Every community of Christians is called to pursue humility. In our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians this semester, students at CU Lux learned that early Christians incorporated a hymn about Christ’s humility in their worship (Phil. 2:5-11). The hymn celebrates Christ’s life of selflessness, from his divine preexistence to his undeserved death and exaltation. The one who enjoyed equality with God emptied himself. Instead of clinging to the advantages of that equality, Christ set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, becoming human. He lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death—a crucifixion.
Christian Union Multi-Site Event Stirs, Strengthens Believers
By Dr. Chuck HetZler, Director of CU Day and Night
Christian Union Day and Night hosted its first-ever, multi-site version of CU Fire on Friday, October 8 and Saturday, October 9.
We praise God for partners like you in supporting the work He is doing through Christian Union Lumine at Columbia. The students have reached the halfway point of the semester and are finishing up their midterms. It’s truly hard to believe how fast this semester is going!
Where does the time go? It’s hard to believe that the Freshmen Campaign is complete and now the fall term nearly is as well. It’s been a joy to see the normal rhythms and rituals of Dartmouth life return this academic year. Being together again for Bible course, The Vine, and our social events have been such a blessing. To contradict the popular saying, we did know what we were missing by not gathering together. Would you please join us in praying for these few requests:
Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,
Greenleaf’s Testimony of the Evangelists is one of a thousand such apologetic works from lawyers, literary scholars, philosophers, and theologians who have argued for through the ages the veracity of the teachings of Jesus and eyewitness testimonies of his earliest followers. Last month I mentioned the stunning ‘Christ hymn’ in Philippians, chapter 2 (see also John 1:1-18; Colossians 1:15-20). As I say to students all of the time, the descriptions of the nature and person of Jesus in the New Testament are crazy talk unless we can support and defend them. The onus is on us to do our homework and to keep an open mind.
Christian Union Nova remains strong as students study the book of Philippians and near the end of a semester with zeal and genuine camaraderie.
First-year students are engaged in Bible courses and readily share how much they appreciate their fellowship with those of the same precious faith! In addition, many upperclassmen have returned to their Bible courses with greater levels of commitment, and student-to-student discipleship pairs continue to be a place for nurtured friendships. At the same time, large group meetings are charged with sincere worship and messages that convict us all to seek God, love one another, and trust in the reliability of Scripture.
As we enter November and a season of Thanksgiving, we want to express some of the ways we are grateful, specifically to the Lord, for his kindnesses in Christ to CU New York and to all of us, His people, in NY!
Foulke ’20 Was Founding Member of CU Caritas
By Anne Kerhoulas, Staff Writer
Arthur Brooks argues that finding happiness in a job comes from two factors: a sense of accomplishment and professional efficacy as well as believing that your work is serving others and making a difference in the world. Recent Stanford grad and CU Caritas alumni Ryan Foulke has found both in his work for BibleProject, a non-profit organization that creates free Bible resources to “help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.”
Nothing Less Will Change Our nation and Its People
Planned Parenthood recently distributed information to eleven-year-olds advocating for them to have sex with anyone they liked who was under the age of thirteen. The pro-abortion organization also communicated to these children that their parents can't control if they take birth control or get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and that, ultimately, their sex life was up to their discretion. How our culture understands sexuality has been changing for a couple of generations, but in the past decade, the sexual norms have changed drastically.
We continue to be encouraged by the ways that our students are growing and maturing in Christ, and the ways that they are reaching out with the gospel of Christ at Cornell. Bible courses and prayer meetings have been well-attended, students are enjoying fellowship at the Mott Center and events like hockey games, pumpkin carving, and hikes. Through it all God is at work to build the community, advance His kingdom, and open doors for the gospel.