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Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We are coming up on the end of our Spring semester here at Cornell, and there are several important things which are happening in the last weeks of the school year. The seniors are getting ready for their next stage of life, and others are getting into serious study mode as they prepare for finals. We are also preparing for our Grill Me for Grilled Cheese outreach event, as well as our Senior Banquet.

“…And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b

We’ve been referencing the topic of revival frequently in our study of Nehemiah at HLS lately. Or, should I say, perhaps, I feel like the topic has been speaking to me lately. And it’s appropriate, too, because one of Christian Unions’ missions is to be part of ushering revival into our country through fervent Spirit-led prayer and the study of God’s Word. Then the question came up during one of my mentoring sessions with one of my students, “How does revival happen?”

“I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.” - Mother Teresa

Greetings from Cambridge,

There are few asks that better capture our challenge to become more like Jesus than the prayer that we would begin to mirror his faithfulness. The word faithful (πιστός) is rich in meaning and embodies obedience, reliability —and for our spiritual purposes— covenant relationship. Most helpfully, this exhortation reminds us that we are mere servants who possess the agency to complete assignments, but often have little control over outcomes. Yelp. "...and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation (e.g. unbelief) will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." [1 Cor. 10:13]

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Our students are in count-down mode: 7 days remaining of classes, 14 days until final exams, and 28 days until graduation. As the semester comes to a close, we are so thankful for the wonderful year we have had with our students. We’ve seen God’s sovereign grace bring new spiritual life, we’ve had the joy of baptizing new believers, and we’ve seen God’s grace poured out in countless ways. Thank you for your prayers for these students and our amazing staff. Would you continue to pray for:

In a world fixated on the immediate and material we don’t often find ourselves part of conversations about transcendence.  “Transcendent” is not a theological term, yet it certainly has theological relevance in its meaning of “supernatural”, “surpassing”, and “overarching”.  In the just concluded Easter season the idea of transcendence is highlighted as we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection.  The resurrection in particular highlights God’s redemption of both our souls and, indeed, all things to the hope of glory and completeness in the new heavens and new earth. 

Dear friends,

Please join our Christian Union at Brown community in praying for the following:

He is the Rock, His works are perfect,
and all His ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is He.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)


We continue to give God praise for his work on Columbia’s campus through Christian Union. By His grace, we continue to minister faithfully in every way that He has called us. This semester,our major outreach initiative has been the book giveaway and discussions around Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale’s Jesus Among Secular Gods. The outreach culminates in Vince Vitale coming to speak at our Illumina. These book discussions have been aimed primarily at skeptics of the Christian faith. We held our first discussion a few weeks ago on the topic of Scientism. Non-Christians were in attendance, including a Buddhist student. Pray that these discussions would lead ultimately to conversions, and that Christians who attend may be strengthened in their faith.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Though it is hard to believe, we have hit the halfway point in the Spring semester. Bible courses have been full and fruitful, and God has continued to work in and through both students and our leadership to grow His kingdom on campus at Cornell. We have also continued in our outreach activities as well as in prayer and fasting.

As we approach Spring break, there are some important things to keep in prayer regarding our ministry at Cornell.

  • This semester, we have been doing a Mocha Mondays coffee giveaway. At this point, we have established a regular presence on campus giving away coffee, hot chocolate, and tea. Pray that this would lead to relationships and a chance to present the gospel.
  • We had a showing of the documentary Liberated: A New Sexual Revolution, with a panel following that including students and staff discussing the dangers of the hook-up culture. Pray that the fruit of this would continue to show itself as students think through these important topics.
  • The new Bible course with men in Greek life has been consistently going well and has led to some very fruitful discussions. Pray for the continued growth of students in their spiritual lives as we continue to disciple them.
  • There are a number of events that need to come together for the end of the semester. Pray for student volunteers, especially as they try to navigate their busy schedules.

We appreciate all of your prayers for the students here at Cornell!

Geoff Sacket
Ministry Director
Christian Union at Cornell

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Cornell, please email prayer@christianunion.org.
O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man...Now I was the cupbearer to the king.” Nehemiah 1:11

Maybe, you’ve read some of the great leadership books by Jim Collins (Good to Great, Great by Choice) or books by Simon Sinek (Start with Why) or Joseph Grenny (Crucial Conversations)? I highly recommend another book about leadership, written way before any others - Nehemiah.

Indignation and compassion form a powerful combination. They are indispensable to vision, and therefore to leadership. The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve.” -John R. Stott

Greetings from Cambridge,

For nearly eleven-years students have led HCFA with a prevailing desire to glorify God. For this we are profoundly thankful. Their measured determination to humble themselves (a truly foreign concept amongst us humans!) has resulted in effectual leadership that has steadied the ship whatever the conditions.