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Christian Union New York

What a great time two weekends ago - most of two days...with amazing speakers on compelling ideas...engaged in prayer and worship...about being courageous in the ways of the Lord...in our city. 

One of our persistent longings, as Christians in the contemporary world, is for our own transformation to what we know we were made to be. We know, both intuitively and from scripture that we are made in the image of God and to be complete in Christ - not just theologically but experientially as well. And yet…the reality leaves us wanting so much more. 

Miroslav Volf and Michael Croasmun, in their new book, For the Life of the Worldput it this way: “Flourishing requires the transformative presence of the true life in the midst of the false…”. What we long for is flourishing. We long to live fully in the life of the true rather than in the midst of the false. 

Check out the plenary talks and breakout sessions from the Cities Conference to explore this more from different vantage points - but especially the talks on Sanctified Ambition, and Engaging the City

- Scott Crosby, Ministry Director at Christian Union New York

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15.13, ESV).

By God’s grace, we are entering a season of rest for our staff. Immediately after Penn’s graduation, I joined with other Christian Union staff in visiting Fiji for a time of learning and fellowship with the Fijian church. Kelly led a team to Uganda to serve with ROWAN (Rural Orphan and Widow Aids Network). We returned to Philadelphia tired but excited about sharing with our students all that we experienced. As we re-convene and begin planning for next fall, would you please pray for the following:

  • rest (both spiritual and physical) for our team as we return to work and professional development. Pray that Penn’s staff would be further equipped to bring the Gospel to our students with boldness and grace.
  • wisdom as we plan for NSO (New Student Orientation), which will begin in mid-August.
  • Penn’s incoming class of 2023. Pray for hearts and minds, that the students would be prepared to meet Jesus Christ in a powerful way upon entering Penn.
  • Penn’s returning CU students, that they will grow in leadership as they serve in churches this summer. It is incredibly easy for our students to struggle spiritually when they are out of the semester routine. Pray for discipleship, service, and care for them this summer.

Thank you for your continued partnership in the Gospel here at Penn. We are grateful for you!

in Christ our King,

Tucker Else

Ministry Director

Christian Union at Penn

We recently concluded our annual Christian Union Cities Conference. Held here in New York, June 21-22, the conference theme was taken from 2 Chronicles 17:6, Courageous in the Ways of the Lord. The church in America lives as “exiles in a strange land” as the apostle Peter describes in his first letter to the church in Asia Minor. Therefore, how we engage our city, community, vocation, and relationships becomes a matter of understanding both the culture and our faith, and our courage in stepping forward in engagement.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We have come to the end of our Spring semester, and our students have mostly departed from campus. Seniors graduated and are preparing for new jobs and graduate school. Underclassmen are at summer internships, jobs, or are remaining on campus for various research projects. The summer is a time to prepare for the next year and is hopefully a time of rest for our students.

The month of May represents the hope of warmer weather, the smell of budding flowers, and a season of newness for many people. If you’re a 3L HLS student, you’re thinking it’s the end of a 3 year-long chapter, and the beginning of the rest of your life. So much has gone into the last three years of law school — so much sacrifice, all the labor and investment into preparing for the life that is now staring back at you squarely. In just a few days, over 500 students will graduate with their degrees from Harvard Law School. Hundreds of young men and women will strive to make their mark and leave a legacy on and in the world in which they will strive to lead. There among them are those who hold a unique understanding of their law degrees as secondary to something of greater value — their call to honor God with their lives.

Greetings from Cambridge,

Two receptions mark the formal end to an academic years’ worth of ministry. This week, we will meet the families, many for the first time, of our seniors at a reception we happily host in HCFA’s office/library. On Saturday, we hope to see some of you at our Reunion Gathering (same venue).

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,


With classes complete at the University of Pennsylvania, our students are either preparing for graduation festivities or heading to homes and internships around the world. It has been a great year for CU@Penn, as we've seen students continue to grow in faith and leadership on campus and in the community. Our staff is also transitioning, from Bible course preparation and discipleship meetings to professional development and planning for next fall. Would you please join us in praying for the following?

My wife and I recently hosted a dinner party around a discussion of the book, The Wind in the Willows. Like many enduring children’s books, this one from Kenneth Grahame operates on several levels - engaging for children with talking animals, humorous mishaps, and obvious good guys and bad guys; and stimulating for adults with its themes of deep community, perseverance, and morality. As we discussed these aspects, our conversation slowly wound toward our own community of faith - do we see these same issues extant in our relationships and church? It was a rich time of reflection on the praxis of our faith - are we swimming in the stream, or just dipping our toes in the water? It’s awfully easy to just do the latter.

Connect with Us


Connect with us through following us on our social media and signing up to be on our email list.

We will post clips from our speakers, pictures from our events, and announce upcoming events. Through our email list, we send event information, prayer requests, and share information for you to connect with our ministry in New York City. If you have any questions about CU New York, please reach out to us at cunewyork@christianunion.org

Instagram: @cucities
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cunewyork/
Twitter: @CUNewYork
CU New York email list: Click here to sign up


We hope to see YOU at our next event!


We’re in the final few weeks of what has been, a very productive semester. Earlier in April, we had Vince Vitale, a minister with RZIM, visit campus to make a compelling case for Christianity as a worldview. Vince showed how the Christian faith answers some of life's biggest questions surrounding origin, purpose, morality and destiny. We had both Christians and unbelievers in attendance, and Vince skillfully interacted with students, answering their concerns about Christianity. We received encouraging feedback from students about the event. One student in our ministry, currently wrestling heavily with doubt, remarked that the discussions over Vince's book and his event on campus helped make Christianity seem more believable.

We also have selected new student leaders for the upcoming academic year. We strongly believe that we have a new group of student leaders that are faithfully walking with Christ and are excited to serve Jesus and all of Columbia's campus. We thank God for the service of our leaders currently transitioning out of leadership, many of whom are seniors, getting ready to engage a new season of life after graduation.

Here’s how you can pray for us:

  • Pray for students as they enter into the final stretch of the semester, and as they prepare for final exams
  • Pray for our senior students as they near graduation and are feeling a wide range of emotions about what comes next
  • Pray for our new student leaders as they prepare to lead next year
  • Pray for staff as we prepare for the fall semester

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Bryant Parsons
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Columbia 

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Columbia, please email prayer@christianunion.org.