we are grateful for God’s gracious and powerful work in our midst. He has spoken through His Word, brought new believers to faith, and shined His light on the campus of Cornell through this amazing group of students. Thank you for praying for us for a strong finish to the semester!
Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2020 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download Christian Union's Annual Report for the 2020 fiscal year here.
Click the full screen icon to view Christian Union's 2019 Annual Report in full-screen mode, or download the Annual Report in the PDF format here.
It’s hard to believe that the fall semester is already coming to a close! In just a few short weeks, and after many coffee-fueled late night study sessions (who among us doesn’t procrastinate?), our students will submit their final papers and take their last exams before heading home. We’re all looking forward to a little rest after a busy season, but it’s so bittersweet. We’ve been blessed beyond measure by a truly wonderful group of young women and men who so eagerly seek the Lord! They’ve poured their heart into one another and into spreading the love of Christ across campus. In a few days, we’ll be putting up a Christmas tree in the Judson Center and celebrating Christmas together before saying many sad goodbyes as they leave campus.
Slowing Down to Acknowledge "Endarkenment"
The Christmas season is upon us which means shoppers are shopping, homes are being decorated, city streets are filled with Christmas trees and garland, and a festive air seems to sparkle around us. But this kind of Christmas season stands in stark opposition to the Church’s season of advent. Advent is decidedly not about shopping and decorating. It is about waiting, watching, and hoping in the darkness of our world. And perhaps, that is the timbre of the season that we need most.
The True Path to Freedom
The great promise of modern life is that you can be whatever you want to be. The world is your oyster. Your options are limitless. You can go out and make whatever you want of yourself and your life. The freedom to create your identity pulses through our culture shaping our politics, discipling our young people, and redefining the boundaries of humanity.
Columbia and Penn Alumni Discuss Films
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Alumni from Columbia and Penn gathered in person and virtually to discuss religious themes in film. Spearheaded by Columbia alumnus Stephen Cone ’20, who was a Film and Media Studies major, the alumni recently gathered at the CU Lumine Ministry Center on the day of the Columbia vs. Penn football game for the discussion entitled, “Where Is God in the Movies?”